have people noticed your weight loss?



  • Liz915
    Liz915 Posts: 123
    Sometimes I wonder if people have noticed because not many people have said anything, but then again I am guilty of noticing that someone has lost weight and deciding not to comment because I don't want to make them uncomfortable so that could be why.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I've lost enough that you can't help but notice. Most notably, I work with a small group in a large building with maybe 3-500 people. People who I don't interact at all with have mentioned my weight loss and how impressed they are usually when I'm up getting coffee or water in the kitchen area. I'll usually say "thank you, I've worked very hard to become so" just to see if they get the Princess Bride reference.

    If I'm asked how, I just tell them I watch what I eat and I've become a gym rat.
  • shrinkingislander
    shrinkingislander Posts: 315 Member
    It's funny even though I run by myself, I see the same people out most mornings and there is always a slight nod but the other morning these guys (who are serious runners and in great shape) slowed down and gave me the biggest high-fives and the one called me the incredible shrinking woman. I think I blushed 50 shades of red, but luckily it was dark and my face was already red from the workout and the sweat. They said I should join them on their weekend long runs, you know, they only run 20-25 kilometres on the weekend. I just laughed and said maybe some other weekend, yeah maybe in 6 months. But it was in that moment, I realized something I kept calling myself a runner/walker but guess what I am a runner and now I need that shirt that says on the back "does this shirt make my *kitten* look fast?"

    I have not told my parents, whom I have not seen since last Christmas, that I have been losing weight. I cannot wait to see their faces when I step off the plane this Christmas, since I have lost 100lbs already and probably a few more by the time I go to visit.
  • snoopynut1972
    snoopynut1972 Posts: 49 Member
    I have lost 46 and only my husband has noticed so far :(

    I've lost about the same, and for me it's been everyone BUT my husband who has said something about my weight loss. :-( I've dropped 2 sizes and have had to buy a whole new wardrobe, so it's pretty obvious I'm shrinking. He's just a man of few words.....and that is the only thing saving him right now. LOL
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    When I used to work at a gym daycare I would get comments at least once a day about it. I get them less often, but yeah, people comment on it a few times a week (not the same person, of course!). I usually get a comment every time I get ID'd, haha, that will change when I get a new one in January, though!
  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    I don't get people noticing. But hey I know i'm loosing the weight!
  • I've lost 33lbs and NONE of my clients at work have noticed but I think they are afraid to say something. One of them looked me up and down a few times and asked me how I have been and she kept looking at me like she noticed something but didn't say lol! I think once we drop a little more people will really start to notice! Don't give up girl you can do it!
  • I was 102.4 lbs and now I am 101.9 lbs. Though it is not alot of weight, people are noticing and telling me to stop loosing weight but I can't and I won't.
  • I just started (hasn't even been a week), but people noticing is actually what I am worried about. I work at an eating disorder clinic, so I need to find a way to keep people from noticing, but I need to lose a little weight in order to keep healthy. I am trying to get pregnant and it helps with fertility if you are as close to a healthy weight as possible.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    I had other people notice I still felt the same until recently.
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    Everyone at work has commented and I have made it public. Family have noticed--I haven't seen my son since this summer, so when I see him over the holdays I expect a double-take. I will see a bunch of cousins and my elderly aunt and uncle and expect my lifestyle change to be topic #1.

    People I see occasionally have noticed. A lady I sang with in the choir walked up to me after church to discuss my weight loss--what my "secret" was, and several acquaintences have made comments.

    My co-workers made a second round of comments when I got new uniforms for work.
  • LeahMaria26
    LeahMaria26 Posts: 62 Member
    I once read it takes 4 weeks for you to notice, 8 weeks for friends to notice, and 12 weeks for everyone else to notice and for me this was true to the day!
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    It's funny because I haven't lost very much, but my body has already changed significantly as my pants all got huge on me. So weird! lol Gosh, I remember losing weight with just diet and I'd lost 30 lbs and no one noticed. Now I've only lost 8lbs, haven't really told that many people I'm working on it, but, my brother noticed. LOL, he doesn't notice ANYTHING, I was so surprised.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Nothing to my face, but my husband gets a lot of comments about me at work.
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    It's funny even though I run by myself, I see the same people out most mornings and there is always a slight nod but the other morning these guys (who are serious runners and in great shape) slowed down and gave me the biggest high-fives and the one called me the incredible shrinking woman. I think I blushed 50 shades of red, but luckily it was dark and my face was already red from the workout and the sweat. They said I should join them on their weekend long runs, you know, they only run 20-25 kilometres on the weekend. I just laughed and said maybe some other weekend, yeah maybe in 6 months. But it was in that moment, I realized something I kept calling myself a runner/walker but guess what I am a runner and now I need that shirt that says on the back "does this shirt make my *kitten* look fast?"

    I have not told my parents, whom I have not seen since last Christmas, that I have been losing weight. I cannot wait to see their faces when I step off the plane this Christmas, since I have lost 100lbs already and probably a few more by the time I go to visit.

    Love this story!! ^___^
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    I once read it takes 4 weeks for you to notice, 8 weeks for friends to notice, and 12 weeks for everyone else to notice and for me this was true to the day!

    I was about to post this as well. This is pretty much the schedule I've been on...
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    It was not until I was down about 60 pounds that people at work started noticing. Even more so from people I had not seen in a while. Might be in part that the first 32 took a year. The next 28 took only a few months. (Thanks MFP)
    It also helped that I stopped wearing 2XL polo shirts out and started wearing some shirts tucked in.
    I still have 70 to go.
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I've lost 12kg (approx 30lbs) and I am fortunate enough to have got a lot of comments all the way through. It has really helped me keep going in the tough times. Like The person quoted two above me - I'm going home in a few weeks and my family will see me thus size for the first time in 10 years. I'm really looking forward to their reactions!
  • dub73
    dub73 Posts: 70
    Most of everyone noticed when I lost around 12-15 lbs. I must say when people notice, it does make you work harder. It also makes you feel good about yourself and the lifestyle changes you are making as well.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    The first time someone noticed when I was losing weight was at 17lbs lost. It was my boss. She quietly asked me if I was losing weight and said she noticed a week ago. Also, said I was doing good.

    Now, after 62lbs, I get comments all over the place. Yesterday, I got "You are looking skinnier and skinnier everytime I see you" <3 that one even though I hate the word skinny because I am no where near it, but it comes from a good place. I also get the whole "are you done now?" It's like hunny, look at me, do I look done? I get comments everyday though, and I really appreciate them. I don't say a lot unless people ask me questions.