How did you meet the love of your life?

SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
Me and my wife Lisa actually talked on the phone for a solid week before we met. A mutual friend told us about each other and we exchanged some emails, pics, IMS and then traded phone numbers. The first night we talked on the phone for 7 straights hours and everything in me told me I was gonna marry this woman. Every night that week we talked for at least 4 hours. then came the big day! We met at Starbucks for coffee ( I had a dozen red roses for her). I got out of my car and she got out of her car. THE WORLD STOPPED! I felt like my heart was going to explode! I stepped forward and hugged her, then i stepped forward and hugged her again. We couldn't take our eyes of each other. We went in and had coffee and i held her hand. We were at Starbucks for like 3 hours and didn't want it to end.... So like teenagers... We went to the mall. We walked hand in hand and laughed and joked for hours. Then we went back to her car (we had left it at starbucks) and we talked for like another half an hour... Then I took her face in my hands and gave her a soft kiss (note guys, you dont have to shove your tongue down a womans throat to have a nice kiss). We kissed for what seemed like hours then we both went to our houses.. And talked to eachother on the phone for like 3 hours, lol. The next day I took her to the Rose Gardens and being an honest man i told her I loved her at first site (I was casual dating like 4 girls at the time and I had been honest with her about them as well as honest with them about eachother, but from the first minute I talked to Lisa I quit dating them). She told me she loved me to and we have been inseparable every since (lol after the first date she had told the mutual friend she was marrying me). The next day i became the first man to ever meet her son and me and him were best buddies from the first minute. 2 Months later i asked her dad and son for her hand in marriage (I proposed to her on one new at the Rose gardens.. She never even looked at the diamond ring just yelled yes and started kissing me). We had a church wedding and 3 weeks after getting married she was pregnant. Before Emma was born I adopted Christian (the happiest day of my life, I may not have fathered him, but God made me to be his dad and him to be my son). In December we will celebrate 2 years of marriage. Lol my wife is a crazy, stubborn, red-headed Irish woman, but she is also the most amazing, beautiful, kind, and God fearing woman ever. She is a busy executive but she always makes time for me and the kids. :-) I could search the world for a million years and never find a better wife, mother or best friend.

Lol if you read all this your pretty crazy or bored... Lol and now the baby is awake and we can go have fun. Nothing better than having a day off with your kids!

God bless you!


  • Rev_no_Boosh
    That's a great story!

    I met mine, HERE! We started messaging about the weather one day (as she lives about 2 hours away) and voila! We ended up falling for each other. There's way more details, but I'll spare you.
  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    What a beautiful, inspirational story...One day I hope to have one.

    Take care and God bless!
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    In a bar. I should have drank more and lost his number. LOL

    Long story....but happy for you!!
  • tomtrl
    tomtrl Posts: 30 Member
    We met on a blind date. A neighbor of mine worked with Deanna, who was on an internship, and thought we would get along. I was an hour late getting to the meeting place, due to work demands (this was before the days of cell phones, so I couldn't get hold of them). But, they were still there waiting. We talked for a couple of hours and I walked her to her car and got her phone number. A few days later, the same neighbors invited us to a Super Bowl party and we went there as our first "date". Little did either of us know, but we couldn't care less about Football, we just wanted to be together. We started going out on a regular basis. A few months later, her sister was getting married, so I was invited to wedding and met her whole family. Apparently she was talking with her sisters about "our wedding" but then had to make sure they didn't say anything to me, because there was nothing planned. We met in January and got engaged in August. Next Sunday will be our 23rd Anniversary. We have 2 great kids, a 19 year old son who is a college freshman and a 15 year old daughter who is a high school freshman. For our 20th anniversary, we made an escape to Cancun for a few days and it was fantastic.

    Looking forward to the next 23 and beyond.
  • kalebsmama07
    i met my hubby on the school bus!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I love all the details! and wow you were so lucky to know it when you saw her. some ppl spend years in a relationship and don't know if they are really with "the one". I just love hearing about you and your family, so loving and caring, that's hard to find nowadays. Keep being that kind loving man and I'm sure by being an example to your son and others, we may one day have more men like you to choose from. (not that there aren't any at all, just very hard to find.) I hope to find one someday and if I'm half as happy as you are, I will be very happy. :heart:

    Have a wonderful day :flowerforyou:
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Boarding School
  • MelissaKay82
    Wonderful story!!! :happy: Thanks for sharing!!! :happy:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Aw, Ed! That is such a beautiful story! :smile: I am so happy for you and your wife! :flowerforyou;

    I think I already met the love of my life.. but right now him and I are not together / don't have much of a relationship (we broke up because I have to move 400 miles away to live with family due to the economy and going to graduate school in the fall). So I am trying to let go and see other people if I find someone of interest. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. :wink: :smile:
  • teresa011
    teresa011 Posts: 101 Member
    Well believe me, I read your story and no I wasn't bored, I just love reading about how others have met the love of their life......I met mine, believe or not, on a singles dating site, called When I first met him, he made me dinner at his house, after we talked for about 2 hours on the phone, it took him a few calls previously to get me to agree and meet him....we saw each other for a week, and I decided that he just wasn't right for me or my type and I told him this, well he was persistent and kept texting me for another week, and I finally agreed to go to his house and watch the superbowl, and yes he made me dinner again. Well we have been together ever since...after a year of seeing each other, he moved in with me, and what a great decision it was, we are inseperable and have a deeper connection then I ever had with anyone else that was in my life. In December of 2008, I came home after shopping with my daughter and found a dark house except for a glow coming from the kitchen, I walked in and there John was standing with a suite on, a dozen roses on the table along with candles, he took my hand, led me to the table, handed me an envelope with a card in it and another envelope with about 2 dozen letters that he had written.....well here each letter was from a different day since he had picked out my engagement ring, and finally the last letter was about why he picked this specific day to give me the ring. You see, the day he gave me the ring was the same day that my brother had passed away 5 years earlier, December 7th, John knew how close I was to him and said, he couldn't figure out how to take that day, which will be forever a negative in my heart and turn it into a positive. That morning of the 7th, he looked at the pic of my brother which I keep on my fridge and said it was like my brother was telling him that if you're going to take care of my sister you better do it now, so thats when he decided that would be the day.......Naturally after all that how could I have said no, so with tears running down my face I accepted....Now I look at December 7th as my bitter sweet day, because John did find a way to make me look at that day in a different way. I truly believe that God brought John into my life to help me with all the troubles I had in my past and to make me see that there really is True Love with the right person...........and on that note......sorry if I bored anyone........Have a great day!!!
  • HelloSunshine
    I was dating his best friend... but knew from the moment I met him that he was the one I wanted to be with.
    So we slowly became best friends and when things didn't work out with his friend (my then boyfriend) ... like I knew they wouldn't, it was natural for us to be together :) Going on 3 years in June and getting married in August :heart:
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    I met my hubby through a current boyfriend at the time - I absolutely despised the girl he was with so I never gave him a second look! The guy I was with then cheated on me (I think, I was out of state for about a week and he was at least seeing other girls then) so we broke up.

    I continued to date other people until he added me on Myspace. We talked and found out we had a lot in common. We went on our first date 4 years ago today!! We started dating 5 days after that haha.
    There's this one special date that really sticks out in my mind - it was the night before we officially started dating, and it had began snowing and that was rare for late March, as the roads had been dry for awhile. He came over pretty late, at least midnight. I bundled up and we went for a walk. Since it was so late the streets were deserted and the snow was so sparkly. He was so sweet then and that was the moment that I knew that I loved him and that we had a bright future together. :heart:

    St. Patrick's day is huge for us - I even get emerald jewelry instead of my birthstone to symbolize how special the day is.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    At a movie theater. Star Wars was playing & he was dressed as Superman. :laugh: :laugh:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I met mine while serving Ale at a Rennaissance faire. I was an Ale wench and he was an Ale Stand Manager. I knew the moment I laid eyes on him. It took him a little longer to get the picture. We were married last May after being together for 10 years. Every morning I can't believe how much I love my husband and I think I am the luckiest woman in the world.
  • lalonzo
    lalonzo Posts: 557
    We actually met in a chatroom & exchanged email addresses. He left me his number & we talked everyday for about 3 months. My nephew had a birthday party at a pizza place nearby his house so I invited him to meet me there. we were so very nervous. We went for a drive and just talked and talked. He barely kept his eyes on the road (too busy smiling at me:blushing: ) We then went to grab a bite to eat and he took me hm. We really did get along great and I noticed he was exactly what I wanted in a husband - so when he asked me to be his gf 2 months later - I said yes. two months later we were engaged & we got married on our 1 year anniversary.:smile: We are going on 10 years this year. I'm so blessed to have him in my life & thank God for giving me my best friend & the love of my life all in one.:flowerforyou:
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Disney World.

    I went on my first trip with my best friend and her family - among them her cousin.

    We did NOT hit it off right away. Mostly because the first night my friend and I were very excited and talking in the lingo of having been friends for 10 years (and, no, in all that time, I had never met him) and he could not find a way to include himself in the conversation - which he wanted to do cuz he thought I was cute.

    Well, as the week went on, he and I DID get to spend more time together - he was (and still is) very cute and super funny! - so I was definitely interested in him and put forth an effort to include him and go to the same places and spend time together. Before the trip was over we were secretly holding hands and wondering how to tell his family that we had completely fallen for each other. But, of course, they could all tell.

    After everyone went to bed, we would curl up on the sofa in the living room of the hotel suite and talk until 4 a.m. We had our "first date" planned for when we returned home and we both dreaded coming back because we were worried that back in "the real world" it wouldn't be the same.

    Well, our first date went so well that we just couldn't wait to see each other again. We went out on another date the very next night. Despite school and work and everything - we saw each other as often as possible.

    By date three we had said the big L. By three months he had told me he wanted to marry me. I agreed, but nothing official happened at that point. We wanted to take time and make sure we weren't crazy. We also knew that everyone else would think we were crazy (or that I was pregnant!).

    Shortly before our 1 year, he proposed. We got married six months later and went back to Disney World on our honeymoon (I was so excited to get the bride ears!).

    It's been magical all the way along and every trip to Disney is still romantic for us, while we remember falling in love.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Teresa, your story made me tear up. What a beautiful way to propose! :) I love everyone else's stories too! I'm sure I've found the love of my life. We've been together 6 months this Friday. We met at work (lol). I was crushing on him from the moment I first laid eyes on him, and when we were introduced, I was determined to make him fall for me. We talked occasionally and flirted every time we talked. He made excuses to come to my part of our store to talk to me and waste time, help me fold clothes, etc. (we worked retail) After a month of this, he asked me to hang out after work. I wasn't sure if he liked me but he told me we should "definitely" do this again and he had "so much fun" (even though we just watched a movie and I was asleep for half of it). He asked me for a 2nd date the next day and we ended up spending every night together that week and were exclusive about a week and a half after our first date. I moved in this month and I'm just really excited to see where this all takes me. Everyday I'm overwhelmed by everything he brings to my life. Just cuddling up to him at night is the sweetest part of my day.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Yahoo Chat
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Great stories everyone! Met my hubby at a bowling alley! Weird, huh? I never would've believed it had someone told me that night that we would be married with a daughter 7 years later!
  • rosalie_g
    rosalie_g Posts: 71
    He worked with my mom. At first I never paid any attention to him because I had just come out of a 4 year crappy relationship. He would hang out with my mom even before I moved back home and when I did we just became friends. I started crushing on him but couldnt get past him being 10 years older than me lol I didnt think he could possibly have any interest in a 21 year old girl haha but I was wrong and as it turns out he says he fell in love the very first day he saw me lol Our relationship moved pretty fast. We started dating and 6 months into it we moved in together and 11/2 years later he proposed. We got married 2 months after that. Another 2 months later I was pregnant with our first daughter and 2 1/2 years later I was pregnant again. And now here we are 2 daughters and 7 years later :) Still happily in love :heart:

    We came to find out that he actually grew up with my moms brothers AND worked with my mom at 3 different places from the time he was 18 till the time we met in 2002. We believe we were meant for each other because despite our age difference we were always running in the same little circle. I think God just had to prepare us for one another. :happy: