
1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many?
2. When did you get it/them?
3. What did you get?
4. Any regrets?


  • loliblullama
    loliblullama Posts: 140 Member
    1. Yes - 7
    2. Over the past 3 years
    3. I have a small square on my right forearm arm just below the elbow, 2 butterflies on my left wrist, writing on my left forearm, my rats' paw prints on my left food, a heart behind my right ear made up of a treble clef and a bass clef, and a stick monkey walking a stick dog on my right shoulder blade
    4. nope
  • Kendrazombie
    Kendrazombie Posts: 157 Member
    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many? 22
    2. When did you get it/them? Starting at age 19 until about 4 years ago. I'm due for some more. :)
    3. What did you get? Various things. A few favorites: Creature from the Black Lagoon on my arm, jack'o'lantern with batwings chest piece and beetlejuice on my wrist.
    4. Any regrets? Nope.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    my name may answer that;-) and half a arm, 2 on the other arm , about 30-35% of my back, and both legs covered knee to ankle ,, will be doing a huge rib piece next and more on my back possibly
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    I have 9, depending on whether you count my chest piece as one or two. My neck, chest, inner elbows, wrists, and one of my ankles. I got my first one at 17, which was a heart with my name and ex's name in it---it's covered now. My most recent one was most of my chest piece, a few months ago. It can be seen in my profile pic. I have no regrets and plan on plenty more :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    1. Just the one!
    2. For my 40th birthday, though I had it substantially altered when I was 49.
    3. originally it was a tribal symbol that didn;t really mean anything - now it's a gorgeous phoenix on my lower back.
    4. regrets? It was done in 2 sessions, and there's a balck mark left from the first outlining session, which the tattoist forgot about during the second session (it was probably covered by my knickers). But I might get that properly incorporated into her tail sometime. And maybe add more colour.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I have a celtic cross on my calf that I got when I was 24. I'm now 39, and I don't regret it.
  • sophayz
    sophayz Posts: 592 Member
    1. i have one big half sleeve tattoo
    2. this summer
    3. i got a half sleeve that has a under water and air balance theme , with a fish and two biomechanic dragonflies , it represent the movement in my life , the metamorphose , the freedom and changes i been through.
    4. NONE
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    I have 2 tattoos - Celtic butterfly on my hip (has my husbands name in runic in it) - got it on my 28th birthday
    Three tulips on my foot (each represent a special person in my life - Mom, Dad and Husband) - March 2012

    I love them both but wished I planned the butterfly better, just went in and got the first drawing I saw of it.
  • ekkand
    ekkand Posts: 592 Member
    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many?
    2. When did you get it/them?
    3. What did you get?
    4. Any regrets?

    1. Yes, I have 4
    2. I got all of them over the past 2 years
    3. The SF giants "SF" symbol on my wrist, the words "always and forever" on my other wrist, angel wings with falling feathers on my ribs and a vintage camera and film strip on my shoulder blade.
    4. Only thing I regret is not getting them touched up as much as I should.
  • Katiean30
    I have 3.... Writing on my foot, writing on my hip/ lower stomach and one on the outside of my wrist. Got another booked, writing on top of bum cheek/ towards hip...all very personal, no pictures just words... Had them all over last 3 months. No regrets they are brill, I love them.... I love men with them, there very attractive.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many?
    2. When did you get it/them?
    3. What did you get?
    4. Any regrets?

    1. YES :D theyre hard to count exactly, lol. id say in peices i have 13??
    2. i got my 1st tat at age 16 and most recent work last friday :D
    3. i have lots , check out my profile pics :D most recent are the blush colored roses on front of my shoulders (not quite chest)
    i have birds, butterflies, bumble bee, stars. a few lyrical quotes, a heart in my plam, and shoulder and on my bum. lol
    4. regrets...welll i wish i wouldnbt have used up so much space on my back so early in the game, i can think of lots that id rather have there now, but i still like all the work i have.
  • timmyb057
    timmyb057 Posts: 15 Member
    1. 5 (2 professional, 3 "prison" tats)
    2. Starting at age 14 (we got ahold of a bottle of tattoo ink); most recent one was 5-6 years ago (shoulder/upper arm coming soon)
    3. Couple of Chinese symbols ("honor" - chest; "courage" - neck/upper back), sun, cross, spiderweb
    4. The spiderweb was a mistake, my brother was a pretty good artist (did the sun and cross), this guy...not so much. Done with a homemade "gun" (lol made with one of the remote controlled car motors) and there was alot of alcohol involved. May have to get that one removed/covered one day..
  • peachhunting
    peachhunting Posts: 59 Member
    I've got just the one. Did it this fall as a mid life crisis thing.

    Moose antlers with a peach in the middle.
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    4 tattoos - over the last 30 yrs - Have a rose on my back ( first one when i was 19) I have a cross & crown of throwns w/ my 3 childrens names on it on my calf , Have a heart w/ ex husbands name now w/flowers on my chest. and a large ( profile pic) praying hands & rosery saying "In gods hands" on my left foerarm.
  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    I got my 1st tattoo in 1986 ( I was 23). I got it covered up in 1989. I got a cover up of the cover up in 1990 which the end result was a large red rose on my shoulder. Got one on my hip, a cluster of flowers and one on my ankle, a keyboard with music notes in 1991. And got the last one in 2010 a picture of my sailboat on my calf. No regrets except maybe the 1986 one. Sailor Fred was the only artist in town. Not like today where they are everywhere. I raised ferrets and wanted a ferret on my shoulder. It turned out looking like a skunk. After a few years of people asking me, "why do you have a skunk on your back?" I had an artist change it to a fox or what looked like a fox. Again...LOL.. Then I had the rose put over the whole thing. I am happy with the rose, a little bigger than I wanted but hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    1. Do you have any, and if so, HOW many? 2
    2. When did you get it/them? One when I was 16, one this year
    3. What did you get? The first one is a purple passion flower with a banner over it that says "Beautiful disaster" and a piece of parchment paper that says, "every sinner has a future". My best friend has the first half of the saying, "every saint has a past" in a matching style.
    4. Any regrets? I wish I had known a little more about what a good tattoo is when I was 16. My first one needs to be retouched and colored all the way, but all in all, no.
  • xeanx
    xeanx Posts: 69
    I have 11 tattoos. I don't regret any of them. A guess about the time frame would be 10 years. They're on facebook.
  • ceannesjourney
    1. I have 4, but more planned.
    2. When did you get it/them? The first one at age 26, the last one at age 42--the next one at age 47, and then...more to come as I feel the need to put them on.
    3. First one is a unicorn--still love it!--on my outside ankle/calf, the inside of my ankel--close to the foot is my first dog's name "Myst", on my inside wrist is the Buddhist saying - noble eightfold path in chinese characters, in my favorite color (tourquoise), last one is the chinese characters for "papa" with wings surrounding it on my right shoulder. My next one will be an aboriginal line art depicting an angel with the chinese characters for "mama" on my right shoulder. I still plan on getting more chinese characters--probably running down my spine of my favorite words and/ characterists--probably 5 or 6 of them. I also would like to get a small tatto of stars or starburst right below my ear on my neck.
    4. I guess not, if I'm still planning more. LOL! I love to see the spectacurar artwork on others but each of my tattoos mean so much to me--and I don't like pictures so much on me (love them on others though).
  • RubyRed8067
    I've got one I got the day I turned 18. It's a rosebud, and "rosebud" was my codename when I was it's got meaning. I don't regret it, but I am thinking about getting another. I work in an office setting, so I really have to watch what and where I put it. I want it to be visible (not on my butt or thigh), but easily covered with a jacket or something.
  • uxbridgeheli
    Nope - none at all - but then I like to be a bit different.
    H x