How do you keep track when you live with people who don't



  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member

    Also, a few months into this, I started taking one weekend day off per week to not log my food. I wouldn't necessarily binge or "cheat" those days, but if I wanted a couple of pretzels or chips or cookies, I'd have them without counting/measuring an exact serving. I'd have a drink or three. If I was invited to a birthday party, I'd have cake. I knew it was damn near impossible for me to really eat enough in one day to undo the work I did the rest of the week. Once I hit my initial goal weight, I expanded that to weekends, holidays and vacations. It helps me keep my sanity to take breaks from logging.


    Plus, for those of you saying you live with parents or roommates and say you don't have control, YOU ARE A GROWN UP, or at least you're supposed to be one if you are on here, ACT LIKE ONE! Take control of YOUR LIFE. If you are 18, and living with your parents, you have your reasons, fine, but they do not need to control the portion you put on YOUR plate, or in your mouth. It is not expensive to put frozen veggies in the freezer. If they put fried chicken and tater tots on your plate, cut half of them off and throw on a couple cups of microwaved broccoli. Problem solved. YOU CONTROL YOUR PORTIONS, YOU CONTROL YOUR BODY! Maybe you could start to teach them a thing or two without even having to say a word. ACTIONS speak louder than words after all.
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    im the only one whos eating right in my house, so i just usually make a a healthy rice or pasta dish (whole grain/wheat of course lol) and make enough so ill have meals to last throughout the week. that way when im tempted to have what they are eating i can just grab that instead. and i have the same breakfast everyday, so that for me isnt a challenge. you can do it though! maybe ask for a little support? ive had a talk with my family and it did help a little but, hope it works our for you! :)
  • Soozie1978
    Soozie1978 Posts: 138 Member
    You can take accountability now and eat for yourself and your needs, or you can wait til you are going to die or lose your feet to amputation, like I did. I fed everyone else what they wanted for years and years, all the while watchng my husband go through quadruple heart bypass and my mother and mother in law develop diabetes. My mother in law ignored it and spent 10 years as an invalid in diapers and on a feeding tube before dying. In the meanwhile, I developed high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and high triglicerides. My feet have lost feeling in them due to the diabetes. I finally woke up and told myself I have to do this for me or I won't be around to still care for them. I can't make anyone else do this. I also have to feed a 257 pound 17 year old son who is in athletics and works out 4-6 hours a day. His nutritional needs are very different from mine. It is all a matter of mind over matter. What is more important to you? Sometimes I have to get downright nasty around here because I don't say anything about what they choose to eat, but I do say something when they continuously offer and try to get me to eat what they are eating.Good luck. You can do this. Do it for yourself and your future!
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    It's hard but I try not to make it about anyone else. Im th only one that is overweight ,so its my issue,not anyone else's. Of course I get jealous that my man can eat anything and not gain a pound ...but such is life. In a perfect world everyone would be down for your cause. Focous on you :)
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    If you want to reach your goals and you want it enough, it doesn't matter who you live with or what they are doing. If someone is eating something in front of you that is hard to resist you could probably let them know but you are just going to have to suck it up. It's about willpower, dedication, and desire. It's only about you though. If the situation were reversed and whoever you lived with was bothered by the tracking, like if you measured your portion in front of them for example, that would be difficult too. There will always be roadblocks, challenges, and temptations. You just have to get past all of that.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I do all the cooking and usually make separate meals for my husband and I. What he eats has no bearing on what I eat. I am responsible for me, not anyone else!

    It sounds like you are blaming your roommate for your eating habits. The first step in this whole thing is to take personal responsibility for what goes into your stomach! If I can do it, so can you.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You choose every day what to eat / what to not eat. Some days you will choose to eat stuff that maybe you shouldn't if you were trying to be perfect. But who is perfect? Do the very best you can, make as many good choices as you can, and it becomes easier. Don't beat yourself up when you make bad choices, just make up your mind to choose better later that day (i.e. don't say I already blew today might as well eat whatever).
  • MsYanaBanana
    Dear Friend!
    I feel like you're giving too much power to other people over your journey . You have to own your journey and be the capitan of it.Otherwise you'll never get where you wanna be. Sure,it is easily to blame others but you have to want it for yourself .I've lived w numerous people over the years while dieting on and off.Never in my head Id think that I should stop tracking bc none else does .
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Don't eat what's on their plate. Portion out what you know will fit in your calories and don't eat any more than that. Plan on indulging on the cookies left on the kitchen tables every now and then and rejoice because of the sugary goodness. Mmmm...cookies!
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    only takes like 2 minutes tops on a smart phone, and you can scan the label. you get to the point where you'll do it with out even knowing
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    You just do it. You are a separate individual, not a siamese twin.

    My husband isn't the least bit interested in calorie restriction or exercise. I let him do his thing, and I do mine. Occasionally when we settle down together to watch a movie, he will bring a bowl of chips or something. If it's hard to keep my hand out of the bowl, I get up and do something else. When I'm weighing and measuring everything I put on my plate, and he rolls his eyes and makes some remark, I ignore him.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    You have to want it for yourself it doesn't matter what other people do or don't do. I have the same issue my bf doesn't think I need to lose weight so he buys all kinds of unhealthy food for the house. I chose to go buy my own food and cook my own seperate meal that is different from his and the kids. It boils down to how bad do you want this.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    On my phone. Seriously just do it.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
  • TraciStivers
    TraciStivers Posts: 116 Member
    It's all about willpower. I am the only person in my house that tracks. My husband and daughter are big snackers too. My daughter is eight so she contstantly tries to feed me. She's trying to be affectionate by insisting I share her snacks, and it's tempting when she is pushing the snacks right up against my lips and I can smell them, but you gotta say NO!

    Just think of the bigger picture. Oreos are good, but when I put on a new pair of jeans and my husband says how good my *kitten* looks, thats better!
  • AndreaEllen
    AndreaEllen Posts: 71 Member
    I keep healthy snacks on hand that I love, I make my own seperate little meals, and if I share junk food with the boyfriend *fro yo or pirate's booty* I measure out an actual serving size and log it
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I totally understand. My hubby likes to spoil me, and opening up to do this was not easy for him. It is one of his love languages. One of these "spoils" is sweets/food. He does clothing, purses, etc as well, but he likes to use sweets/food sometimes. Its hard to say no when I know the love behind it. So sometimes I give in. I figure as long as its not too common, what can it hurt, it makes him happy. I just have to, after, find ways to make up for it.

    It really is hard to share your life with a non healthy person and not be tempted. But you could try a few tricks to curb it. Among the ones ppl list, I find drinking a whole (16oz) bottle of water usually squashes my appetite pretty well. And having healthier options you like (example he eats chips, you grab sweet potato chips or veggies) around so your not eating the bad stuff. That helps me a lot.
  • a182pilot
    a182pilot Posts: 10 Member
    I live with my wife and 2 college age kids and it can be really difficult. I do most of the cooking and meal prep so we all eat healty at meals. What is difficult is the candy and crap that they all feel they need in the house all the time. The distractions and temptations are constant. It takes so much will power and determination. The sad part is thought, they aren't willing to give an inch to help.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I commend those people that have that sheer willpower too. I feel like I do pretty good even though my husband doesn't watch what he eats at all, snacks on chips and ice cream all the time, and wants those carb loaded dinners -- but I also find it hard to eat strict when I'm buying and cooking other stuff. I try to cook things that he will eat and that I can eat moderately and still stay within my calorie range. But yea - I think if I was single again and only had myself I would be finding it much easier to lose. Not that I want to be single again - I love my husband and what we have - but it is just harder on me.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have a husband and two daughters and can relate. It's all about doing whatever you have to do to stay on track.

    I started tracking back in April 2011, and my husband didn't start until December, 2011. One of the reasons he started was due to the success I had had. Either the roommate will come around or not, but whatever the roommate does or doesn't do is not up to you.

    One of my doctors said that if there was any time to be selfish (in trying to get healthy), it's now. You can only control what you do and how you do it. I've even had to tell people - "Look, can you go eat that in another room, or at least not eat that right next to me?"

    For what it's worth - and good luck!