Anyone else feel bad when people comment on their loss?



  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    OP- enjoy your successes, they are well earned. Don't accept anything less than you can do- and you and I know you can probably do more than you are right now? Ask an inch- give a mile, ok, half a mile. But you get what I am saying I hope.

    Celebrate your weight loss with something you want! Something non food- something you cheerish. My Goal is in my closet, my beautiful roller skates- almost ready to get in them and ad this to at least 2 x a week if not more. Long term.............want to join a roller derby! Yes, at 41 I want to join a roller derby!!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    You don't need to feel bad for having been fat. It's okay to have been fat. It's okay to be fat. It's okay to not be fat. It's all okay.

    Please clarify why you would say this? Its ok to be fat? I hate the term fat and its stereotype- so lets translate- what I am hearing is you are saying on here, MFP forum that its ok to be overweight, or not, whatever you choose.
    No, its not ok to be overweight, its not ok to be unhealthy as long as there is ability and desire to seek better life. To do nothing - is to give up. Its actually incredible selfish and pathetic to have this attitude. I know because I had it too- and my kids were embarrassed of my weight when I was so heavy. And they were scared to lose me- just like they lost their grandfather- to weight related issues at 63 yrs old. This is not ok- its not a quality of life- this is a quantity of time left in an hourglass. Our bodies can only take so much abuse before they give out

    Your moral compass for physical fitness needs a revamp- mine did too. Are you here to help?

    Sorry, but I agree. It's not okay to be fat. It's not okay to abuse anything...animals, children, the environment...and this includes your own body. There might be reasons for getting to that point, but come on. There is no excuse to stay that way.

    Unless one is on a suicide mission, then no, its not ok. If you have family, children, and for me, I am 41 and I have grandchildren. I just took a fitness training a few weeks ago- for Zumbatomic- (kids version of Zumba) - this program is working hand in hand with the National Lets move program started by the first lady- Mrs Obama. Hopefully thru funding available thru grants- we are going to be able to branch out into schools, (same schools are cutting PE out of their schools)- and bring in Zumbatomic 1 or 2 X a week.
    Kids are easier to recover from being obese, diet change and physical activity- they love to run and play- for us its a little more work.
  • bella1381
    Thank you for all the responses! I understand where every one is coming from. I guess I just feel that way because I use to be really fit and then I got to a point in my life where I gained a lot of weight but luckily have lost that weight.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I like it when people comment on my weightloss, but if I wind up gaining it back that will really suck.

    It'll be okay even if you do gain it back. I gained back 30 of my 62 pounds lost, but they'll come off again in time. No need to stress about it. And if people judge, that's their insecurities and issues. :flowerforyou:

    Why even try to do anything, then? If everything is "okay"?
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    I've personally never felt bad about it, but can understand how in some situations it may be awkward (i.e. you're losing while your husband gains...)
  • commandax
    commandax Posts: 38 Member
    Most of the time I enjoy it when people mention that I'm looking slimmer, but there is a girl at the gym who loudly compliments my appearance EVERY SINGLE DAY. The first time, it was nice, but it quickly got weird and uncomfortable. It doesn't help that she does it at the top of her lungs, so everyone in the gym can hear. I feel like she's fishing for a compliment herself, as she tells me she has lost about 15 pounds as well, but since I never saw her when she was heavier, it feels awkward to have to counter-compliment her every single day.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I like it when people comment on my weightloss, but if I wind up gaining it back that will really suck.

    It'll be okay even if you do gain it back. I gained back 30 of my 62 pounds lost, but they'll come off again in time. No need to stress about it. And if people judge, that's their insecurities and issues. :flowerforyou:

    Why even try to do anything, then? If everything is "okay"?

    Because a person is entitled to make decisions about their own body?
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    This may sound strange, but I feel bad when people say I look great now and they notice I have lost a lot of weight. I know most people would love to hear that, but when I was 40lbs heavier I was very depressed and didnt even like to hang out with friends. I lost the weight and feel like myself again but wherever I go people comment on how much weight I lost. And for some reason that makes me feel bad that they are bringing up the fact that I use to be fat. I know they dont mean it in a negative way but it feels like they are saying " you use to be fat but now your not". Maybe its just me, but I just wanted to rant lol.

    I'm the same way too! Especially if they go ON and On about it and want to know every single thing I did to lose weight. It's like they're dissecting me. I was overweight for 8 years and honestly now that I'm close to being back to the way I was the first 30 years of my life, I just want to "forget" my fat phase, but it's hard to do when people bring it up all the time. And like someone else said, I've had people remark on my weight loss before even saying hello. My brother and his girlfriend did that to me when they ran into me at a Redbox. I'm trying to pick a movie and there's several people behind me, but in front of everyone they're bombarding me with questions. I guess my brother who had called me a "fat *kitten*" a year earlier and never apologized was trying to make amends, but that, for me, was not the time and place...
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    This may sound strange, but I feel bad when people say I look great now and they notice I have lost a lot of weight. I know most people would love to hear that, but when I was 40lbs heavier I was very depressed and didnt even like to hang out with friends. I lost the weight and feel like myself again but wherever I go people comment on how much weight I lost. And for some reason that makes me feel bad that they are bringing up the fact that I use to be fat. I know they dont mean it in a negative way but it feels like they are saying " you use to be fat but now your not". Maybe its just me, but I just wanted to rant lol.

    I'm the same way too! Especially if they go ON and On about it and want to know every single thing I did to lose weight. It's like they're dissecting me. I was overweight for 8 years and honestly now that I'm close to being back to the way I was the first 30 years of my life, I just want to "forget" my fat phase, but it's hard to do when people bring it up all the time. And like someone else said, I've had people remark on my weight loss before even saying hello. My brother and his girlfriend did that to me when they ran into me at a Redbox. I'm trying to pick a movie and there's several people behind me, but in front of everyone they're bombarding me with questions. I guess my brother who had called me a "fat *kitten*" a year earlier and never apologized was trying to make amends, but that, for me, was not the time and place...

    yeah, i noticed my sister staring at me strangely when i met her for dinner last friday. then she commented that i looked really skinny. going to see my parents tomorrow for thanksgiving and haven't seen them since late september which was probably the last time i saw my sister before last friday as well. i'm curious if they will notice. i've only lost 5 pounds since the last time i saw them though, 20 pounds overall. maybe the last 5 were really noticable.
  • AnitaS71
    AnitaS71 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't mind it unless they're gushing on and on about it. I don't like to have that much attention focused on me. The thing I really hate though is when they tell me I look great., I don't look great. Yes, I have lost 43 pounds since Feb, but I still have 47 left to go (my profile picture is an old one meant to motivate me, btw). I'm not even quite halfway there yet, and I'm still in the "obese" range for my no, I really don't look great (how bad did I look before if this is great?). That said, I know that's my issue, and I don't hold it against the people who say it. I believe their intentions are good, and it's not their fault that it makes me uncomfortable.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I don't mind it unless they're gushing on and on about it. I don't like to have that much attention focused on me. The thing I really hate though is when they tell me I look great., I don't look great. Yes, I have lost 43 pounds since Feb, but I still have 47 left to go (my profile picture is an old one meant to motivate me, btw). I'm not even quite halfway there yet, and I'm still in the "obese" range for my no, I really don't look great (how bad did I look before if this is great?). That said, I know that's my issue, and I don't hold it against the people who say it. I believe their intentions are good, and it's not their fault that it makes me uncomfortable.

    You do look great.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I like it when people comment on my weightloss, but if I wind up gaining it back that will really suck.

    It'll be okay even if you do gain it back. I gained back 30 of my 62 pounds lost, but they'll come off again in time. No need to stress about it. And if people judge, that's their insecurities and issues. :flowerforyou:

    Why even try to do anything, then? If everything is "okay"?

    Because a person is entitled to make decisions about their own body?

    Right. But from what you say, you are making less of a "decision" and more of an "acceptance" of whatever happens.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I like it when people comment on my weightloss, but if I wind up gaining it back that will really suck.

    It'll be okay even if you do gain it back. I gained back 30 of my 62 pounds lost, but they'll come off again in time. No need to stress about it. And if people judge, that's their insecurities and issues. :flowerforyou:

    Why even try to do anything, then? If everything is "okay"?

    Because a person is entitled to make decisions about their own body?

    Right. But from what you say, you are making less of a "decision" and more of an "acceptance" of whatever happens.

    Google is your friend here.
  • thinjustfabulous
    thinjustfabulous Posts: 30 Member
    i feel ya.
    I hate it when people say I lose weight,...Coz in their mind I'm a fatso..

    Yes, I was so fat then and people seem to only remember me fat.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I like it when people comment on my weightloss, but if I wind up gaining it back that will really suck.

    It'll be okay even if you do gain it back. I gained back 30 of my 62 pounds lost, but they'll come off again in time. No need to stress about it. And if people judge, that's their insecurities and issues. :flowerforyou:

    I suppose if I could lose it once, I could lose it again, but I got to the point that none of my clothes fit me and I was approaching plus sized. I refused to buy new clothes and was just uncomfortable all day instead. I would be very unhappy if that happened again. I really like that my clothes are fitting loosely now.
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    That said, I know that's my issue, and I don't hold it against the people who say it. I believe their intentions are good, and it's not their fault that it makes me uncomfortable.

    Yeah, same here. I realize too it's my issue and most, if not all my friends and family, are trying to be complimentary and supportive. But, sometimes it feels like "too much."
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I like it when people comment on my weightloss, but if I wind up gaining it back that will really suck.

    It'll be okay even if you do gain it back. I gained back 30 of my 62 pounds lost, but they'll come off again in time. No need to stress about it. And if people judge, that's their insecurities and issues. :flowerforyou:

    I suppose if I could lose it once, I could lose it again, but I got to the point that none of my clothes fit me and I was approaching plus sized. I refused to buy new clothes and was just uncomfortable all day instead. I would be very unhappy if that happened again. I really like that my clothes are fitting loosely now.

    Well if it helps, if you feel your clothes starting to get tighter it will probably keep you from gaining any more. I only gained back as much as I did due to other severe health issues. And congrats on being comfy in your clothes again. :D
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I like it when people comment on my weightloss, but if I wind up gaining it back that will really suck.

    It'll be okay even if you do gain it back. I gained back 30 of my 62 pounds lost, but they'll come off again in time. No need to stress about it. And if people judge, that's their insecurities and issues. :flowerforyou:

    I suppose if I could lose it once, I could lose it again, but I got to the point that none of my clothes fit me and I was approaching plus sized. I refused to buy new clothes and was just uncomfortable all day instead. I would be very unhappy if that happened again. I really like that my clothes are fitting loosely now.

    Well if it helps, if you feel your clothes starting to get tighter it will probably keep you from gaining any more. I only gained back as much as I did due to other severe health issues. And congrats on being comfy in your clothes again. :D


    I think the fact that I finally bought a scale will stop it from happening again. I refused to weigh myself before and went years without doing it because i was scared to know. Now I'm obsessive about weighing myself.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I like it when people comment on my weightloss, but if I wind up gaining it back that will really suck.

    It'll be okay even if you do gain it back. I gained back 30 of my 62 pounds lost, but they'll come off again in time. No need to stress about it. And if people judge, that's their insecurities and issues. :flowerforyou:

    Why even try to do anything, then? If everything is "okay"?

    Because a person is entitled to make decisions about their own body?

    Right. But from what you say, you are making less of a "decision" and more of an "acceptance" of whatever happens.

    Google is your friend here.

    Yes, I'm aware of google and use it extensively. I looked into your "fat acceptance" stuff and am not buying it. Sorry.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    Yes, I'm aware of google and use it extensively. I looked into your "fat acceptance" stuff and am not buying it. Sorry.

    Good for you?