PCOS Anyone?



  • I was told at the age of 12 that I would not have kids because I have PCOS. I swear this is probably the worst thing to have and feel beautiful. Weight gain, hair growth everywhere. I have more hair then my husband. I am just thankful my husband understands. Even though he comments from time to time (he thinks its funny), But the worst part is I love children and so far no luck. In the past I was on Met and Clomid but no luck. I am hoping with some weight lose and getting back on insurance I can start the drugs again.
  • Hi thicansxy, My daughter and I have PCOS. She's been married 5 years and they have no kiddies yet. But we still have hope! We fight the symptoms of PCOS every day. I just read a book that gave me more hope than I've every had. We recently started putting the suggestions into place and they've worked! My daughter has lost 7 pounds and I'm down 5 in just a week. The beautiful thing is it doesn't require much work; nothing to buy just some things to learn. It took me 9 years to figure out what works for me/us and I think I've finally found it! Keep a good thought and best of luck. The name of the book is "New Glucose Revolution Guide to Living Well with PCOS" you can probably check it out from your local library.
  • Hi...I also have PCOS. I definately understand the struggles with losing weight as I have struggled with it my whole life as well. I just joined this website today and was excited to see your post. I have some definite goals in mind for weight loss. One thing I have been trying to follow is the DTour diet. It is designed for people with diabetes, pre-diabetics or people who are insulin resistant like us. It recommends increasing your Vitamin D, Calcium, Omega 3's and Fiber. If you want more info, I would be happy to share. Good luck with your goals!!! Diana:smile:
  • I started this thread and haven't been back here in so long. It's so nice to find other women who understand what you're going through.

    Since I was here last, I got a new doc. He has me on 1700 mg of Metformin, 25 mg of Hydochlorothyazide, 25 mg (?) of Spironolacotine, and Sprintec BC. Plus, as soon as I hear back from him, I'll be on a cholesterol pill too.

    I have lost 4 lbs in 3 weeks! I'm so happy. I haven't lost weight in so long that even that little amount makes me giddy!
  • Mkwilso
    Mkwilso Posts: 4 Member
    I have PCOS. My new doc is doing "the workup" to make sure there isn't anything else wrong (like do the ovaries have to go) and told me to start the food diary thingy. I'd be glad to be friends.:happy:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i went through menopause 4 years ago at age 27 and was finally diagnosed with pcos in may of 2009. i have not given up that the menopause can be reversed. i am on 6000 mg of metformin and a hormone replacement medley. in the last 3 months, i have finally lost 3 pounds! my dietician has me eating 45% protein, 25% carbs and 30% fats. feel free to friend me!

    **edited: you will find that there are a lot of pcos-ers on mfp (probably because of the weight gain associated with pcos). more than 5 million women suffer from hormone-related weight gain, so you have lots of support on a site like this. :)
  • BrandyTM
    BrandyTM Posts: 2
    Hello Y'all.....I am new to this group.......Was diagnosed PCOS about 15 years ago.....was told it was the root of my fertility problems. Well no one bothered to mention that this is something that you have to manage all through life. Fast forward to now.....been put on 1000mg Metformin and now trying to eat right......I need serious help with every day foods! I have NEVER had to "diet"........so I am clueless what to do!!! Anyone have some good websites or suggestions?
  • Brandy, have you ever been to soulcysters.com or .net? They're a great place to start. The .com is informational. The .net are the message boards. There's alot of support, info and suggestions there.

    I doc I just saw the other day said that two thirds of my diet needs to be fruits and veggies. I'm working on it! A friend had given me recipes that she followed on weight watchers before she got pregnant.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I too have PCOS. It's been a battle pretty much since puberty. It got really bad my senior year of college- there was an ovarian cancer scare it was really out of control. I packed on more than 100 pounds in the following years as they tried to get everything under control. Now that I've lost some weight and am on the right meds I feel like I might stand a chance at getting back to where I want to be. I'm New-ish here and would love new friends join me on this jouney.

  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
    I have PCOS - I was diagnosed about 10 years ago now, at about 15, my period stopped... bad diagnosis - my dr. told my AUNT before me as she was a nurse that worked in the same hospital as him then my aunt told my mother and my mother called me at boarding school to tell me... grrr :devil: - but thats besides the point

    Two and a half years without a period and boom - they started again, for no reason that I could see except that my roommate at the time pulled every female that lived in a 5 mile radius into the same monthy sched as her!

    My activity upped, my food choices seemed to change, and three years went by without me really realizing how much weight I was loosing... With the weight gone I have almost no symtoms -no crazy pain anymore! Just regular pain :laugh: Nothing I can do about the facial hair but PULL IT OUT though! :laugh:

    My partner and I are planning on trying for kids in the next five years - that is one of the reasons that I am actually TRYING to lose my last 15lbs and get my eating habbits changed to good! We'll see what happens.

    I'm totaly here for support if you want it!
  • Does anyone know a good way to get a large amount of potassium each day? Bananas don't really agree with me. My doc has me on 2 diuretics and it's lowering my potassium. I was on a supplement but without insurance, it's like $35 for 30 pills. They said that the over the counter supplements aren't even close to the amount I was taking.

    Any suggestions?
  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
    potatoes have it. almost any type of bean, cooked beets (yum borscht), and spinnach - apparently also apricots, gifs , cantaloupe and honeydew

    I googled it :laugh: :laugh:
  • BrandyTM
    BrandyTM Posts: 2
    Thank you so much for the suggestion.......I will try anything! This eating right is easier especially when the trade off is my emotional state of mind!! However......not being in the habit of eating the "right" things is making figuring all this out a bit challenging! Have a great day!!!!
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I have PCOS.
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