Those that have lost a significant amount of weight, please



  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I've lost 170 lbs Low calorie, low carb, low sugar and high protien. I focused an cardio for exercise 1 hr 6 to 7 times a week.
    I now have about 10 lbs top lose but I'm more concerned with reducing body fat and increasing muscle tone. My diet has lightened up but still low calorie, low carb, low sugar and high protien. But my exercise focus has switched to less cardio and lots of free weights.
  • toning arms video? Where would I get such a thing?

    It was back in 2003 so I don't remember the name of the blonde lady who was in the videos. I just bought an upper body workout video and rolled with it!
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    I have lost right at 100 lbs in 2011, the last 40 or 50 was done through the help of MFP when I hit a plateau. I am now in the second phase you describe of needing to lose about 20 lbs of fat but also want to gain 20 lbs of muscle, so I've just started concentrating on weight training and maintaining the same scale weight.

    How I lost- I just counted calories and did cardio. My loss goal was 2 lbs/week, which is roughly a 1000 calorie a day deficit. . I would not recommend losing it faster. Exercise-First walking, then ellipitcal and finally running.

    What I did WRONG during my weight loss was not taking steps to preserve muscle mass early on in my diet. I was not ensuring enough protein and was only getting 50 g or so a day at one point. I didn't start doing resistance training until six months in. Then when I started, I did a lot of isolation exercises (bicep curls, tricep extensions, etc) instead of focusing on the "big lifts" that work all the muscle groups such as the Squat, Deadlift, and Bench press

    Hope this helps. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Great stories!! Thanks all, keep 'em coming :)
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I lost 60 pounds in five months, and I've lost about 33 pounds since that initial loss. The first loss was a combination of cutting way back on calories (I gained from medication, which made me eat and drink sugary things), and tons of cardio mixed with some weight training. Nothing really special in the food department--just a lot of exercise. About two hours a day at the gym, 6-7 days a week. The 23 pounds just kind of came off over time...I can't really explain a whole lot of that. Now I am a strict vegan who exercises 7 days a week, and I wouldn't change it for anything.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    My pics are on my page. I lost the majority of my weight (40 lbs) eating about 1500-1600 calories over all. I was a student who walked daily and worked out intentional using cardio machines 3 times a week. I lifted lighter, sporadically. I'm at my last 10 lbs. I eat 1700 to 1900 calories, I do cardio 4 times a week in the form of dance classes and lift heavy 3 times a week. I also take a pole dancing class for fun. The more dramatic change happened when I began to eat more and lift.

    A more detailed plan is on my profile.

    To all the shorties (5'2'' here), you can eat more than 1200 calories and lose. Match your intake to your activity level.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
  • I have lost 142 Lbs in one year on 800-900 calories per day all nutrition whole foods, no shakes or protein powders, walking just 30 mins a yes it's a great way to lose weight...I'm in fantastic health with blood work and urinalysis tests to document it. I live a CRON lifestyle and could'nt be happier.
  • Heather1899
    Heather1899 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm sorry if I have a long story...

    Started at 312:
    Stopped drinking soda, started drinking water. Only change, and I was down to 280
    280-200 Started Curves 3x a week and doing workout dvds (Mostly Leslie Sanson). Also started counting calories on I didn't really pay that much attention to the quality of my food in the beginning...mainly just calories. And some days I would just go out and splurge at a buffet too but I didn't eat that way everyday.
    Around 200 pounds I tried 30 day shred with 5 pound dumbbells. I knew nothing about strength training. I did Curves...but 30 day shred was challenging!! I stopped Curves and started buying dumbbells (5, 8, 10) and doing strength training centered dvds. Weight coming off started slowing down.
    170-185 At my lowest I was 170 now I am 180 (worth mentioning)
    Now I have slowly improved how I eat. I eat more whole foods than before. I try to eat less processed foods, though it depends on what I have available. I aim for 80 good food 20 bad food mostly. I like balance.
    I started eating alot more fruits and veggies. Instead of cereal, I eat oatmeal 99% of the time. At lunch I have a big salad instead of take out. I was bordering vegetarianism before, but now I eat more meat like chicken. I try to get more protein. I eat greek yogurt instead of regular.
    I bought a Total Gym and adjustable weights (only up to 20 pounds though on my dumbbells) and I am doing Chalean Extreme which is teaching me heavy lifting and form. I think so far it is the best weight lifting dvds I have had.
    All this happened slowly over 2-3 years. I just slowly adjusted my habits. In the beginning I know that if I changed too much at once I might not stick to it plus I didn't know everything. So overtime I have learned and tweaked. And I am not perfect. I still overeat at times. If I am sick, I might not exercise for a week.
    Not sure if I qualify. I am not sure why I went from 170-185 in the year...but all of my clothes still fit me so I am not complaining.