Any other newbies today?

Anyone else out there starting today? I've got this huuuuge mountain to climb and it would be great to start taking a couple of little steps with some more newbies feeling a bit tentative, scared of failing (again) but determined never to give up on the dream of a healthier bod (oh, ok, being able to buy oodles of clothes off the rack would be great too)!

Whatever your story, good luck and remember - you get ONE life...don't waste another day beating yourself up and wasting time worrying about your weight (like I've done for most of my life) that positive feeling that made you join myfitnesspal today, bottle it and ......send it to me cos I need alllll the help I can get tee hee :laugh:


  • blunder_bolt
    blunder_bolt Posts: 32 Member
    I started yesterday! (well, i started using it properly yesterday)

    I'm feeling pretty positive about my goals. Fitness is worth fighting for! :) Best of luck
  • MzMayliza
    MzMayliza Posts: 11 Member
    I started on Thrusday however it's been my first change to log in on a computer.
  • Started a couple weeks back but just started posting on these forums today. Good luck on achieving your goals.
  • janekow
    janekow Posts: 16 Member
    Been on here less than a week :) Welcome!!!
  • Thanks and the same to you. Must say it feels great to know there are so many on the same journey, comrades in arms eh? :smile:
  • Im starting this today. You can add me as friend if you like :)
  • do7110
    do7110 Posts: 4 Member
    I started a week ago today. I am also searching for friends and anyone in the area that likes to go for walks.
  • I'm not REALLY a newbie.. I started two months ago but I've been neglecting the forums so I feel like one. lol.. Anyway, good luck on your new journey!
  • Ello! I've been on here for a few weeks, and it's very helpful. Just remember to just keep keeping on. Just keep swimming :D You can add me if you want, I know how it feels to have a mountain to climb. Good luck chica ^_^
  • Good place to come when you've lost focus.....should have been around for the last 50 years lol! Good luck
  • Just started on Saturday. I love knowing there are other newbies around! :)
  • Just started yesterday, maybe not the best week with Thanksgiving, but better now than never, right?
  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member
    Yup, first day today. Wanted to have a breakfast for the first time in months, and while eating found the app on my phone. Let's see how it goes.
  • Hey , I am officially starting today! I'm feeling a little nervous, but excited. I've struggled with eight loss for a while now, but I'm hoping I'll start to see some changes. I'm pretty active running 3 times a week and doing strength traing abput 4 times aweek. MFP says I should be on 1200 cal a day to lose weight, but that seems kind of low for the excercise I'm doing right? what do you guys think?
  • i signed up friday, and today is first time adding my food and exercise, and checking out site, I need alot of help with this too, good luck
  • Newbie declared!
    Anyone, please feel free do add me, support would be lovely.
  • cinbol
    cinbol Posts: 27 Member
    RE-signed up today - cholesterol is elevated and the statins I was on were slowly killing me with side effects. New Doc recomends this ap for me along with a low carb diet - big changes for me - I am also showing on the high side for sugar making me pre-diabetic as well - weight has been stable for over 20 years but at least 40 lbs overweight. I am tired all the time - hoping this will help me get back on track.
  • I know you can do it. =D Although I reached my fat loss goals, it's still a continual battle to not go back to old ways. 2 years strong. If I can do it, so CAN you!
  • two in the big sister house - can't believe I feel less bloated already - dang I must have been putting some crud in my mouth! It's the carbs that'll get you every time. Self hypnosis tip working for me funnily enough. Before you sleep tonight visualise absolutely everything that you want to be when you are a healthier weight. see yourself in the cool clothes, exercising and breathing better, healthy glow allll around you. Then, tomorrow morning, find yourself an elastic band and pop it on your wrist. Any time you feel the urge to go off course ping it - yep - it'll sting a bit but it really helped me to re-focus and stop that thought track for a while! Come onnnnn girls and boys, let's DO this 8-) Cherry x
  • Cinbol, I am encouraged to hear that a doctor has recommended a low carb diet for controlling cholesterol. That is rare, but I believe it is the best way to go if you are insulin resistant. I am type 2 diabetic and have been for about 6 years. Up until now, I've been able to control my blood sugar by watching my carbs. At one point I had lost 100 pounds, but started slipping here and there and put nearly 1/2 of it back on. Hence, I'm HERE for the last three days.