When do you exercise?



  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 297 Member
    Getting up early and working out worked for me before I had kids. I literally would go to bed in my workout clothes. That way as soon as my alarm went off I would grab my bag and head to the gym, or go downstairs to my treadmill. I was working out before my mind really knew I was awake :-). I now work at a company that has a gym on site so I go from runs on my lunch hour and can take a shower before I go back to work.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    During the week, I workout when I get home from work, weekends and holidays, I workout in the morning, usually after 8am. Had enough of early morning workouts when I was training for triathlons
  • broomykm
    broomykm Posts: 31 Member
    If you commit to 30 minutes of exercise a day, there is nothing to say it has to be all at the same time. Three or four short bursts of activity can be just as effective as one sustained period. So, if it works better for you to take a break at work and walk around the block at a fast pace a couple of times (5-10 minutes) two or three times a day, go for it. Take the last 5 minutes of your lunch break to walk up and down stairs that you can find. There are any number of websites and information blogs that show you how to get exercise and burn calories in short bursts. If your hubby is like my hubby, he won't commit to going for a walk with me, but he likes that I am trying to lose weight and improve myself, and that helps me to lose the guilt of taking that 10 or 15 minute walk after eating my evening meal. Where there's a will, there's a way. Good luck to you.
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    For me it depends on which shift I am working. Today I will work out after work, mant times I run while I am at work, which is great and then do a DVD workout when I get home. I prefer to workout when I wake up. It tends to give me all the energy I need to kick butt throughout the day. IDK if I am odd or not but I also tend to workout on an empty stomach if it is 1st thing in the morning.
  • janettenellies
    janettenellies Posts: 24 Member
    In the evenings after class or teaching. Or whenever I fancy it on the weekends. :)
    I couldn't bear to workout in the morning, apart from some crunches.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Usually evenings. In the summer, however, it is either early morning or later evening because of the heat. During the school year, especially with after school tutoring, 8-10 PM is my workout time and if anyone interferes, it can get really ugly. I don't deal well with stress :angry: and those workouts are probably the only reason I'm not in jail yet :laugh:
  • simonsayzeat
    simonsayzeat Posts: 5 Member
    Just remember this
    1 hour of your day is only 4.1667%

    That is very little of your time.