20 yr old college student trying to shift weight

Hello there! So to start it off,I used to weigh 182 lbs,one and a half years ago,but eventually dropped the extra weight after I turned vegetarian and by eating healthier and being more aware.

Right now I weigh 131-132 lbs,but I have no muscle tone despite working with dumbells,which makes me look like I weigh 140 lbs+.I'm a size 6 US and wear jean size 28-29.

I guess the only reason I'm not losing weight is because I tend to overeat when I'm bored.

my usual diet is

Breakfast :- Bran Flakes with Soya Milk
Lunch:- Banana
Dinner:- Yogurt + Milk + Sugar

Snacks in between:- Icecream (3 table spoons),more bananas,more yogurt with sugar and so on.

I've also noticed that I've been having diarrhea after having milk/dairy,so it's a possibility that I might have lactose intolerance.

I know I should probably stop snacking,and I'm trying hard,but old habits die hard :(

has anyone gone through habits of snacking all the time when they're bored.If yes,how did you overcome it?

Thank you!


  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    You need to eat.. you are starving yourself.
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    Your diet is really bad.
  • alejandragc
    alejandragc Posts: 17 Member
    The reason you are not losing weight is because you are on starving mode! Eat More!! you are not eating enough!
  • terracotti
    terracotti Posts: 101 Member
    overeat? you eat too few
  • TrinityTrinityTrinity
    I have lactose intolerance. If I eat dairy I'm on the toilet for at least an hour with cramps the entire time. But if anyone ate what you eat, they'd probably have diarrhea too.

    If that's all you eat, then what the others have said is right.

    THere are tons of information on healthy diet plans. You body needs a GOOD balance of fat, protein, and carbs. Your diet doesn't have that.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I would suggest cutting bananas from your diet completely as they are high in carbs and sugar, eat more lean protein and fruits and vegetables with less carbs and sugar. If you feel pudgy it is probably because the lack of protein in your diet. Eat more and workout

    EDIT: Why do you need to add sugar to yogurt and milk!?
  • TrinityTrinityTrinity

    EDIT: Why do you need to add sugar to yogurt and milk!?
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    With that much dairy, you're going to have diarrhea. You need some quality protein and vegetables, and after that some resistance training to build muscle.
  • YolandaSaez
    Well, I think you should eat more food. But to answer your question, yes I did have a problem with "overeating". every time i overate i had to double the workouts which i did not like but taught me a lesson. lol.

    But honestly you should eat more.. add an apple with your cereal for breakfast or maybe orange juice. eat a salad for lunch or a veggie sandwich. and dinner maybe some rice with veggies and fish. expand your meal options. :) & you'll be fine. add me as a friend if you'd like or message me.. Good luck.
  • mischapk
    Hey! I guess my diet is pretty bad,so I'm cutting down on the milk and yogurt for a while.

    Would a low carb diet work? I thought it'd be good if I increased my protein intake (soy burgers,eggs,tuna and so,as I'm pescatarian and don't eat meat).Since joining university I've been feeding on carbs (cereal - will have 3 bowls if I can and multiple bananas.It's usually because of the convenience as I'm in college from 9 - 6 nearly everyday).
  • Code7526
    If you need to eat bread, limit your bread to two slices a day. Use this calculator http://caloriecount.about.com/cc/calories-goal.php to work out how many calories a day you should eat. You shouldn't eat as a woman less than 1200 calories a day.

    Healthy Meal Plan:

    Breakfast: Big Bowl of oats with milk but no sugar.

    Snack: 1 fruit

    Lunch: Protein(Chickpeas, lentils, navy beans, black beans ,eggs, tuna or skinless chicken) + salad

    Snack: 1 fruit

    Supper: Protein(Chickpeas, lentils, navy beans, black beans, eggs, tuna or skinless chicken) + dark green vegetables

    Drink 2 litres of water a day
    No refined sugar in any form
    No refined carbs
    No Alcohol
  • mischapk
    Thank you for your reply! That seems like a really nice plan - can the fruit be banana or is it advisable to make it low carb like berries? I can easily skip bread,but for breakfast,would bran flakes with soy milk be alright in place of oatmeal?
  • Code7526
    You can eat bananas, bananas are a good carbohydrate.

    You need to work out how many calories a day you need to eat, to get to your goal weight and then work out how many calories all the types of you food you eat a day has and make sure you don't go over your calorie count.



    Go on the internet and download onto your cellphone a calorie counter onto your phone and then whatever you eat, you will know
    how many calories it has.

    1. Don't eat in front of the tv.
    2. Plan all your meals in advance
    3. Don't eat wheat, bread, sugar or starch, if you have to limit your bread to two slices a day.
    4. Don't drink alcohol while you on diet.
    5. Get some exercise 3 times a week with rest days in between workouts.
  • dexter4564
    dexter4564 Posts: 86 Member
    Probably the worst diet I've ever seen.
  • mischapk
    thank you so much for your help! apparently,it's 1200 calories

    I plan on starting Insanity in December once I'm back home,so I might have to increase my calories.
  • mischapk
    Please don't be rude about this.I usually eat quite healthy and have a lot of fruit.It went downhill because of work,college and deadlines.

    And I'm ready to make a change.
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    Definitely try to eat at LEAST 1200 calories, and do 30 minutes of exercise a day, even if it's just walking :smile: It can be hard and disheartening, but don't give up!
  • mischapk
    Thank you for your message :) I walk to college everyday which is 50 minutes back and forth.