Opinions please.

So I used to have an elliptical. However at the time I was not ready to loose weight I was still in denial about my weight I guess. So I never used it, however at this time I also had a gym membership in which I never used either. I ate like crap and just didn't care I guess you could say. So I sold the elliptical. Well since starting this journey I have used the gym ALOT almost daily aside from a few days here and there.

I am at a point where I think in the long run just buying another work out machine and weights would be beneficial. That way I could save on gym membership fees, and have the stuff right at my finger tips.

however I am wondering if you have the at home equipment how many of you use it? or how many would prefer to get to a gym?


  • Amanda82691
    Amanda82691 Posts: 298 Member
    I pay 26 dollars a month on a gym membership and I look at it as even if I put together that 26 or even 40 dollars a month for twelve months I still won't have enough money to buy everything the gym offers me.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    In my experience working from home is fine, if you have the constitution to really push yourself. I'm the type of person that needs to see other people there, other people around me. "Gee, I can't slack off because I'll totally look like a lazy douche if I get on the treadmill for 5 minutes"

    I like classes and having other people around me, it's not quite a competition, but everyone feels the guilt of laziness in public.

    If you can do it at home though, by all means!! do it!
  • tarajoneill
    tarajoneill Posts: 24 Member
    I love going to my all women gym and have made so many good work out friends that help push and motivate me. I have weights at home and a walking path behind my house. I use them, but no where near as much as gym. The gym fees ($50) are so worth it for me, not only work out factor but the social part. I think having the $50 motivates me to go. Having both is a good mixture. Best piece of equipment I use every day - heart rate monitor with strap.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    In the winter I tend to workout at home otherwise I prefer the variety of options my gym offers.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I have an elliptical but prefer the gym.. I figure once I lose the weight, I will probably use that to help maintain it...especially in the winter.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    signed up for a gym twice. never went either time. too much to do and a thousand and one other excuses. purchased a second hand treadmill off a neighbor who was moving for 100 bucks. it's in my garage. use it maybe once or twice a week. also purchased a second hand elliptical off craigslist. paid about 400 for it. it is my main form of exercise. 3 or 4 times a week. love it.

    the convenience of both for me are key. and it isn't so much which machines they are, it is where they are. both are in my garage. i can get to them, use them for 40-45 minutes, shower and be ready for anything, all within an hour. when i went to the gym i had to pack my bag, bring change of clothes, fight traffic, remember where my lock was for the locker, find a place to park, wait for a machine to use, use it, wait for a shower to open up, come home, unpack gym bag, repack it for next day and repeat process. eventually the process just got to be too much. so i stopped going.

    i also found that i was able to work out at weird times, and very spur of the moment, so doing all of that and getting to gym and stuff was difficult. now, if my son and wife head out to the store for an hour, i know i can grab my workout, be clean and all, by the time they get back and i wasn't taking any time away from them. of if my son goes to a neighbors house to play, i can jump on, and be done by the time he comes home. having said all that, my wife loves the routine of the gym, likes the variety, the people, all of it.

    to each their own, i guess. take a look at your daily routine and see which will work for you.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    My gym only costs $21.67 per month because I enrolled as part of a group at the hospital where I work. A savings of that amount per month wouldn't really register on our budget.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i would love a gym membership, and all the different machines THEY have, but cant afford it currently, so for now i am either using my treadmill, or doing MJ the experience for the wii with my family :wink:
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    Which are you more likely to use?

    I have a ton of equipment (I got an elliptical and a station bike off craigslist for $35 each) but I don't use it nearly as much as I should. I did start using the bike a lot more when I move it to my living room and can see it. Can yp put equipment where you see it and really have to think about it?

    I did also have a group fitness package that I was very good about going because I got a friend to go with me. My guilt of letting her down was one of the biggest encouragements to go. Would that kind of guilty work on you, can you find a friend that would go with you?
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    I was paying £120 a month for a family gym membership. Included in that price were classes where the instructor turned up late, dirty showers and locker rooms, not enough equipment for the amount of people and a general air of 'staff-couldnt-care-less'

    So.. after I cancelled my membership my first month of not giving £120 to those charlatans I hit the highstreet and bought my hubby a set of free weights and me a kettlebell, aerobic step (wtf? useless unless you need to get into a high cupboard) a yoga mat and a swiss ball. Used my stuff everyday then I re-discovered MFP. 2 days ago ditched the girlie crap and hit the weights. Getting a bench with a squat rack this week :bigsmile:

    If you like the social aspect of a gym then stick with it but if you just want to crack on and get fit Id save the money, buy your own stuff and then buy yourself new clothes with the membership fee's :flowerforyou:
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I have a recumbent stationary bike in my living room, right in front of the TV. I use it daily while I watch movies I have on my DVR. I have a rule that I have to ride the bike to continue watching the movie. A little added motivation.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I was paying £120 a month for a family gym membership. Included in that price were classes where the instructor turned up late, dirty showers and locker rooms, not enough equipment for the amount of people and a general air of 'staff-couldnt-care-less'

    So.. after I cancelled my membership my first month of not giving £120 to those charlatans I hit the highstreet and bought my hubby a set of free weights and me a kettlebell, aerobic step (wtf? useless unless you need to get into a high cupboard) a yoga mat and a swiss ball. Used my stuff everyday then I re-discovered MFP. 2 days ago ditched the girlie crap and hit the weights. Getting a bench with a squat rack this week :bigsmile:

    If you like the social aspect of a gym then stick with it but if you just want to crack on and get fit Id save the money, buy your own stuff and then buy yourself new clothes with the membership fee's :flowerforyou:

    Before I injured my back, I had a Rebok step-bench. There are a lot of DVDs that have some very good (and fun) aerobic programs. You should check it out. After completing a 45-60 minute work out I used to feel great! Good luck.
  • seamatt
    seamatt Posts: 199 Member
    Do you have a budget gym in your area? The one I am at is £10.99 a month with no contract, and it's really well equipped.
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    I have a recumbent stationary bike in my living room, right in front of the TV. I use it daily while I watch movies I have on my DVR. I have a rule that I have to ride the bike to continue watching the movie. A little added motivation.

    I do that too, sadly that show I had reserved for that was removed from netflix, and I haven't found another show I want to watch like that.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    I was paying £120 a month for a family gym membership. Included in that price were classes where the instructor turned up late, dirty showers and locker rooms, not enough equipment for the amount of people and a general air of 'staff-couldnt-care-less'

    So.. after I cancelled my membership my first month of not giving £120 to those charlatans I hit the highstreet and bought my hubby a set of free weights and me a kettlebell, aerobic step (wtf? useless unless you need to get into a high cupboard) a yoga mat and a swiss ball. Used my stuff everyday then I re-discovered MFP. 2 days ago ditched the girlie crap and hit the weights. Getting a bench with a squat rack this week :bigsmile:

    If you like the social aspect of a gym then stick with it but if you just want to crack on and get fit Id save the money, buy your own stuff and then buy yourself new clothes with the membership fee's :flowerforyou:

    Before I injured my back, I had a Rebok step-bench. There are a lot of DVDs that have some very good (and fun) aerobic programs. You should check it out. After completing a 45-60 minute work out I used to feel great! Good luck.

    Thanks :smile: but I think the problem with my step lies firmly with me, I have all the coordination of a frog in a blender :laugh:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Peraonally I have to go somewhere to workout. I occasionally ride my upright bike. But i go to the gym to have "my" time away from home. Plus i like the comaradarie of the YMCA.
  • r0se125
    r0se125 Posts: 228 Member
    Thank you for your feed back :) We don't have a budget gym and im paying a lot for me and my two kids. and the day care hours suck. I been fighting just buying and doing it at home. I am not a very "social" person (I am pretty shy) lol. I go into the womans only section where normally its just me lol. and I plug in my head phones and just work out.

    I like the idea of being able to work out whenever I want/can like first thing before the kids are up or durning naps just seems easier to me. idk. lots to think about...thank you all again...all made very good points. hmmmm. lol.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    run outside... do hill sprints, intervals, HIIT... and you need a gym for resistance training if you want an ideal physique
  • sevfam
    sevfam Posts: 76 Member
    I think it depends on how self motivated you are. I love my treadmill and the fact that I dont have to drive anywhere to work out! If you need motivation then a gym might be nice. That way you have lots of support from people you may meet.
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    It definitely depends on if you're a self motivator or not. For me, I'm a self-motivator and even at home I tell myself that I must work out on my home equipment because I don't want to look like crap anymore. However, I'd still take a gym membership if I had the money for it...double the workout time!