Knee Issues

My excercise of choice is running (C2 5k Week 7 day 3). While I'm running, my knees cause me no fact, I feel great! It's when I DON'T run, they ache. My left knee in particular feels as though it's going to give out when I go down the steps....a sever shooting pain through my knee. I'm having more knee issues than I did when 44+ lbs where on them. Has anyone else had something similar happen? I know it sounds a little crazy. Or would anyone recommend adding a brace to my knee while I'm running? Next step will be the Dr's, but would like to do a home fix/try prior to doing so. Thanks everyone!


  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    My excercise of choice is running (C2 5k Week 7 day 3). While I'm running, my knees cause me no fact, I feel great! It's when I DON'T run, they ache. My left knee in particular feels as though it's going to give out when I go down the steps....a sever shooting pain through my knee. I'm having more knee issues than I did when 44+ lbs where on them. Has anyone else had something similar happen? I know it sounds a little crazy. Or would anyone recommend adding a brace to my knee while I'm running? Next step will be the Dr's, but would like to do a home fix/try prior to doing so. Thanks everyone!

  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    I may have to youtube proper form on them. I had a knee injury while in roller derby, but my knee issues aren't even with THAT knee. I'm guessing they'll help my bootay too?
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    Plus the crunching sounds in my knees are like nails on the chalkboard....getting old's a b*tch! LOL
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Plus the crunching sounds in my knees are like nails on the chalkboard....getting old's a b*tch! LOL

    I have this crunching/grinding sound in my right knee! I thought it would get better as I lost weight, but it is getting louder! It isn't painful when it crunches, but I do have more soreness/tenderness during regular activities than I ever did when I wasn't exercising.

    I'm looking forward to reading the responses you get here. I have read on MFP that Magnesium supplements are good for joint pain, but I haven't tried this.
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    You could try Glucosamine I was very sceptical but it worked for me it is not an instant fix you need to take it for several weeks to get the benefit and then just keep taking it. recommended dose is 3 tablets a day but I am still only on 1.

    This does not help with running but move over to cycling as it is none load bearing, helped me.
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    I'll have to give suppliments as well as squats a go. Bike isn't an option, as I was given a treadmill, so that's my source of excercise...although Jillian Michaels and/or Heat Yoga will be added into the mix in the somewhat near-ish future.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    put an abs ball behind you and do squats that way - take it from someone who has bad knees and runs as well. right acl was replaced in 2000. yes squats will help strengthen your knees but incorrectly done and they will make your knees worse. make sure you haven't injured yourself first so visit your doctor.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Where is the pain in your knee?

    I am in the middle of physio treatments for what started out as a minor ache/disturbance just below my right knee, towards the inside. I took a couple of days off (I too am working through the C25K program) and my knee kept getting worse to the point that I could hardly walk.

    Turns out I sprained my MCL. The physio said there was no tear, and has given me some exercises to start regaining strength and movement, and he told me to wear a slip on tensor "brace" anytime I'm on my feet. I started wearing it on Saturday and it helps immensly.

    I would suggest talking to a doctor or physiotherapist about the joint first, and they will be able to give you some great exercises and support so that you can heal, strengthen and keep on running.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    I second the glucosamine and squats advice. I'll typically stretch a bit AFTER I run, but not before and it has made a difference for me.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member

    I would suggest talking to a doctor or physiotherapist about the joint first, and they will be able to give you some great exercises and support so that you can heal, strengthen and keep on running.

  • Athenry35
    Athenry35 Posts: 13 Member
    I have similar pain - but it is more along the muscle on the inside of my calf - and have been told squats and glucosamine.

    I graduated c25k a few weeks back and have been running 3 miles a few times a week and just seems to be getting worse.
    Hopefully all will feel well for my first official run on Thanksgiving morning. Would be a major bummer to do all of that training then miss the race.

    Hope things start to improve for you!
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    My left knee in particular feels as though it's going to give out when I go down the steps....a sever shooting pain through my knee.


    Next step will be the Dr's, but would like to do a home fix/try prior to doing so. Thanks everyone!

    I wouldn't try the squats until you've seen the doctor. The shooting pain/giving out might possibly be a meniscus tear, among other possibilities, and squats could make it worse. The crunching sounds may indicate a problem with the articular cartilage under the kneecap.

    If you want to do something at home, start with quad sets and straight leg raises. Those help strengthen the quadriceps muscles as well.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    omega 3 oil, glucosamine, blueberries & squats :D
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    My left knee in particular feels as though it's going to give out when I go down the steps....a sever shooting pain through my knee.


    Next step will be the Dr's, but would like to do a home fix/try prior to doing so. Thanks everyone!

    I wouldn't try the squats until you've seen the doctor. The shooting pain/giving out might possibly be a meniscus tear, among other possibilities, and squats could make it worse. The crunching sounds may indicate a problem with the articular cartilage under the kneecap.

    If you want to do something at home, start with quad sets and straight leg raises. Those help strengthen the quadriceps muscles as well.

    most doctors will tell you not to do squats but my knees are 100% better since doing them - hardly a twinge now. you can always stop if you feel any pain.
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    Thanks all so much!!!!
  • oldbutnotover
    oldbutnotover Posts: 13 Member
    Acupuncture and a less knee pounding exercise like elliptical training or rowing.
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    There are certain knee injuries that will not heal on their own. If you don't see improvement in a few months you should go see the doctor.

    I don't recommend doing squats with additional weight; just use your own body weight.

    I can feel your pain though; I've had bad knees since highschool and I just had a flairup from going too hard too soon. It really sucks to be slowed down by knee injuries, but you don't want to do something that will make it worse. Another exercise recommended after knee surgury is to lay down and do sets of locking our your knee against the bed. I hope the whole thing clears up quickly for you. I personally dread another knee surgury.
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Someone else mentioned possible meniscus tear, and having read your description, I'm concerned. I also had one of those, and unless it's small and on the outer edge where there is bloodflow, it won't just heal. And no amount of strength training or supplements will fix the issue. If you don't want to see a doctor right now, at least google meniscus tears and look for some descriptions of tests you can do that are indicators that might be the issue.

    Personally, i think it's worth the doctor visit given what you described.
  • Divajj914
    Divajj914 Posts: 29 Member
    I had the same thing. On and off for months. Would appear, then go away. Get bad. Go away. One day I woke with my knee completely swollen, unable to put any pressure on it whatsoever. Went to the hospital with excruciating pain.

    Turned out, I have a complex medial tear in my left meniscus. And I need surgery (happening next week).

    DO NOT think that a simple ache that comes and goes is normal. I did and had I went to my dr. sooner, I wouldn't need surgery.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I'd definitely say go to the doc. I avoided it for awhile and was so pumped when he gave me some practical tips to improve my knees/legs for running. It helps that he is a sports medicine doc as well as a distance runner. Thanks to him, I completely overhauled my running form, added excellent stretches and strength activities, dropped ALL knee pain, understood the pain of tendonitis in my shins/thighs, AND ran the half marathon faster than he did!!! LOL

    In all seriousness, I'd say give the doctor a chance to help you improve before you are in a Lot of pain that may not be easily fixed!!