Oatmeal question



  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I stir in some strawberry greek yogurt. Keeps sugars down, adds a bit of protein and flavour. :)
  • brittanyholocker
    brittanyholocker Posts: 53 Member
    Such great ideas....Following this thread!!! :)
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    PB & J Oatmeal is amazing!
    Or, a good flavored protein powder with milk, if you have it. :)

    this is what I do, I totally hated oatmeal for a long time, finally I really like it.
  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    Apples or sugar free apple sauce, pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice, just about any kind of fruit. Carrot cake oatmeal is yummy. I haven't tried chocolate oatmeal yet, but plan to.

    I prefer to make steel cut oats (they're a little better for you). I make them in the crock pot with flavoring already in them then freeze individual containers of it so I just microwave it in the morning.
  • Arleigh7
    Arleigh7 Posts: 150 Member
    Oatmeal is great but it's a bit low in protein and healthy fat. So I put in a scoop of unflavored whey protein and then add an ounce of walnuts. Makes it a bit more balanced meal and the walnuts impove the flavor for me quite a bit.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    I add a scoop of protien powder and an apple - delicous
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    I use peanut butter whey isolate protein and a sprinkle of PB2 (the one with cocoa). No sweetener needed.
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    I cook rolled oats with dried cranberries, dried apples, cinammon, cook it in on the stove with a little milk then add a drizzle of honey on top. Can I suggest moving away from the instant type oatmeal to rolled oats or steel cut oats- the whole grain stuff is less rocessed, takes only a few minutes to cook, but has lower GI, much better health benefits and will keep you full for longer. I'm diabetic and even with dried fruit and honey my blood sugar is LOWER after I eat a big bowl of whole oats!
  • jpwic
    jpwic Posts: 8 Member
    I've been doing oatmeal, Greek yogurt and fruit of some type. It's yummy and filling!
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    Powdered peanut butter (PB2) and some fruit or a couple drops of stevia!
  • I cook with almond vanilla milk instead of water add cranberries sometimes. And sometimes use kroger's pancake syrup vanilla spice only takes 1/8 c. You can put a lot of different things in it!!
  • wharkins
    wharkins Posts: 15 Member
    A spoonful of orange marmalade & a square of dark chocolate!
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    Ground Flax Seeds and Dried Goji Berries, The flax gives it a rich nutty taste, the berries are slightly sweet and for some reason keep me full longer than when I don't add them.
  • Every morning I have a bowl of oatmeal... single serving. (Microwaved) with 1 tbsp of brown sugar and 1/4 cup of mixed berries. It's a nice way to eat it without too many calories. great start to the day
  • zlem
    zlem Posts: 92
    chopped apple and/or sultanas, and a bit of cinnamon.
    I bought and tried dried goji berries for the first time yesterday, very nice with greek yoghurt and I think they would be good in oatmeal too but it's a bit hot here atm for porridge!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    half a cup of applesauce, up to a tbsp of brown sugar but you can even do a teaspoon or a sprinkle, cinnamon and a stevia packet. it's like freaking apple pie.
    some light syrup, cinnamon and cloves
    blueberries and cinnamon.
    chocolate protein powder.
    flavored almond milk instead of water
    mashed up banana
    tbsp of pb and some fruit or jelly
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I always mix a scoop of vanilla protein powder into instant cinnamon or maple syrup oatmeal with a sprinkling of pumpkin pie spice. Proatmeal. It's pretty good and super filling.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Love, love, love this blog! The Oatmeal Artist

    This is the link to the recipe for apple pie baked oatmeal. It is delicious. As someone who used to have to dump tons of brown sugar in my oatmeal her recipes really excite me because they are full of flavor without a ton of sweetner. She uses natural sweetners too like honey and maple syrup, which I prefer to artificial. Tons of recipes. Did I mention that I LOVE this blog?

  • shiraLA
    shiraLA Posts: 272 Member
    i like chopped up apples, cinamnon and bit of brown sugar. i also mix in a tb of flaxseed.

    ^^this with some honey is awesome!!
  • you can put, like, everything in oatmeal cuz it's got such a bland flavor. I like berries, nuts, honey, peanut butter, sliced fruit (like mostly banana) um... cinnamon, agave nectar, etc. etc. etc.