Females 5'5 what is your goal weight and current weight?



  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi I'm Sarah

    30years old Medium frame
    HW 164
    SW On MFP 147.5
    CW 133.5
    GW 125 - been this before when I was 20 and felt great!
    LW 116 - was this when I was 18 and looked a bit emmaciated for my medium frame

    stats 36/28/37
    goal stats 36/26/36

    BMR about 1350 sedentary TDEE about 1675

    my cals are all over the place lol I try to eat 1400 a day during the week but my weekends are usually in the 2000's I probably average 1500-1700 a day, usually do 2 x 45min zumba classes a week and give it my all but been missing it lately due to overtime at work where I have a sedentary desk job. Odd bit of walking here and there and odd bits of strength training. I'm not the most hardcore or consistent MFPer on here but it seems to work for me and I tend not to worry about my "diet" on weekends, but I try to log everyday. :)

    Currently I'm dropping a pound a week but when I started it was more like half a pound (I got my stall/plateau out of the way when I started apparently caus it weirdly seems to be getting easier to lose weight the lighter I get)

    Hope that helps :P
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    5'5, 40 years old, 135 lbs. Other than exercise, I'm not terribly active... just normal housework and dog walking. For exercise, I run 3x a week (40-60 miles a month), and lift weights 3x a week (stronglifts 5x5). I eat about 2300 calories a day to maintain, and lost weight eating a total of 1700-2000+ a day (1350-1600 plus exercise calories).
  • healthycanadian95
    healthycanadian95 Posts: 55 Member
    current weight is 138, goal weight is 120.... Add me people! :)
  • Ilikeyoursleeves
    Ilikeyoursleeves Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 39 and 5'5. I weigh 150lbs (ow, that's hurts to say that) and want to hit 125. My goal is 130 at this point though. I've been below 130 the first 35 years of my life so I'm hating myself at this point. : (. :sad: Add me, if you like. : )
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I'm 26, 5'5 and 3/4", current weight 138lbs. Goal weight 132-136 depending on how I feel. I have consistently lost an average of about .5kg for 8 weeks on 1400 calories but eating back lots of my exercise calories. Highly active. Lifting 3 times per week, pilates 1 x per week. Cardio (running, sport, swimming, cycling, boxing) about 5 x per week.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    5' 5.5"
    40 yrs old
    Goal Weight 130-133 but not stuck on that number; more concerned with bf%
    Sedentary apart from workouts and the occasional long walk
    3 days a week strength training
    3 days a week running
    1 days a week yoga or pilates
    Eating on average around 1400 to 1500 on the days I don't work out; more when I do.
  • I'm 5'5" and 28yo.
    My current weight is 125.5 and my goal is 118 (my weight when I got married). I have a very small build. I don't exercise other than taking long walks while pushing my daughter's stroller. MFP has my calories set at 1200, but I usually come in close to about 1400. The weight is coming off very slowly.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    I'm 45 years old 5'5" and 131 lbs (at least before today LOL)

    IDK about my goal weight...it was 123 but since I started strength training I've noticed I'm getting smaller but not losing as much weight and that's fine with me. Just not sure what to put my goal weight at.

    I'm on 1200 cal a day and usually stick to it. (again, not today LOL)

    Workouts are 3-4 days a week of cardio and 2-3 days a week of strength training for a total of 5-6 days a week working out.

    Cardio is either running, biking, swimming, elliptical or arc trainer

    I'm in a sz 8 pants but could probably use a 6 now.
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    I'm 154 now, aiming for 140-145. I am losing .5 a week on 1500 calories a day, with eating back my exercise calories. My diary is open.

    I lift three days a week, and run four days. (Some doubled up, I take two rest days) My main goal is to build muscle while losing fat.
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I started my journey at 289.6lbs. Today I weighed 207.8. I want to end up around 150. I'm eating about 1400cals right now. Working on my feet and horseback riding 2 times a week. Also try to walk/ jog 2 times a week.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    As far as goal weight goes... my only goal now is to not give a damn what the scale says.

    I was around 115 up until I was about 25-26 years old. I'm a good 20 pounds more than that now. There's no frickin' way I could ever be my high school or college weight again. My lean mass alone is about 105-110 pounds. But I can still fit into my old prom gown, some jeans from high school, the bridesmaid dress I wore at 21, etc. The scale becomes meaningless after a while.
  • Ashonym
    Ashonym Posts: 172 Member
    Hey there! 23 Here, 203 lbs, goal weight 130 lbs. I lose on 1200 calories per day and maintain I haven't calculated really but guestimate a solid 2K? I'm extremely sedentary but trying to change that! But for the sake of easing into everything and not falling off an overwhelming horse, I've been not exercising as much as I could. When I do though, it's purely walking. Eventually my plan is to add in situps/pushups, but that will come later. Baby steps.
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    Maybe a bit taller but proof it can be done. I'm 45, 5'7" and at 124. Goal was 130 and changed it to 120 to lose more BF.
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    I'm 49 years old
    Current weight: 129.4
    Goal weight: 115
    I exercise 5-6 days a week
    Calories set by MFP 1200, more if I exercise. I eat 1200-1500 per day.
    I am in a plateau but hope it ends soon. Not sure if I buy into the "starvation mode" idea or not.
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    I am 5'4" I started at 205lbs currently at 148.8 and I want to get down to 130. Once I get there I might go for another 10. These last 20 lbs are stubborn, but then again I have not been as consistent :/
  • darisey
    darisey Posts: 228 Member
    I'm 23, I weigh 219 now, goal weight is 145-155. I eat a little under 1,400 and lose 2-3lbs per week. I'm set at lightly active. I don't have a set exercise routine but I would say I average about 30 minutes 3 times per week. :)
  • Hi! :) I'm 5'5 ,currently weigh anything around 130-132 lbs,and goal weight would be 115 lbs
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    5' 5.5", currently 126 and thrilled to be here for the last several months after maintaining around 132 for years. I'm 44 and have a sedentary job, but try to exercise every day, a mixture of high impact (kickboxing), low impact, strength (3x week) and some running. I don't have a heart rate monitor, and have done well eating my maintenance (1530) plus my exercise calories. It averages to about 2000 a day. The scale at the nutritionist's office says my body fat % is 14.4. But I would like to be like LorinaLynn and not care what the scale says instead of getting on every morning and crossing my fingers!!! :)
  • I'm 35, 5'5.75 and my current weight is 180. My goal weight is 150lbs. Actually I'll settle for 160lbs. My calorie intake is about 1400 a day. Sometimes I go over, most times I'm under. I haven't been working out for the last few weeks, but I will start again on Monday!!
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    SW 124
    CW 119 (it was 117 earlier this week :grumble: )
    GW 115
    Calories 1500
    Run intervals 25-50 minutes 3-5 times/week
    Will be starting Ripped in 30 this weekend

    Oh and I have a desk job.