Calling all current and aspiring RUNNERS!



  • I'll claim aspiring runner. Currently in week 3 of c52k, though I participated in my first (and only to date) 5k in February.

    I love running. I love the runner's high. I love pushing myself past the "this sucks & why am I doing this!" to the "this feels fantastic & I'm Rocky on those stairs!"

    My dad's now confined to a wheelchair. He's my inspiration. After having a spinal cord tumor removed at 37, he's gone from wheelchair to walker to cane back to walker and has now regressed back to a chair since he turned 65 almost 2 years ago. Before the tumor, he had achieved his 3rd degree black belt in karate. He taught me not to take any of my abilities for granted - the reason enough to do anything is because I can.

    Congrats on your amazing journey of recovery and health.
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    I'm on week 6 of a 12-week C25K program right now, signed up for my first 5K in February of next year. I never used to like running, because I was too heavy and tried to do too much, too quickly. Around this time last year, I started the same C25K program and got discouraged because I wasn't progressing as fast as I thought I should've been (i.e., having to repeat days and stuff). 30 pounds and a new sports bra later, and I feel like a "legitimate" runner. I'm not sure I could manage more than 4 or 5 minutes at a stretch right now, without stopping to walk for a minute, but I do enjoy running and I'm excited to see how I improve because 6 weeks ago I know I couldn't run for four minutes if I wanted to. When I got my new bra, I was looking forward to my next workout with all the excitement and anticipation that a kid has for summer vacation or Christmas. I think that was mostly a desire to be absolutely certain that I didn't just waste $60 on an undergarment, since the store probably wouldn't let me "test drive" the bra by running around for 30 minutes before I bought it. Even now, though, having had the bra for a couple of weeks, I look forward to running days.

    I'm thinking of adding some bodyweight strength training to my weekly regimen; next time I have some money lying around, there are some apps I want to buy. 100pushups, 200situps, 200squats and 150dips, specifically. Those are 6-week programs that, like C25K, promise to take you from wherever you are now to doing the aforementioned number of each of those exercises in a row. They have websites, too.
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    I run!!! Only race thing I've done is tough mudder. I usually run 6 miles a day.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I just ran my first half marathon yesterday! Add me if you wish. I love having runner friends!

    ETA: I did 1 duathlon (12 mile bike ride and 3.1 mile run), a 5K, Warrior Dash and now the half marathon. I was a sprinter in high school and am still new to distance running.

    Also becareful and be sure to get your rest days in so you don't get injured.
  • Joy,

    Cogratulations on your recovery and your running success! Running is something I continually return to in my life, like an old friend. I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes. I am counting on my "friend" to get me out of this mess. On the day I was diagnosed my son called me and asked me to train and run a half marathon with him. It will be my second and his first. Getting out on the road the first couple of days was challenging, but I know that I am literally in a race for my life now. Thanks for sharing your story, you inspire me!!!!

  • Hi - I love running too and usually run 4 - 5 times per week for between 8 and 18kms. Please feel free to add me if you like :)
  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member
    Since I have been working out and getting more fit, I want take it to the next level. With that said, I have decided I want to run my very first 5K. I have a friend who runs all of the time and I have caught the bug and want to run. I bought a book a few weeks ago titled, "Half Marathon Training (The Busy Girls Half Marathon Training Handbook - A Step By Step Guide To Running Your First Half Marathon)". I am really enjoying it and getting a lot of info and getting even more excited.

    I would appreciate any beginner tips that you experienced runners have.
  • 041jackson
    041jackson Posts: 36 Member
    I'm a beginner runner as well - I can only do about 2.5km of straight running and then alternating running with walking.

    I have my first 5km scheduled for February 13, 2013 and my first 10km May 26!

    Can we please make this a group to keep better track of everyone's progress?

  • shrinkingislander
    shrinkingislander Posts: 315 Member
    I have just started running over the past few months, well run/walking but lately I have really been increasing my actually running portion of my daily 5.3km (I know a wierd distance but it's my route that follows the water and the forest trails with some steep hills thrown in for good measure). I've completed one 8km on Thanksgiving and am training for my first 10km in the end of January.
  • I'm a beginner, currently running a couple miles 4-5 times a week. I just signed up for my first 5k race!
  • dbh3425
    dbh3425 Posts: 15 Member
    I just completed my first 5k yesterday and am registered for another on December 9. I'd love to love running - it's still not my favorite; however, I'm going to keep going and maybe do a half in 2013. :)
  • kinkofit
    kinkofit Posts: 10 Member
    Such an amazing story! You overcame a spinal cord injury AND lost over 100 lbs!!!. YOU are an amazing woman. I am a runner. I am in love with running. I run 6-7 miles a day 5x a week, but I have never had such an injury as yours. Congrats to you! I hope you are super proud of the strength that you found within you :)))
  • clhardy5
    clhardy5 Posts: 68 Member
    I would love to have 'running' friends. I use to run alot...several 5k's, 4 triathlons, and a half marathon under my belt...but over the last 5 years, I've let myself go...and running is HARD!

    I just started the Couch to 5k program on Sunday.....

    Would love to support and be supportive!!

  • I have the worst build for running. I am very slow (I run 10km/hr on a treadmil but I think I race at 9 km/hr) I have short stumpy legs and flat feet. I get really tight calves and have issues with my ham strings. I have however managed to run a half marathon, two 10kms and a triathlon this year. I don't particularly like the physical feeling of running but I love the feeling after you finish - the feeling of pushing yourself to your limits and meeting your goal. I also think its the ultimate form of fitness.

    I havn't gone for a run in about 3 months but I want to get back into it. I have just signed up to a 12km run next year in february.
  • jenbeck81
    jenbeck81 Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I'm hoping to be back into shape to be able to run a proper 5K. I have no excuse, just been inactive for too long and now I'm feeling it!
    I'm at a fast pace walk/jog and can go 3-5 mile. Right now I last about a minute running. One day.
  • I did the c25k plan and managed the 5k but then stopped for a few weeks for various reasons, now I'm back at week 6, I think I'll be back up to running three lots of ten minutes soon though, and then half an hour by Christmas hopefully. I'm going to find a 5k to train for in the new year.

    It's amazing how steep the decline in fitness is, I thought it wouldn't be too bad, but I felt like I was back to square one when I got back out there.

    I'm really quite slow, but then I have 81lbs to lose and I'm asthmatic and never done running before, so I think I'm doing ok. I can sprint in short bursts, and it's good to see what I could be like in the future, I'll kick butt when I'm on top form! Although I think I'm built for endurance rather than speed.
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    I've been running for almost 3 years now, mostly 1/2 marathon distances and a couple fulls. Starting to dabble in the shorter distances a little, but mostly just have fun and run! Add me if you'd like:)
  • I'd love to be able to run in the future, even jogging and I'd be happy!
    I want to start something like the C25K program but I'm going to wait till I've had physio for my back and knee then see what they say. Until then, I'll be walking everywhere, maybe a bit of power walking if I'm having a good day!
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Feel free to add me fellow runners :)

    Running for around three years now but I always pick it up and drop it, usually in the winter I don't run and it's only this year I started entering races.

    Just getting back into it again now after a few months off and trying to convince myself to get out there in that horrible UK rain, wind and cold!!
  • luvsyoga
    luvsyoga Posts: 90 Member
    I just learned to run this summer, ran my first 5 k in Sept, signed up for the Resolution 5k. Running a 5 k was one of those fitness goal I had. Done. Don't plan to stop now!