Hello I'm new :)

Hi everyone

Just thought I'd pop on and say hi. I'm Nicola and live in the Isle of Man.

Does anyone have any tips for stopping the tummy rumbling? My dr has told me I need to lose weight otherwise it'll kill me!! Yep his words! He's told me to have no more than 900 calories a day and given me 3 months to lose a stone!

Wish me luck x


  • kylienicoledavis
    Feel free to add me!
  • swisswife
    swisswife Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Nicola, welcome !!

    900 calories a day is very low..... can you speak to a dietician ??
    I would try to get some other advice....

    if you put your height and weight into the tools here and the amount you want to loose every week what does it give you ??

    Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a 'friend' I'm a re-starter.....
  • Miryana72

    Im new to this site. 900 calories is low so you probably need supplements to make up the vitamins and minerals due to having a low calorie intake. I think this site is great to help organise meals the day ahead. Your doctor is right in that it can kill you. I know a lady who was very overweight and died in her sleep because of it. I know a another lady who was overweight and she had a gastric lap band surgery. She got an infection due to the surgery and died. The best way to lose weight is by exercising and reducing your calories. You can do it with determination which you have. I'm from Australia. If you would like to add me feel free. Take care. Miryana
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi everyone

    Just thought I'd pop on and say hi. I'm Nicola and live in the Isle of Man.

    Does anyone have any tips for stopping the tummy rumbling? My dr has told me I need to lose weight otherwise it'll kill me!! Yep his words! He's told me to have no more than 900 calories a day and given me 3 months to lose a stone!

    Wish me luck x

    I am new to the site, and really have been struggling for about 2 years so I don't know if my advice will help... however,

    I find that what does help me, is , popcicles, and chewing gum.

    These things will help get through the hours that are in between meal time.


    They say its' good to eat fruit in between the meal time to boost matabolism.

    hope this helps. :)