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have people noticed your weight loss?



  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    It's funny even though I run by myself, I see the same people out most mornings and there is always a slight nod but the other morning these guys (who are serious runners and in great shape) slowed down and gave me the biggest high-fives and the one called me the incredible shrinking woman. I think I blushed 50 shades of red, but luckily it was dark and my face was already red from the workout and the sweat. They said I should join them on their weekend long runs, you know, they only run 20-25 kilometres on the weekend. I just laughed and said maybe some other weekend, yeah maybe in 6 months. But it was in that moment, I realized something I kept calling myself a runner/walker but guess what I am a runner and now I need that shirt that says on the back "does this shirt make my *kitten* look fast?"

    I have not told my parents, whom I have not seen since last Christmas, that I have been losing weight. I cannot wait to see their faces when I step off the plane this Christmas, since I have lost 100lbs already and probably a few more by the time I go to visit.

    Love this story!! ^___^

    Love this too.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    yes. everyone has notice my weightloss
  • st3f4real
    st3f4real Posts: 23 Member
    My mother in law noticed and my husband said my face looked thinner... but when I went out with friends/my cousin Saturday night nobody mentioned it. I think that if I lost 15 lbs and got back under 200lbs it would be noticeable. My Grandpa said that when I start being able to wear jeans and cute dresses again that I will be much happier :) Gotta love my Grandpa!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Yes they have, and depending on who it is saying something, I don't know how to react. Some people are nice, others are all "how did you do it" or "that's it" or whatever. Others know I've been running and will say something along the lines of running and losing weight. Either way, I never really know how to react, mostly cause I don't like when all the attention is on me and since it seems like people don't say anything at work to me about it til I'm in the kitchen with a lot of other people around, I feel like everyone stops and looks at me :blushing:
  • nadinab
    nadinab Posts: 124 Member
    Uhm. Are people around you blind? Your progress is very noticeable! You have done a great job and should receive praise. Show your boyfriend and close friends pictures of before and after as sometimes people who see you everyday do not realize how far you have come as they see you all the time.
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    I've had people tell me that I'm getting to thin, lol. I just broke the healthy weight mark for my height. Trust me I am sooo not too thin! But I've gotten the comment three times in the last week now.

    My profile pic is me at 282 lbs and currently I'm at 143 lbs. More recently I've lost what my ticker says.
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    No, not yet. I have lost 10kg's in the last year, 7kg of that in the last two months (since I joined MFP). I can feel my clothes starting to fall off and I am sleeping much better and feeling so much healthier in myself but no-one has noticed yet.
  • jacobhyatt91
    jacobhyatt91 Posts: 120 Member
    I didnt start noticing it myself until a bunch of other people mentioned it to me.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    My husband tells me that I'm so skinny now, but I haven't really lost much. I think I look a little skinnier in the mirror, but I can't tell if he's just being nice.
  • GnaBean
    GnaBean Posts: 112 Member
    It seemed like it took 20 lbs. for anyone to notice. Now I'm at 32 lbs. and I noticed that last Sunday at church, the ONLY thing people wanted to talk to me about was my weight loss. So it's weird because I want people to notice, but I don't want it to be the only thing they notice. Make sense?
  • achvr
    achvr Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there.... Congrats on your 40 lb weight loss!!! Every pound is a huge deal. So give yourself credit for your hard work.

    In my experience, I have seen that people who have more weight to lose generally don't get noticed until they are pretty far along into their journey. I needed to lose 285 lbs at the beginning of my journey!!! And I lost 120 lbs before anyone ever even noticed. My motivation had to come from completely inside of me. It was hard because I wasn't getting that external validation. Now, close to 200 lbs lighter, people notice every pound that I gain or lose!!! They know what kind of work i'm doing to lose the weight, and when I look like I've gained a few pounds, they automatically ask me if I'm still working out, etc...

    The thing is whether or not people notice, do the work for YOU!!! In the end YOU will notice a tremendous difference in how you feel.

    Comments that I've received when people see my side by side before/current pic is "Wow, you don't even look like the same person!!!"

    So stick with it and before long peopele won't recognize you!!!
  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    I actually get more notice and encouragement from my doctors than say my co-workers. Or folks that I was fairly close to and haven't seen in a while. But not generally with folks who see me regularly like my co-workers.
  • JooleySchmooze
    JooleySchmooze Posts: 7 Member
    No one noticed my weight loss until I had lost 17 pounds. However, here is my positive take on people not noticing: they were nice enough to not say anything when I gained weight, so it's okay that they don't say anything when I lose it :happy:
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Nobody said anything after I lost 20 pounds - even people I knew very well. UNTIL I mentioned I was losing weight. Then they said they'd seen it, but had been afraid to say something.

    Today I saw those folks after losing another 5 pounds and the first thing they said was "if you turned sideways, you'd disappear". Not true, but sweet anyway.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Surprisingly, people started to notice after I only lost about five pounds. I could have lost more fat than that and put on muscle, though. Idk
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    Yes!! finally! It took 5 more lbs and new clothes that fit but now everyone notices. No ones said anything about my face but Ive noticed it is getting thinner too... looking more like I did pre-prego.
  • I lost over 50 pounds and only my parents and one of my brothers have commented (I visited them as I live a while away and hadn't seen them for months). Not a single friend or anyone I see daily/weekly has commented anything, and I had to *ask* my own boyfriend. I find it discouraging even if I have lost alot of weight, it's like people still see the old me.
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    The best was when my fiance said I was "pointier" to snuggle with when we went to sleep. And I said...what does that mean? And he said, Well, there is less of you to hold.

    That actually made me smile.
  • vivipr
    vivipr Posts: 80 Member
    While I was in line in the Cafeteria waiting to order my breakfast, an old coworker came to say hello to me with a loud OMG Girl! I didnt recognized you I had to look twice, you have lost A LOT of weight! She put a huge smile on my face... :)

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Keto!!!
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    My Physio commented yesterday that I was looking really well.....it's only 19lbs since i started seeing her but it was nice to hear. :smile: