My P90X success story

Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
My wife and I started P90X on August 20th and found this site right away (Thanks for bringing me in Shawn Muth). I am amazed at the success I have had with P90X and even more impressed with my wife (intotennis). I had long wanted to do P90X but I felt my work schedule would not allow me to be successful. I was working 13 hours a day with 1.5 hour round trip travel time. That didn't leave me much free time. As you know P90X is quite the time commitment. I got promoted into a new position at work which was 8 hours a day/5 days a week. I purchased P90X the day I accepted the position.

I told my wife of my intentions and she said to my surprise, that she would do it with me:smile: I went out and bought an extra set of dumbells so she could do it as well. As the day approached to start my new position (and P90X) my two teenage sons also stated they wanted to try it.

We all started together on August 20th. Man was it hard! The first couple of weeks I was so sore! I can remember having difficulty walking at work, my legs were so tight! Eventually my body adjusted and I looked forward to our workouts. I loved the fact my wife was beside me to push me on those days where I didn't quite feel it. We pushed one another during our workouts, it became fun (if that is possible while you are in pain!) My two sons would do their workouts as soon as my wife and I finished. This was because I didn't want to buy 4 sets of dumbells!

My oldest son quit at about the 30 day point, he had only been going through the motions for two weeks or so before he quit altogether. The youngest son took a couple days off in the program, but made them up. He will finish his last workout today and will join my wife as a P90X graduate as well. SO proud of him for sticking it out, must have been hard doing his workouts alone. I am sure at times he would have rather been out running with his friends, but he was committed and will complete the full program today. This will give him such a confidence boost and hopefully will put him on a life of fitness. How many other 15 year olds can say they completed P90X?? Not many I'll bet. So proud of him.

I struggled at first with hitting my macros. Coach Shawn was there for me every step of the way. My nutrition knowledge grew every day. I learned how and what to eat to enable me to hit my macros nearly perfectly every day. I stayed on Fat Shredder (50/30/20) for the entire 90 days. I started to get low on energy due to the low carbs. Shawn told me about Energy and Endurance to help my workouts. I started taking this before my workouts, man what a difference! I had tons of energy and was really able to push myself. E&E allowed me to stay on the fat shredder the full 90 days to maximize my fat loss (which was my primary goal). He also told me I needed complex carbs in my diet. Once I added these and E&E, energy was never again a concern for me.

Coach Shawn was there for us the entire time. I asked him many questions and he always responded promptly with the answers. We talked on the phone several times and emailed back and forth many, many times. Without him, I am sure we would not have had the success that we have. Thanks for being there Shawn! I became a Beachbody Coach a couple of weeks ago and really enjoy helping others as Shawn has helped me. If you don't have a Beachbody coach, I highly suggest you designate one.

Now for some pictures. Hope this helps to motivate all of those along your fitness journey. I know I was inspired by those who had gone before me.
I am 6'2" and 48 years old. The first pic is me in my heavy stage (205lbs) I used MFP to get down to 183 lbs before starting P90X. Not sure what my wife weighed here ( I was smart enough not to ask those things!)

Add here is one from last night
My wife's before
and after


  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I love that you did it as a family! Did your wife also have progress pictures taken? Congratulations on your successes!
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Yes, I will post a couple of those in here as well. I am sure the women would love to see them (guys too, cause she is HOT for a 54 yr old!)
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You looked totally changed!!!! :)
  • halfretird
    halfretird Posts: 49 Member
    Thats so amazing ya'll did wonderful. Its great to actually see that the tapes work for real people. I have recently started the challenge. Did the lean part for a month, switch recently to the classic and started the challenge. I have seen a difference and to see someone else actually make a change with them is gets me excited even more.
  • Congratulations! You two look amazing.
    I'm interested in beginning p90x myself and your transformation is such an inspiration.
  • simplyshrinking
    simplyshrinking Posts: 94 Member
    Amazing success! I'm two weeks from completing Insanity and this is a true motivation!
  • AiimeeDee
    AiimeeDee Posts: 116 Member
    Awesome job!! And that you guys did it together is even better!
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    You both look great :)! I love the fact that you guys did it as a family. Tell the wife She looks great!

    Im waiting for my friend to give me back my p90x to start a challenge coming up :)
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Uh, your wife is HOT. Forget about for a 54 year old. Any woman any age would love to have her body. You both have done great. Thanks for the inspiration. I am currently doing another 90 day program and I have been considering P90x when I am done.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 720 Member
    Fabulous results! Kudos to both of you.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    HOLY CRAP! You guys look awesome! I love your story!

    I am starting P90x today. I have lost 30 lbs and not really looking to lose any weight. I want muscles! Thanks for the motivation!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Very well done! Not always that you see both people get awesome result. Glad you guys fed of each other and keep hitting play.
  • Love your story, Jeff! Very motivational! I plan on looking into P90X for the hubs and I. :-)
  • Haley_Adele
    Haley_Adele Posts: 37 Member
    Wow well done :D
  • wkrd
    wkrd Posts: 45
    Isn't it amazing how dropping pounds and inches makes you look so much younger? And you both look great for any age.
    I also just want Sheri to know that thanks to her inspiring journey and after pics, I finally buckled down on my nutrition. Prior to that I had no problem pushing play and giving that all I've got, but was slacking on the nutrition. Thank you both for your inspiring story's and pics. Looking forward to the remainder of the journey with you Coach Jeff.

  • slap1225
    slap1225 Posts: 487 Member
    You both look amazing... holy smokes thankyou for the posts.
  • barbietwirler
    barbietwirler Posts: 1 Member
    What is the daily time committment for P90X?
  • tarachamp
    tarachamp Posts: 41 Member
    Yes, I will post a couple of those in here as well. I am sure the women would love to see them (guys too, cause she is HOT for a 54 yr old!)

    Wow! She is truly an inspiration! Both of you are! Congrats and WTG!!!
  • grea job! & your wife looks amazing!!!
  • alarae
    alarae Posts: 263 Member
    Holy smokes! You two are amazing! Congratulations! I love how you are so proud of your wife and son! Great job all!
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