I am this close to giving up

I've been trying to lose weight since March. I'm 22, ~5'4'' (165cm) and started at ~176lbs (80kg).
In the first two or three months, everything worked splendid (although all I did was changing my eating habits and not even exercising yet), and I lost around 15-17pounds, getting myself down to 160lbs.
But ever since then... no matter what I try... I can't lose anymore. I might lose 1 or even 2 pounds and gain it back immediately - even though nothing in my workout routine or food intake has changed!
I've tried different forms of exercise - I started with just cardio, then did bodyweight exercises, now I'm doing the 30 Day Shred (which is showing zero effect even with everyone else raving about how awesome it is). One time I thought maybe I was eating to little, I raised my calorie intake and gained weight. Then I did my best to stick to a lower calorie intake and still couldn't get rid of the regained weight.
And for those of you saying "It's not about the weight, but about measurements and feeling/looking better" well, my measurements haven't changed either. My clothes are still as tight as they were months ago. My appearance hasn't changed at all - you can't even see the first 15 pounds I lost.
It just makes me want to cry. I'm still far from any weight that could be considered healthy for my age and size. I hate myself and I hate that I apparently can't change anything. Why bother to work hard for almost a whole year without getting any results? At my worst moments I feel like it would just be better to eat nothing at all, but I know that my willpower would break in less than a day.


  • SwindonJogger
    SwindonJogger Posts: 325 Member
    Giving up is not an option when it come to healthy living.

    I had a quick look at your food diary and when you fill it in it seems to be stuffed full of high salt products and heavily processed foods. It's just my opinion but you need to revamp your diet.
    Try eating your MFP calorie allowance but replacing the junk with vegetables, fruit, low fat protein and unprocessed carbs.
  • NJ19812012
    NJ19812012 Posts: 3 Member

    your topic seems so familiar to me.... for the past four years i have given up so many times... and that has led to me carrying extra 30 pounds with me all these years... i know the reason that i cant loose weight, its that i start a diet and wont stick to it... i get bored easily.... my advice to you ( and to me as well) stick to it...be patient and please dont give in:)

    much love to you :happy:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    well what do you expect?

    you don't log consistently and when you do log your food, you eat a lot of crap.

    if you aren't going to take your nutrition seriously, you really don't have anyone to blame except yourself.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Exercise and counting calories is only a part of the equation.. and what you eat plays a big part. From what I've seen your diary, you eat a lot of processed,high calorie items that have no real nutritional value and a lot of salt most likely... and you eat them multiple times per day instead of like once per day.

    Try swapping some of those items out for low sodium deli meat and fruit/veggies, and I think you'll see much better results. You can still eat junk but don't eat it for every meal/every day.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen, it's 80% diet!

    You must be eating a lot of sodium judging by the processed junk you've logged in your diary, which will lead to water retention and you staying bloated and flabby. Start making some small changes by including more fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking a lot of water. Cut out things like sugary sodas and juices.

    If that's too hard then I don't know what to tell you, there really is no magic quick fix.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    PM me.

    I'll help you lose the weight.

    Before you do please follow the instructions on this http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12 And send me the following information.

    Body Fat%
    Workout routine

    Sometimes its a simple fix and sometimes ints just an explanation as to "Why" your way isnt working.
    This does get better!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    At your age this can be easy, try losing weight over 30 (grumble)

    Anyway - the above posters are right, you do need to think about what you eat as well as how much. Try making most meals things you have made yourself - chicken/fish/steak with lots of veg. Allow yourself say one or two meals a week where you reach for something ready made.

    Make sure you actually weigh the things you eat, an extra few grams here and there quickly adds up.

    Log every single bit, every single day.

    You'll get there.
  • blondeski
    First of all, congrats and your progress so far.

    Second, my advice is to lift weights to lose weight! I know it seems counter-productive, but muscle weighs more than fat, AND muscle burns fat. After you begin to love how muscles look on your body, weight won't even matter.

    Try Jamie Eason's LiveFit program on www.bodybuilding.com.

    Good luck!
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    First of all, congrats and your progress so far.

    Second, my advice is to lift weights to lose weight! I know it seems counter-productive, but muscle weighs more than fat, AND muscle burns fat. After you begin to love how muscles look on your body, weight won't even matter.

    Try Jamie Eason's LiveFit program on www.bodybuilding.com.

    Good luck!

    Also this!
  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member
    PM me.

    I'll help you lose the weight.

    Before you do please follow the instructions on this http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12 And send me the following information.

    Body Fat%
    Workout routine

    Sometimes its a simple fix and sometimes ints just an explanation as to "Why" your way isnt working.
    This does get better!

    ^^ THIS
  • chelery04
    chelery04 Posts: 16 Member
    You might want to add Sodium to the list of nutrition that the system keeps track of for you. Might help to see that in actual numbers.

    Good luck, and keep going!!!!
  • susiemou
    susiemou Posts: 47 Member
    No it would not be better to eat nothing at all, you know that!
    I know it can be really challenging to make healthy choices, and it takes a long time for the brain and body to realise that this change is for life! but you have to keep going. You are so young, and deserve a long and healthy life.
    I would stop eating crisps and junk, as it is just an illusion that these things are making you feel better when you eat them, once you give up, you will realise how strong you are and that you just don't need them.
    Also add some more friends for encouragement and motivation, there are lots of young people here in the same boat.
    Also ( i am in lecture mode today soz) read what Helloitsdan says, he has a lot of good advise.
    Also i am a 30DS evangelist! i have not lost any weight on this but have lost plenty of inches!

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Hun, you have to be honest with yourself if you want to make this work. I have lost 66 pounds in 6 months. Over 10".... I'm still overweight and really haven't lost much in the last 2 months, but I am not giving up.

    I know my reasons - stress eating, lack of exercise, and illness.

    But if you want to really kick-start, you need to become dedicated to this - LOG EVERYTHING HONESTLY. Do something (exercise wise) everyday, even if it's nothing more than walking. Plus.... at 22, have fun walking. Leave your money at home and go window-shop at the mall. Walk the length twice, everyday (or every other day) and you'll enjoy yourself and get some exercise.

    Yes, when you are smaller it is harder to loose, but you have to make lifestyle changes before you can expect to see real results.

    Trust me.... I wish I had done what I am doing now at 22. It took me another 14 years to finally realize that I have to do this, I HAVE to make changes, but I do try to make them sustainable - IE: something that I will find myself doing everyday instead of totally opposite to what my comfort level is.

    Don't give up, just work on figuring what you need to make yourself do this.
  • jdub224
    jdub224 Posts: 120
    As others said, don't quit. Also, as other said you need to realize that you are in a fight (that as you age could literally be for your life). You need to decide, "do I want this?". Saying you want something and going out and achieving it are very different animals. There are no quick fixes. Keep pushing and keep fighting. There are billions of programs because people keep thinking there is a shortcut. So people keep selling them shortcuts. Simply put, everything you put in your pie hole matters. You have to out move what you eat. Praying for you, you can do it.
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    well what do you expect?

    you don't log consistently and when you do log your food, you eat a lot of crap.

    if you aren't going to take your nutrition seriously, you really don't have anyone to blame except yourself.

    This seems bang on.
  • michladyme
    michladyme Posts: 7 Member
    It does look like you may need to change what you are eating. I haven't lost a lot but I continually lose a lb. or so a week. Portions mean a lot and what you are eating is such a big part. Don't give up, just maybe make a few changes as others have suggested.
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    Just looking at your diary - were the past few days typical of your eating habits? If this IS how you usually eat, high calorie meals loaded with sugar, fat & sodium (I'd give the noodles away for sure!!) then the reason your not losing weight is obvious - way too much processed stuff. Stops your body from functioning properly. Add some vegies & fruit & cut at out least some of the junk food & I think you'll see some progress. Sure, you're under calories, but (for most of us) counting calories without adequate nutrition does not produce good results!! If your diary is usually very different from what I just saw then my suggestion would be to see a nutritionist & get some professional advise - but please don't give up!!!
  • tntgal2
    I only browsed a week of your diary, but today's breakfast of a pretzel and Nutella, last Wednesday's meals - breakfast and dinner consisting of a bag of Lay's BBQ potato chips, suggests that you're confused about how weight loss AND good health work.

    If you truly don't know about nutritional basics, that's OK - but either find the $ to meet with a registered dietician OR buy a few good books on health and nutrition. Right now, not only are you not losing weight, but you're eating so poorly that you're setting yourself up for a variety of ills as you age: high blood pressure, diabetes, lower resistance to most viruses, and the possible cancers associated to high fat consumption. So please start there.

    Recording daily isn't magic if you're consuming bad foods all the time. Instead of potato chips for breakfast, find a high fiber cereal ( I like Fiber one), and top with some low fat almond milk. Add a scrambled egg and half a cup of blueberries. You'll have the same calorie count as the chips, but far healthier.

    Same with lunch and dinner - you need to add in real foods, including veggies.

    Just wanting something doesn't make it happen. I spent the last few years "resolving" to lose weight. It happened once I dropped most junk foods, controlled portion sizes (get a kitchen scale and use it to weigh out healthy portions of lean meats and fish), and started walking daily. I'm 55 so it's not like I have a raging metabolism - and I work long hours. I was travelling last week - and still ate healthy food and got in a morning walk each day.

    Only you can decide to make those choices one day at a time. But start now. Each day is a new chance for a small victory, and believe me, they add up. Good luck.
  • Sindaelys
    Sindaelys Posts: 37 Member
    Your log looks similar to my eating habits when I was in school. Are you living on a student budget, by any chance? If so, you might want to ask around for a budget-friendly healthy food shopping list. And if you're looking for flavor... Invest in spices! They may seem expensive, but they're worth their weight in gold when you find yourself eating chicken all the time.:laugh:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    PM Dan. He will help you, I promise.