Ladies over 200??

I think I may have seen a post about this recently, but I am looking for any girls that are over 200 to be friends with!
A little about myself, I'm a mom to two beautiful kids - a girl who is almost 4 and a 2 year old boy.
I have been overweight my whole life, and I am going to really, really, really do it this time! I already feel like I am doing awesome and I'm finally in the right mind set for weight loss. Last time I weighed myself I was around 280 (few months ago), I have no idea how much I weigh now. I have been eating healthy and exercising for about 3 weeks now and going strong.
I need friends, so add me!! :D


  • I suppose you don't have to be over 200 pounds to be my friend! lol, just realized how that sounded. I really just want some people to motivate me and who I can also provide motivation!!
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    I'm a mom of a 2 year old. I started off at 271.2lbs at the beginning of June, as of Monday I weighed 225.8lbs (total of 45.4lbs lost & 20.25 inches!) I still have a long way to go but I'm working on getting there. =)

    I'm always looking for motivational friends! =)
  • Yolanda4160
    Yolanda4160 Posts: 170 Member
    When I started in January, I was over 200- 225 to be specific. But I'm down to 158 now. I would love to be your friend :smile:
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    i used to be over 200lbs, over 300lbs to be exact...add me if you like...
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    You can add me--when I started, I think I was 285 at my heaviest. My mini goal is to get to 200, and ultimately 180 pounds. I'm 6' tall. I'm at 235 pounds right now.
  • kitkat40
    kitkat40 Posts: 49 Member
    I used to be 220, now i'm 165. I have 6 children (20,19,15,6,5 year old twins) If you would like i would love to have you as a friend! Good luck on your journey!!:smile:
  • TamiJillSM08
    TamiJillSM08 Posts: 210 Member
    You girls are so inspiring! Our numbers are similar, I'd love to be friends with you all! I started at 273 & am working to get to 150.
  • Glad I stumbled onto this post. Your friend request is just what I was looking for. I am brand new to MFP. What inspiring responses from these ladies. I'd like to be friends with everyone too.
  • I started out at 268 I've lost 17 lbs so I'll add you and anyone else can add me too! :)
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    I would love to be friends with everybody! Though I'm not over 200 lbs, some days it feels like it! I would love the source of motivation, and also be a source of motivation for anyone! Add me if you would like!
  • Thanks for all the friend requests ladies :) and Happy Thanksgiving!
  • I'd love to add you. At my biggest I was 261 pounds. I lost 113 pounds of that right before I got married and then I had 2 children, the youngest being 6 months old. I am currently sitting at 207 pounds and am aiming to get back down to my wedding weight. I've set my goal ticker to show my first goal to reach 180 pounds.
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    I am over 200 pounds.... I would love to be your friend. :-)
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    Hit enter too quickly.
    I started at 350 and now I am 245.....My goal currently is to lose 10 pounds by Jan. 1st..... I have lost 54 since May 17th.....I hope I'll be able to do it...
  • I was 278lbs at my turning point, I got down to 203..then back to 230, and all around that number. It is amazing how it takes a week to lose 0.5 lbs but in a day i can gain 5lbs! just not fair! But if it was that easy to lose everyone would do it!

    I am also looking for friends on here for motivation and support, i never want to see 230 again! My ultimate goal is 155lbs, but my current mini goal is 219 [4lbs to go!] then 199! and down from there.

    I am also a mother of 3 grown boys [25, 19, 17, and a one year old grandson]
  • XjXannX
    XjXannX Posts: 44 Member
    i am just at 200 today, and i'm also looking for new friends! (:
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    Hey there. I am posting this here and anyone who wants to add me can. I log on daily and try to be very active and supportive online. My highest weight was 325 in 2010/2011, I joined MFP 8/20/2012 at 275 and am now at 237.8. I have lost almost 100 pounds so far and have about 100 still to go.

    Please feel free to read my profile and add me!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • workinprogress37
    workinprogress37 Posts: 24 Member
    You girls are so inspiring! Our numbers are similar, I'd love to be friends with you all! I started at 273 & am working to get to 150.

    I would like to be friends with all of you too!!! I will send you requests.
  • Shyanne1369
    Shyanne1369 Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me too...just started myfitnesspal this week. I'm 210 currently with a goal of 150. I am a mother of 3 (14, 9 and 4) It's good to see so many women with such similar goals! :)