Advice for a starting newbie...please

So....I am doing my food diary and for the most part doing very well sticking to my calorie goals. I have lost about 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Yea me! But, I have a question. Is it possible I am loosing this weight because I either really over ate or was extremely bloated? It's not that I am complaining, I just have not lost weight like this before. Logging my food and making choices based on my calorie goal seems to really be helping. I was told it is VERY important to start an exercise plan because I don't want to get saggy from weight loss. Any one have any experience they could lend to me? I know this won't keep up at this pace (again not complaining!!) but since this is all new I want some advice from others who have been successful.


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    When you initially started a calorie deficit to lose weight, most people drop pounds quickly the first week or so. When you reduce food calories, your body gets its energy from its glycogen storage. Glycogen holds on to water, so when you burn glycogen for energy you are losing a lot of water weight. This means you initially have a big weight loss but it is all water.

    Things will even out and your weight loss should stabilize to a healthier 1-2 pounds a week. If you need to lose less than 20 pounds, you should be aiming for no more than 1 lb/week. I lost 30 lbs. total, lost 3 pounds the first week, then after that it stabilized to a 0.5 - 1 lb/week loss.
  • wwilliams43221
    wwilliams43221 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks, this helps. I never drank very much water if ever so I thought that might be a factor.
  • boboandh
    boboandh Posts: 3 Member