Be honest-do you notice when people don't shave at the gym??



  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    Sure I look at other women in the gym. I notice if they're pretty or not, their body shape, what they're doing for a workout. I watch what the guys are doing for workouts too. I can't say I've ever noticed if somebody shaved or not. But for the most part I'm absorbed in my program with the difficult squats, deadlifts, etc. It's better to do something than do nothing so I think it's great that anybody makes it to the gym and puts forth an effort. But for best results you have to push it hard and that cuts down on watching the scenery.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    That's seriously gross, but I honestly doubt I would notice unless you're all up in my face or something.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    A lot of us guys show up without shaving, is that really a problem?
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    if i notice you your hair or lack of hair is the last thing i am noticing... i am looking at how good your booty and boobs look in your workout gear...
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    it could be winter, i may have gone totally ferrel and look similar to Chewbacca, but i still don't care if i've remembered to shave or not. and i don't care if you didn't. unless your pits are really wafty hairy- then i'll make fun of you for being a hippie, but still essentially won't care.
  • rodrians
    rodrians Posts: 5 Member
    i only notice if they dont shave their pits

    I've noticed my own and others... i can't lie. If i'm in class and we are doing reps or something that requires the pits being out, and i look around just to make the task less crazy, i will notice pits totally :/
  • jaena4
    jaena4 Posts: 175 Member
    Don't notice, don't care.
  • shrinkingislander
    shrinkingislander Posts: 315 Member
    Nah, I wouldn't notice because I'm too busy staring at the lady's thong infront of me, and wondering if she purposely always matches it to her workout outfit. I'm also intrigued by how high it seems to come up, I mean I don't wear a thong because I would need search and rescue to come and help me dig it out but hers seems to be really high. Just another reason I should not go to the gym, I am way too easily distracted.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    think about it this way if anyone notices its because they were checking you out
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    That's seriously gross, but I honestly doubt I would notice unless you're all up in my face or something.

    It's not that gross. It isn't like an oozing pus-filled sore or anything. It's just hair.
  • stacy_1971
    stacy_1971 Posts: 104 Member
    I've never thought to look! And even if I did, I don't wear my glasses at the gym, so unless the person was a Wooly Mammoth, I'd have to get ridiculously close to even see if they needed to shave.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I bought a pair of pants to wear to the gym when I forgot to shave. When it really gets bad is when I forget that I forgot to shave. :noway:
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I don't really care if people do or don't notice. I've gone to the gym in calf-length yoga pants and forgot to shave my legs a few times (not thinking about it really). I do shave the pits every day or every other day though so that's not usually an issue.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member

    Sorry, I was really curious there for a minute :laugh:
  • minsooky
    I've never noticed people who haven't shaved, but then again most women probably don't have leg hair like mine. Seriously it's like a forest down there, I don't even know why I'm this hairy! My mom and dad barely have any body hair! I wear long pants though so it's all good...
  • Weird question. I have never noticed nor given a toss inside a gym or out of it. Why would any normal adult?
  • laurenmgrasso
    I dont. I focus on myself and my workout. Not others :)
  • That's seriously gross, but I honestly doubt I would notice unless you're all up in my face or something.

    It's not that gross. It isn't like an oozing pus-filled sore or anything. It's just hair.

  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    I've never thought to look! And even if I did, I don't wear my glasses at the gym, so unless the person was a Wooly Mammoth, I'd have to get ridiculously close to even see if they needed to shave.

    Now thats just funny right I love how mostly everyone has a great sense of humor about it :) I have never noticed anyones legs either, I have noticed the pits though.