Not sure what to do!?!?

I am not sure if it is this time of year or a plateau, but I seem to be holding strong between 285 and 281. Now this is nothing to be ashamed of. I started at 320 back in August. I know that the body will level off at points. I just excepted it to be after I bit more weight loss. I am hitting the weight more now and upped my protein. I am not sure what else I can do. Any suggestions would be welcome!! Please help my goal weight is 220 so I have a long journey still ahead of me.


  • Cdoug99
    Cdoug99 Posts: 23 Member
    Just keep after it. Others told me to stay off the dang scale and rely on measurements of inches. I still get on every day. I'm just not that patient to wait a week or so. Just keep after it. Stay motivated and keep working out and counting calories. Up your workout a little or down your calories a little and see what happens. I'm no expert, but that's my 2 cents.