Am I destined to have fat legs forever?

I have always had big legs, massive thighs, don't go in much at the knees and big bit of flab at the side of each knees and wide calves and cankles. I NEVER wear skirts or skinny jeans. My dream would be to wear skinny jeans tucked into knee high boots.

I started my weightloss at 230. So far I have lost 51lbs but not much of that has come off my legs. I've lost some inches from my thighs but nothing from my calves :(

Most of my exercise to date has been swimming, zumba, c25k and 30ds. All of which I thought wud help slim my legs. What am I doing wrong, or is it just a genetic thing?

Ps. If anyone had 'big' legs that are now trim and doesn't mind posting b4/after pics I wud be very grateful


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    it will come off eventually, for women the thighs/bum and under arm area will always be the most stubborn areas to remove....thats genetics im afraid. For us men it's the 'spare tire' area.

    51lbs is great work, just keep going.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I don't have big legs, but I do have a big belly at 5'5 135lbs. But it has gotten smaller since the beginning, which im sure ur legs have too. My point is, the biggest part is normally the last place to go. So keep on going & they will get smaller! :)
    We're all built differently. Some ppls legs are bigger thn others, depending on ur genetics & body shape. But no matter Wat u can get the fat off thm & tone them up!
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    If it is genetics, you would probably know. Are any other female members of your family built similarly to you?

    Unfortunately, when you lose fat, you cannot pick where you lose it from first. But, are you doing any exercises to work the muscles in those areas? That way, when the fat does come off, the underlying muscle will have a more pleasing definition.
  • CrystalX82
    CrystalX82 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I haven't worn shorts or skirts above my knees since I was little. However, I've been exercising nonstop for a few months now, and are finally noticing some quads developing and my hamstrings are feeling tighter and my skin on my legs is getting tighter... so it's A LOT of work, lots of intense cardio and strength training but i guess also A LOT of patience lol... there's still a huge layer of fat I have to get rid of... unfortunately =(
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I was actually about to post a similar question to the message board but figured I would do a search first.

    My legs have always been massive. There are lots of overweight people who carry their weight up top and when they lose weight there legs look great but I'm worried I will always have tree stumps for legs.

    My workouts up to this point have been focused on walking and then running and I noticed a change in the amount of cellulite and the general definition but they are still so big.

    I'm starting to switch up my workouts and adding in Zumba and strength training when I get back in the country so I hope that helps.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    It's just the way we were built my friend! I have lost 21 lbs and lost one measly inch off of each thigh but lots of inches off of everything else. I am 9 lbs away from my goal weight, and at this point I know my thighs aren't going to shrink like 3 inches each. All I can do is stay active and dress to flatter my big (but toned now!) legs!
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    You must be my leg twin!! When I was a 130 mine got pretty slim....for MY legs. At 140 they're back to ugly tree trunks.... I'm hoping once I get back on track with my dieting I'll lose down to 120-125 and they'll look like I've always wanted them too. It's the first place I store fat and the LAST place I lose it.... We just have to get our body fat %s down so they look like we want. I'm like 24-25%bf right now.... around 20% and I think they'll look right. We'll see. Congrats on your weight loss that is awesoome!! keep it up!
  • maggie_fly
    maggie_fly Posts: 9 Member
    I have the same problem. When I lose weight the last place it seems to come off is my legs and the first place it goes on when I regain so after losing and regaining over the years my legs are way out of proportion with the rest of me - and the rest of me is not exactly small! I think it's genetic - my mother aunt and granny all had big legs. I never wear trousers or jeans and only wear skirts that nearly hit the floor. I really love swimming and would love to take it up again but I'd be too mortified to get into a public pool with my elephant legs, so for now I'm just walking.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    i have the same problem...but ive learnt that having big legs also means that im quite strong in my lower body...

    i can do heavy squats and lunges which has bgiven me a nice round firm butt....

    im sure they my legs will get smaller at some point but its okey if they dont...i wanna lose my gut!!!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Some peoples body shapes gives them shapeless legs. I am unfortunately one of those people. Mine don't change much from the knee to my ankle, and weight loss has no effect on it.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    I am a big thighed girl with big hips and little skimpy tooth pick calves. Fat or thin, that doesn't really change. BUT, despite how I may perceive my things, I do have to admit they have become thinner, just not at the same rate as the rest of me. So proportionally, since I have lost weight, my thighs are actually bigger IYSWIM.

    I don't think I will ever have svelte thighs, so for now, I take pride in the fact that they are nicer looking...and I wear really good foundational garments to compensate.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I am pear shaped and carry most of my weight in my legs as well.. But I'm 5'8 and 124 so I wouldn't classify myself as "massive" haha. As you get slimmer you'll lose weight everywhere, your legs included!! Good luck
  • no
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    I am also a member of the "Thunder Thigh Club" but you know, my husband is loves it and I get stared at by men in the gym when I run and wear yoga pants (and not the "gross woman what are you doing!" stare), so I think a lot of guys are in to large legs. And, it's a HELLOFALOT easier to hide 10 extra pounds on your legs then it is on your gut, so I've pretty much come to terms with it. They're not going away, so you might as well embrace them!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Maybe not...

    I have pretty big legs. for the last 10 months or so I have been doing a lot of treadmill time. The last 4-6 months I have been doing hills on the treadmill. I know I have lost several inches off my thighs. A few months ago hubby tried to pinch my thigh, and he couldn't!! I'm thinking that by Christmas I might have definition in my quads....
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    It will happen....just keep on keepin' on. Our bodies have their own schedule for fat loss, and you can't do much (read: anything) to change the course. You will get there. It took me months for my leg measurements to budge, but it happens eventually, for everyone who sticks with it long enough.
  • remisenforme
    remisenforme Posts: 180 Member
    I totally understand. I'm losing a little bit from my thighs (but not a lot) and my calves have gotten BIGGER!! What!! I can't really wear boots b/c my calves are so big and it hurts to pinch them in like that. They're pretty hard at this point and I'm not sure how I can lose much fat off them (obviously there is some fat there but nothing compared to the rest of me). So, I'm kinda sad and discouraged that I'll never be a boots person despite my hopes! :(
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I totally understand. I'm losing a little bit from my thighs (but not a lot) and my calves have gotten BIGGER!! What!! I can't really wear boots b/c my calves are so big and it hurts to pinch them in like that. They're pretty hard at this point and I'm not sure how I can lose much fat off them (obviously there is some fat there but nothing compared to the rest of me). So, I'm kinda sad and discouraged that I'll never be a boots person despite my hopes! :(

    Skip the boots and wear a pair of sexy heels. I bet your calves look awesome.
  • remisenforme
    remisenforme Posts: 180 Member
    I totally understand. I'm losing a little bit from my thighs (but not a lot) and my calves have gotten BIGGER!! What!! I can't really wear boots b/c my calves are so big and it hurts to pinch them in like that. They're pretty hard at this point and I'm not sure how I can lose much fat off them (obviously there is some fat there but nothing compared to the rest of me). So, I'm kinda sad and discouraged that I'll never be a boots person despite my hopes! :(

    Skip the boots and wear a pair of sexy heels. I bet your calves look awesome.

    Hahaha I would if I didn't walk like a toddler in them ;)
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    The extra fat on my legs, bum and hips (specially the bum) is the last thing I'm shedding. Seriously, I'm almost there,and two months ago my legs were as large as any guy's legs. These last two months they have shrunk a lot! I don't think I'll ever have tiny oin legs but they're definitely looking a lot better.

    It's also possible that after carrying a lot of extra weight for such a long time our leg muscles have developed beyond 'normal'

    Wait until you reach your goal weight before worrying about it :)
  • how 'bout riding a bike(good ole single-speed), actually exercising on it getting the heart rate up to what's recommended for you. I did just that and have lost about 30 lbs. with a goal of 15 more, have body fat % of 11.1, if that is to be believed, just measured yesterday, so need a few more to determine accuracy. Have noticed considerable tightning of the thighs, calves and spare tire. Its a hard ride every morning but gives time to quiet the mind and open the heart ... give it a try, Great Health to You!
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I am also cursed with the big thighs and calves. For years I dreamed of wearing cute boots that all the ladies in my office effortelessy wear on a daily basis.
    This summer I Started running three days a week and biking two. I lost 30 lbs and wouldnt you know it, I am know wearing boots and skinny jeans. It took a combination of dieting and consistant work outs for me to achieve this, not over night thing for me.

    I know own five pairs of boots and still shopping.

    Good luck to you and stick with it, one day you will go to try on a pair of boots and WALA !! they will fit.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    dropping weight to your goal weight doesn't mean you will have the perfect body.. some people maybe goal weight but have 25% BF.. you need to get the BF% down as well.. when your within the fit or athletic range on BF% then you will see the legs you want.. Strength training will help as well as eating enough for your workouts that your doing.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I dont have a before picture of my legs, but I have an after.

    My thighs went from 37 inches to 22 inches.

  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I dont have a before picture of my legs, but I have an after.

    My thighs went from 37 inches to 22 inches.


    That's awesome! Way to go! :)
  • Do cardio. LOTTTS of cardio. Run on the treadmill and don't do hills, as it will make your legs bigger. I suggest this program:

    It's really high intensity interval training. It's worked wonders for me and I have thunder thighs too--or used to. They're still not perfect, but they're much better. If you're not fit enough for this yet (it's very challenging) then just run or walk on the treadmill til your heart's beating hard, you're sweating, and you're flushed--that's how you can tell it's working. I've found that squats or running on hills or stair stepping or spin make my legs bulk up with muscle. It's the treadmill that just gets off the fat.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    What am I doing wrong

    Nothing. I foresee slim legs in your future... navy skinny jeans.... gorgeous heeled, leather boots... THAT is your destiny. :wink:

    People store their fat in different places, everyone has a place in their body that is last to go but it WILL go. Just keep going, it'll happen.
  • ladyc1974
    ladyc1974 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm having exactly the same issue. Flat stomach, good waist, no back fat now, but my legs! To me, they look the same as they did when I started (and what is that flab thing behind the knees all about! Gross!). Working so hard and seeing no difference can be so disheartening. However I did have a lightbulb moment recently, my legs could barely squeeze in a size 16 (UK) pair of jeans and now they fit fine in a pair of size 12 (UK) jeans so they must be going down, it's a visual thing that there is still some layers of fat to go. I've recently increased my workouts (interval training) and also got myself a bike. Cycling seems to be helping loads, I'm sure I caught a glimpse of an ankle the other day (could've been a trick of the light :smile: ). I have 15lbs to go and I believe these last pounds are going to involve a lot of hard work to hit that last area and just got to keep plugging way. I WILL wear those skinny jeans one day. Frustrating, but got to believe it'll happen.
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    I don't have big legs, but I do have a big belly at 5'5 135lbs. But it has gotten smaller since the beginning, which im sure ur legs have too. My point is, the biggest part is normally the last place to go. So keep on going & they will get smaller! :)
    We're all built differently. Some ppls legs are bigger thn others, depending on ur genetics & body shape. But no matter Wat u can get the fat off thm & tone them up!

    I"m 5'2 and my starting weight is 135 lbs. I've lost about 15 lbs and I still have a washtub belly and thunder thighs. I know how disheartening it is to not be losing where you want to.