Genuinely stuck and need solid advice, please.



  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 278 Member
    patience - your body is adjusting. After a fortnight see how its worked. You might be eating a wee bit too little but you'll see by how you feel after sticking to it for at least a week, ideally 2.
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    It takes time :smile: If you're going to weigh yourself, always do it in the morning, before you've eaten and had a wash etc.. Increase your calorie intake slightly, you may be eating a too little for your height / weight. Try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, even if it's just walking

    Best of luck, and I agree, it is disheartening.. But don't give up! :flowerforyou:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    While you should be eating a decent amount of nutritiously dense food for health reasons, what you are eating is not an issue for weight loss.

    Weight loss is not linear - it is masked by water weight fluctuations that can be caused by a bunch of things including monthly cycles, change in macro mix and water retention in muscles due to exercise (very likely in your case).

    Also, make sure you accurately weigh, measure and log all your food.
    Quoted for emphasis. Listen to this.

    Eat at a small deficit
    Exercise for health
    Time is your friend.
  • libbymcbain
    libbymcbain Posts: 206 Member
    I started off with a similar amount of weight to lose as you. I started off eating 1500 cals a day, did well, thought I would drop it to 1300 a day. It became more difficult to do and my weight loss slowed. Back up to 1500 a day and bingo, weight loss speeds up a bit.

    Another thing that worked for me was upping my fibre rich foods, so yes fruit and veggies , but also pulses. And I try to eat pretty clean- no processed stuff, artificial sweeteners etc.

    I do think that weight loss is down to calorie deficit, and nutrients etc are for health. But I also think that is you are giving your body what it needs nutrient wise you are less likely to be hungry and the process will be easier and more pleasant for you.

    Also, be aware of your cycle- it can have a real impact.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    If you make things too hard for yourself you will never stick to it. Try eating what you normally eat and just make sure potion sizes are ok and replace high fat things with low cal options like cheese, milk etc. I understand that some people don't like fruit and veg and if you just don't like them there is no point trying to force yourself. Maybe once you get further down the line you can try things here and there and you might surprise yourself what you do like.

    Log EVERYTHING, there is no point kidding yourself, it just shows on the scales and the waistline. Even if you don't like what you see on there it good to look and see where you are going wrong.

    Exercise is good too but don't try to run before you can walk, work it up slowly an it will become a habit and part of your life rather than some chore you force yourself to do.

    And most important of all put the scale away for at least 2 weeks maybe even a month and I guarantee when you step on them again you will get a nice surprise.

    I don't know if you have friends on here yet but It definitely helps for motivation and accountability.

    Feel free to friend me if you like.

    Most of all Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Went in to have a wee nosey at your diary and you are definitely not eating enough. When you starve yourself like that your body hangs on to everything because it is being starved. I used to eat 1200 cals but found my weight stalled so I upped to 1400 and started losing again and I am only 5' 2".
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    I advise you to add sat. fat and fibre to your tracking list. You need lots of fibre and as little as possible of sat. fats.

    And also, with that amount of calories, you won't last two weeks, let alone the rest of your life. You'll also lose virtually no weight... Up your calories for a week to 1500 and see what happens...
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    i've got about same to lose as you but mfp gives me 1870 cals daily so dont understand why your allowance is so low?? Maybe I'm missing something... :/

    you picked "one pound per week" and she picked "two".
    I guess she missed where it said "recommended" next to the 1 lb.
    Good for you for reading and doing it smarter.
    OP: change your goal to 1 lb per week, meet your goals, eat veggies, drink water, exercise for strength and endurance, not to "burn calories", and have PATIENCE. You're not "stuck" if you've only been at it 3 days....
  • Hi, you shouldn't cut out on carbs because you need it for energy but instead choose carbs of low GI value meaning the food is released into your blood stream slowly. Sweet potato is good, whole grains, noodles, basmati rice. You can find a web site which can help you with the low GI choices. Fruits we grew up on like apples, oranges, pears are low GI, banana is med GI, and watermelon is high GI. You really should be getting the 5 foods groups each day with the serving sizes for adults for a healthy diet. Good luck
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Not eating enough.

    She's 80lbs overweight, not 8. Good lord.

    The only real advice that can be given is a) give it a few weeks as her body adjusts.

    If after say 2-3 weeks there has been no movement then check

    b) the accuracy of calorie counting (are you eyeballing or weighing?)
    c) the accuracy of your calorie burn (are you over estimating)
    d) your measurements
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    ps: if you are feeling bloated and heavy then it is probably water retention or your menstrual cycle doing funny things on the scale.

    Give it time and you will be fine.

    Hey, that rhymes ;)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Your body is freaking out at the changes. Some of your days are very very low carb. I've found a good formula that works for me... Might be worth a try.

    1400-1500 cals.
    120g protein (35‰)
    120g carbs (35%)
    50g fat (30%)

    I only eat extra exercise cals if my hungry... But try not to go over 120g carbs. With how much you want, to lose these are probably good goals. For me personally if I go too high or too low on the carbs weight loss stops. It's about finding the balance for your body. Will take time, it won't be easy... But it can be done.

    I think your sugar is quite high. Track it and don't go above around 50g (only, because it works for me)

    Also track sodium. Keep it low 2 days before weigh in.

    Don't weigh every day will drive you nutty.

    Food, settings, goals, custom set, set percentages.

    Food, settings, diary settings, track sodium and sugar.

    Try to get 20-30g of fiber and 8+ glasses of water. You'll feel full and satisfied.

    Save some carbs for a little treat at the end of the day within your macros if you need to.

    Change the breakfast bar to a protein bar maybe? Add in a protein shake? These macros are actually very easy to stick to once you get used to them.

    Zara x
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Read Forks over KNives. Or watch the movie.

    It's a great wealth of info. Also if you go to a gym, get with a trainer to get a stable goal oriented workout plan.
  • This happened me a few months back i was training every day and eating well (or so i thought) but infact i wasn't eating enough (my personal trainer laughed at me when i showed him my food diary) you weighed yourself after 3 days that's far too early you need to ditch the scales only weigh once every 2 weeks if you get obsessed it stresses out your body and that leads to storage of fat you need to relax eat well (and i'd say a bit more too as it doesn't look like you're eating enough) i would also say you need to eat more veg and salad as this is what fills you up and fuels your body but be careful as the likes of bananas have carbohydrates in them (they are approx 100 cals each) so just watch that too plus 1 night of exercising is not enough you need to be doing some form of exercise at least 5 days a week. Hope this helps x
  • i've got about same to lose as you but mfp gives me 1870 cals daily so dont understand why your allowance is so low?? Maybe I'm missing something... :/

    you picked "one pound per week" and she picked "two".
    I guess she missed where it said "recommended" next to the 1 lb.
    Good for you for reading and doing it smarter.
    OP: change your goal to 1 lb per week, meet your goals, eat veggies, drink water, exercise for strength and endurance, not to "burn calories", and have PATIENCE. You're not "stuck" if you've only been at it 3 days....

    I didn't 'miss' the recommended 1lb per week choice, I just chose to select 2lbs a week which is just as healthy otherwise it wouldn't be documented as show by doctors and the like.. So please refrain from presuming I'm unintelligent, and if you can't be helpful then don't waste your time patronising and criticising. I'm here for advice not an argument. Thanks.
  • I advise you to add sat. fat and fibre to your tracking list. You need lots of fibre and as little as possible of sat. fats.

    And also, with that amount of calories, you won't last two weeks, let alone the rest of your life. You'll also lose virtually no weight... Up your calories for a week to 1500 and see what happens...

    I take physillium husks to contribute to my fibre intake as I stated previously that I'm not a huge fruit & veggies fan.
  • Hi, you shouldn't cut out on carbs because you need it for energy but instead choose carbs of low GI value meaning the food is released into your blood stream slowly. Sweet potato is good, whole grains, noodles, basmati rice. You can find a web site which can help you with the low GI choices. Fruits we grew up on like apples, oranges, pears are low GI, banana is med GI, and watermelon is high GI. You really should be getting the 5 foods groups each day with the serving sizes for adults for a healthy diet. Good luck

    Thanks. I'll have to give sweet potato a go as I haven't tried it before!
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    I lost 125 pounds. You can do it, but it will take patience and consistent dedication. You're just getting started - stick with it and keep working to make better choices.

    I put some of the things I learned along the way into a blog. It also has links to other good blogs and threads that are helpful for someone starting out.

    Good luck!
  • Patience, it isnt going to happen over night. Personally, my first few weeks I did not weight in. I just stuck to the plan and checked on my progress a couple weeks later. Make sure you weight consistently (morning before eating, no clothes/always the same or similar clothes, etc). Those first few weeks there really isnt much need to change your diet, just eat less. Stay within your goal. You can lose weight that way, but ultimately it is better if you can learn to eat better, it makes it much easier to stay within your limit. Im not the best at that, but it is something you have to learn. My point is, I still eat a LOT of "junk" and I am still losing weight. Just dont rush it, and in the meantime, work on some lifestyle changes.
  • ps: if you are feeling bloated and heavy then it is probably water retention or your menstrual cycle doing funny things on the scale.

    Give it time and you will be fine.

    Hey, that rhymes ;)

    Thanks for sticking up for me - I don't think some people do realise that I do have 80lbs to lose! And I've read from a few professional fitness trainers that eating 1200 isn't too low as my body has the available fat stores to be able to create a large deficit - so I don't understand why I'm being ridiculed?

    I weigh every tiny morsel of food, so I make sure the calories are accurate & track calories burned with a polar FT7 heart rate monitor.