Jay's Half Marathon Check in



  • cornboy72
    cornboy72 Posts: 175 Member
    Freaking sick again.. Missed my long this weekend.. Grrr. Speed work today if I can shake this naggy throat scratch..
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Freaking sick again.. Missed my long this weekend.. Grrr. Speed work today if I can shake this naggy throat scratch..
    My husband is sick too, at home with a cold. I'm hopin that he doesnt get me sick, b/c i've been doing pretty good with keeping to the schedule for my runs. Just something else to overcome right? I'm just fighting sleepiness right now, might take a nap when i get home from work, but thats kinda risky b/c when i take naps they are about 6 hours long. lol:laugh: And I need to get a run in tonight.

    Push through your runs everyone!! Rain or Shine, healthy or sick, push through!!:bigsmile:
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    Half-marathoner here too.....May 2nd Pittsburgh...w00t!!!!

    Anyways, I've been having trouble with runner's knee. I was supposed to run 8.5 on Sunday and had to pull up at 6.5. I've heard orthotics help, has anyone had success with these?
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Half-marathoner here too.....May 2nd Pittsburgh...w00t!!!!

    Anyways, I've been having trouble with runner's knee. I was supposed to run 8.5 on Sunday and had to pull up at 6.5. I've heard orthotics help, has anyone had success with these?

    I used to have lots of knee pain. I do wear arch supports in my shoes and even my slippers when I am at home, more to prevent plantar fasciitis. The big thing I found for the knee pain was to get the right shoes. If you have a real running store near you where they can analyse your gait, foot type etc, it is worth any extra expense / effort to shop there and get a pair of shoes that really work well for you. You need the right combination of cushioning, arch support, stability / motion control. Took me a few years to find this store that could put me in the right shoe, but I have worn them (I'm on my 3rd or 4th pair) for the past 18-20 months pretty much pain-free, through a couple halfs and a full marathon.
  • biokim17
    biokim17 Posts: 21 Member
    @ Karna6e
    I'm coming off a foot injury, and the doctor put in me a "semi" orthotic insert. Not only did it make the painin my foot go away, I do think there is less pressure on my knees. Good luck!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    YAHHHH! I actually got my butt outside and ran my miles today!! I am sooo tired, but it was so worth it and I even feel better than I did before my run.:bigsmile:
  • williams3023
    We are about 1 month out from the race. I am debating whether or not to run the race. I love training for them, just not sure its worth $50 for my t-shirt! I ran 5.5 miles today without issue, even sprinted the last hill. Over the weekend we had a great 10 miler. This weekend we plan on doing 14! I havent run this much since High School and I am loving it. Not sure I need to justify my efforts with a race or not. Anybody have any advice? I feel I am in an odd position. Love to run, but really have nothing to prove as far as races....
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    I guess it depends on your competitive nature. I'm with you, I run for fun and really don't need another t-shirt or finisher's medal. My group of running friends decided years ago to forego the local turkey trot and just meet at Starbucks for our own 10-K. By the time you figure in drive time and parking etc, it saves about 3 hours that you could be spending with family instead. Having said that, it is nice to run an occasional race, because I train better if I have a goal in mind, and it can be fun to run the same race the following year to see how you are doing with your training.
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    Did 5 miles today. It's what I thought I could finish with no knee pain and I was right. I'll have to get inserts this weekend for my knees, I think I'm just adding too much distance too fast.

    On the positive side, my pace was really quicker today than it's ever been. I thought I was going to burn out faster, but I think the strength training has really helped.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Great Job everyone!! Keep it up.:bigsmile:

    I personally have never ran in my life before, besides one training day in track and field in high school.:laugh: But I am using this half marathon as a goal. I know that I want my $50 t-shirt and my medal. And I'm really excited about it. I think I deserve it. For people that run lots, I guess the novalty has worn off. And maybe it will be for me too if I run a bunch of them.
    Williams3023, if you dont want to spend the money, dont race. There are other races further down the line if you change your mind. :bigsmile:

    It is snowing here today and a lot colder than it has been, so I dont know if I'll be able to go out and do my run today. I thought of goin over to my inlaws and use their treadmill, but they are all sick over there and I dont want to get sick. My husband is getting over his cold, which is nice. Managed to stay away from that bug. Guess we will see how things go today.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    So I went on the elliptical for an hour and 15 minutes, since the weather wasnt cooperating. My knee started buggin me so i iced it for awhile. hopefully the weather is better for my longer run on saturday.
    hope everyones runs are going good!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • cornboy72
    cornboy72 Posts: 175 Member
    5 today and my gps messed up ended up running 5+... 6 tomorrow and a long of 9 on Sunday... need to make sure I get out there Sunday
  • biokim17
    biokim17 Posts: 21 Member
    Made it 9 miles this morning, I was aiming for 10, but I was having a wardrobe malfunction, so I finally gave up.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Hi Hi !! Had a very good run today.:bigsmile: Was actually supposed to have my long run yesturday, but I was so busy with life so I ran it today. 4 miles today. my husband biked beside me again, which was nice. I appreciated the company. Ran into one of our friends running as well, he has a 10K at the end of this month. So that was nice to see him out running. I got my music situation figured out thanks to a great mfp friend who no longer needed his ipod. Thanks Kevin!!
    I did have some issues running today; later on in the run my hip joint started to hurt. Not really sure why or how I can prevent this. anyone have any suggestions?? Thanks guys! Keep on trucking! J.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Well my hip joint is feeling better today, so I think I will go for todays run. its only a 2.5er so I should be ok, and I'll walk if something happens with my hip. Its a bit cold out today, starting to snow again, but I'm going to tough it out and bundle up a bit more than usual. If anything else changes to make the weather or my hip worse during the day I think I'll go on the elliptical instead.
    How are everyones runs going??:bigsmile:
  • williams3023
    Thanks for the words of wisdom. After posting previously my training has sort of fallen off. I still run, just not as far. Yesterday I ran 8 and felt like crap. I think I may need the goal of a race to keep my mileage up and keep me hungry. So in a couple days my outlook has changed! It may have been the 12 inches of snow we got on the 1st day of spring, but i definately feel more so that i need a race. Thanks again :)

    Jay, hope the hip starts to feel better, thats no fun.

    Also, today was Crosstrain day so i played 80 minutes of basketball, love crosstraining!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Good to hear Williams3023!
    I had a 2.7 mile run today. Wasnt very good for time, mostly b/c I had some major side pains. Those side cramps are going to be the death of me. grrrrrrr.:mad: My hip did feel better tho, thank goodness. i did more stretches for the hip and it seemed to help but we will see.
  • biokim17
    biokim17 Posts: 21 Member
    Jay, one of the things I have tried for side pains is to apply pressure the spot that hurts for a few minutes while i am running. The extra pressure seems to help me push through the pain, and then within about 5 minutes its gone. I don't know if there is anything it "actually" accomplishes, other than gives my brain something to focus on besides the pain--trying to run while pushing you side is not very easy. Hope the side pains go away, and glad to hear the hip is feeling better. I was having clicking for a while, but the more yoga, and stretching i did, the better it got. No I don't feel any hip pain anymore.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Got 3.4 miles in today. increased my speed quite a bit, and i felt quite good. i went bowling after with some friends and man did my quads hurt. lol. needed to stretch more i guess.
    Thanks Kim! I put some pressure on my cramping, just thinking that it was helping, helped. i gotta focus on something else to get through it. Kinda looking forward to my long run on Saturday!!!:bigsmile:
  • biokim17
    biokim17 Posts: 21 Member
    So glad the pressure worked! I'm looking forward to my run tomorrow too! I'm in for at least 10 miles tomorrow. I have a 15K a week from Saturday. Then just a few short weeks to my half marathon! Have a great run!