How do YOU satisfy your sweet tooth!



  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Every evening I have a Dark Chocolate Dove Caramel with Sea Salt Promise as the very last thing I eat (38 calories).
    Every other night I have either a Fiber One Brownie or a chocolate raspberry Luna Bar.
    I always allow for it on my food log, and it satisfies me. I look forward to my treats every day, and it helps keep me in control.
  • minsooky
    I don't have a big sweet tooth, but if I'm cravings sweets, I'll treat myself -- I'll go somewhere fancy (like a restaurant) and have a nice dessert. If I'm going to indulge I'm going to make it an event ;)
  • Scorpia1997
    Scorpia1997 Posts: 19 Member
    I just had ONE mini Fannie Mae Mint Meltaway and it was 54 calories and took me over 5min to melt against the roof of my mouth. I can still enjoy the sweets, just in moderation!
  • ddipert
    ddipert Posts: 103 Member
    Weight Watchers Ice Cream Candy bars are only 140 calories and really yummy!
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    With sour cream & onion dip w/ veggies (I know it doesn't sound sweet but it really is when you don't eat much sugar) but I'm definitely looking forward to having "real" dessert on Thanksgiving. And Christmas cookies!
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Every night after dinner I have 1 Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate 72% Cacao square, broken into 6 pieces that I melt on my tongue between sips of coffee - only 55 good-for-you-calories.
  • lkeverett1
    lkeverett1 Posts: 34 Member
    A piece of fruit usually does the trick. Or tea with a tsp of honey, or 1 (only one) funsized candy bar.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    Ill have something sweet. Usually a fruit smoothie bubble tea.
  • broomykm
    broomykm Posts: 31 Member
    A handful of baked almonds coated with dark chocolate cocoa. Cocoa roast almonds available from Emerald.
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    a sugar free cup of cocoa when I'm craving chocolate, probably not the same but it does satisfy my craving for chocolate :)
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    I've found that because I have limited my sugar input for the past 4 weeks now (yay!) that I am very sensitive to sugar. I still get my cravings and I go to the chocolate aisle while shopping... I will pick up a chocolate bar and I will look at the nutritional information and my brain will go... "well seriously, how do you think you got pudgey in the first place? if you want to be serious and get the body you have always wanted where does this chocolate fit into your lifestyle?" and I tend to agree with myself and I put it back, deciding I really dont need it after all and then sometimes if the craving gets a little stronger I will take a walk with my son and the dog... this takes my mind off it and by the time I get back its time for lunch or dinner and I eat my meal and the craving is gone. The rewards come when my boyfriend commends me on how much my body has changed and how well he thinks im doing :) as well as feeling great about being strong enough to say no!
    I'm not perfect though and during the more difficult time of the month.... I will indulge in a cherry ripe, come on, its got cherries in it!!! lol. I was having a sweet tooth moment the other week and I bought yoplait forme' yoghurt... apple pie, cheese cake and sticky date flavoured.... if you close your eyes you can taste the hint of sticky date :P I haven't tried the other flavours yet but honestly for 71 calories the hint of a flavour is all I really needed!
    My boyfriend has the worst sweet tooth and insists on ice-creams after dinner most nights. I stopped joining him, yeh bout 4 weeks ago :) he wasn't impressed! the last time I indulged with him was a maxibon that he bought at the servo, it was in the car, I had to eat it (hate hate hate waste) and all I wanted after was a glass of water it was soooooo sweet.... im just not use to it anymore! I'm not sure i even enjoyed it :(
  • JlenniferL
    JlenniferL Posts: 48 Member
    Not to deprive ourselves of foods we love, we choose 1 meal a month (usually dinner) as a "free" calorie meal. Rewarding ourselves for our weight loss goals and staying within our calories.
  • cstexas2012
    cstexas2012 Posts: 53 Member
    I eat a chocolate Clif Builder's Bar as my breakfast. It has its weaknesses (particularly the calories), but it satisfies my desire to eat chocolate, it's something I can easily take with me, and it has 20g of protein so it keeps me full for a long time.
  • beau004
    I have a horrible sweet tooth. I can't tell you exactly what I do to fix the problem because I have in no way mastered this issue. What I can tell you is that trying to completely expel sweets turned out to BITE me!
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I quit artifical sweetners and that really reduced my cravings, but don't get me wrong I still have cravings. Just less of them. So, when I have a craving I have it most of the time. I just do something very new to me this year. I eat a serving. If the bag says 9 Hershey Kisses I have 9. I may want 18, but I enjoy and savor the 9. There are times when I do have 18, but those times are getting fewer and farther between.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I quit artifical sweetners and that really reduced my cravings, but don't get me wrong I still have cravings. Just less of them. So, when I have a craving I have it most of the time. I just do something very new to me this year. I eat a serving. If the bag says 9 Hershey Kisses I have 9. I may want 18, but I enjoy and savor the 9. There are times when I do have 18, but those times are getting fewer and farther between.

    My cravings have decreased since I quit artificial sweeteners also!
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    I eat chocolate pretty much every day. I love Baby Ruths so I keep a small bag of the fun size in my cupboard. When I want one, I have one instead of scarfing a whole regular bar of chocolate.

    I also discovered these little bite size frozen cheesecake squares. I leave a few in my fridge and when I want one...wait for it.....I eat it!! And they're only like 70 cals. Satisfies a craving for dessert without eating a whole slice of cheesecake.
  • pickledginger
    Really good dark chocolate.
    Sliced banana or pear or peach with chocolate syrup.
    A piece of fruit with cheese.
    Berries with Greek yogurt or cottage cheese.
    EAS low-carb chocolate protein shakes.
    Fruit and greens and protein smoothies, often with cocoa powder.
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    I just give in. Sometimes when I'm craving a Reese's cup, I have one.
  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    I give in with Arnotts Gingernuts or Ovalteenies. :( That or Lindt Dark chocolate