My story and the next step...

In Feb of 2011, my endocrinologist told me if I didn't change something I would be dead by 40. I was 34 with a 2.5 year old son and I was terrified. I weighed almost 400lbs, my A1C was bouncing between 10 and 13, despite being on 900 units of insulin day, my blood pressure was through the roof even being on 2 BP meds. It was at that moment I knew I had to change something.

On December 15, 2011, I had RNY gastric bypass by Dr John Mathews at Princeton Baptist in Birmingham. I was still terrified, but knew I was doing the best thing for me. On my date of surgery I weighed 375 lbs and my A1C was 10.2.

As of 10/23/12, I am down 101 lbs and my A1C is 6.6!

I still have over 100 lbs to lose and at this point I am ready to through myself into it. My goal is another 110+ lbs before June 2013. I joined MFP to find link minded people to help me with my journey.

Looking forward to finding some new friends and some great people to keep me motivated and on track!



  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, my name is Kimberlee, 49. I was told a little over a yr. ago that if I didn't lose wt. I would die. I had biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch a yr. ago and since then have lost 103 lbs. I have another 50 lbs. yet to lose. We can do this. Feel free to add me.
  • hollyjane77
    Wow! Lissa and Kimberlee, what inspiring stories you both have! Over 100 pound losses! That's amazing and you both look great! I gained weight being depressed after my mom passed away and then having 3 babies (and 3 c-sections) within 4 years didn't help either. I joined MFP back in March but kind of let life get in the way for a little while. I'm back and focused now though and determined to follow this through. I'm a 34 y/o mom of 2 boys (ages 3 & 5) and 1 little girl (age 2) and I want to be able to play on the floor with them and be here for them as they grow up. I'm about 5'6'' with around 80 more pounds to lose and hearing stories like yours inspire me so much. Lissa, I'm happy we're MFP friends now (and Kimberlee, please feel free to add me.)
  • Lissa_M
    Lissa_M Posts: 131
    Thanks for adding me! I wish I would have found MFP months ago. I've made my diary public and I find that is definitely making me more accountable and more inspired to exercise (something I have been putting off for months). If it goes in my mouth it goes in my diary!

    My goals for the next 3 months include: losing at least 30 pounds and getting my A1C down to 5.5 before my January checkup.
  • sunshinefrei
    You can add me. I log in everyday and have an open diary as well. I post all my food I eat even the bad days. This is all a learning process. So I make sure to post all my foods as they help me learn more about me and my body. I support all my friends daily!!
    The only time you will see me miss is if I have had a procedure done or back treatment of some sort done. I have debilitating back problems so their will be times I am at hospital or Dr. office taking care of that but I let everyone know. Hope you have an awesome day!
  • HisangelG
    HisangelG Posts: 96 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am working on losing 200 pounds. I will do my first official weigh in with Dr. Sometime in November when I go back to the States.

    I journal my food and exercise daily. Will work on maintaining that practice when I get back to States. My diary is open to friends.
  • Lissa_M
    Lissa_M Posts: 131
    Have added everyone so far. This is such a great tool! I've been overweight since childhood and have tried everything in the book and then some. Its good to know there are other people out there who can be a support system and celebrate the NSVs and other little things that some people just don't understand!

  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    Feel free to add me!
    I may not have lots of weight to lose now
    But I have lost...My diary is open and I log everything.
    I can give you lots of motivation and tips too!!
  • janeelizabethhoff
    Feel free to add me also. I have 107 lbs to loose. I started my journy because I have diabetes and don't want to spend the rest of my life taking medication that I don't have to. I see my Dad taking insulin shots everyday and still eathing whatever he wants. He justifies it by saying the insulin keeps him in check. I don't want to have to do that. So far I am on oral medication, do not want to have to take shots.
  • book_worm4
    Feel free to add me! I'm looking to lose around 100 pounds total.
    Good luck on the rest of your journey! (:
  • Lissa_M
    Lissa_M Posts: 131
    I am now on a mission to make sure I lose about 18.4 lbs by the end of the year. This loss will put me at the lowest weight of my adult life. I am having surgery in 3 weeks and prior to that I need to be watching my sodium intake (no more than 2000 a day) and I need to up my liquid intake, which I am having a hard time doing.

    I would love some additional support to make it through the next 6 weeks - especially through the holidays.

    I keep my diary open and log everything that goes into my mouth. I have days I want to exercise and some I don't. My biggest challenge at the moment is the fluid intake. Doctor wants me at 12+ and I am barely hitting 6-7.

  • Bel811
    Bel811 Posts: 38
    Feel free to add me.

    I know the struggles during this journey, I too had to lose weight for health issues.
  • mystikfairy61
    mystikfairy61 Posts: 80 Member
    I am a newly diagnosed diabetic (April 2012) as well as high blood pressure and severe arthritis. My A1C started at 9.5 and since my 20 pounds loss since August is down to 6.1 in November. Also have brought triglycerides and cholesterol down to normal from near 400 and my good cholesterol is up to where it should be. But I don't think I could have done it without MFP. It has truly been an eye opener and a life saver for me. I had no idea the amount of calories I was eating until I started logging my food and being accountable for what I ate. I also went from no exercise to doing Zumba 4-5 times a week with 45 minute sessions. My joints are stiff afterward but I know I am doing what is best for me, so I deal with the pain to help me lose the weight I need to lose to be able to get my hip replaced, which I refuse to get done til I am down to a healthier weight. Kim and Lissa, you two are an inspiration to us all!!
  • Lissa_M
    Lissa_M Posts: 131
    I love all the support I've gotten through MFP! Y'all are great :love:
  • Lissa_M
    Lissa_M Posts: 131
    I am 2 lbs from my halfway goal weight and 12 lbs from my end of the year goal. Since joining MFP a month ago, I have lost 12lbs and its been such an inspiration to have people cheering me on. Having such a supportive community has made such a difference!