Intermittent Fasting?

Has anyone tried this or currently doing Intermittent Fasting? Please share your thoughts and experiences, successes/unsucceses


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    You will find several groups about this here:

    Type Intermittent Fasting in the "search" box under Groups.
  • NVM87
    NVM87 Posts: 57 Member
    Thku ????
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    IF is pretty much how I lost 34 pounds last year, although I didn't really realize what I was doing, I just found it was much easier to wait until later in the day and then be able to eat a lot for a few hours before bed.

    When I eat breakfast, or lunch, or anything during the day, it doesn't seem to affect what I eat in the evening. I'll eat breakfast and be just as hungry 3 hours later as if I never ate anything at all. It makes it extremely difficult to stick to a low-calorie diet.

    I've been getting back into it in the last few days and I already feel much more in control of my eating. Yesterday I didn't eat anything until right after I went running at 3, so that was a 16-hour fast. I ate again around 7 until 10, but I didn't need to finish all my calories and I ended up 250 below my goal, WITHOUT feeling deprived (that's the key here).

    Right now it's been 16 hours since I last ate and I feel just fine. I am not planning on eating until 10 tonight, so it'll be a 24-hour fast.

    The science shows it's not as benefical for women then men, but it still does lots of great things. It's very exciting new science. For me, the benefits of being able to effectively control my calorie consumption is totally worth it.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    I'll eat breakfast and be just as hungry 3 hours later as if I never ate anything at all. It makes it extremely difficult to stick to a low-calorie diet.

    I do a mild version of IF occasionally. But many years ago, I realized the same thing: That whenever I ate breakfast I usually ended up eating more over the course of the day because breakfast made me hungrier. And sometimes I was eating it only because it was supposedly the healthy thing to do. I was gratified when a coworker said he'd noticed the same thing about his appetite after eating eating breakfast.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I'm doing intermittent fasting 20:4 where I fast until 6PM and eat all my calories for the day before 10PM, I feel refreshed in the mornings and fine throughout the day and I go to bed full. Not for everyone but it works for me!

    EDIT: Also, I love working out on an empty stomach, I used to eat before working out and feel the food bumping around. Throughout the 20 hour "fasting" period, 8hrs are spent sleeping and I keep myself hydrated
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I have always felt the same way about breakfast, but these days I work out first thing in the morning most days, so I get famished if I don't eat in the morning. Still considering trying to go to a 16/8 plan at least on the days that I don't work out, but still playing with my numbers. I still eat most of my calories after I get home from work, just have to figure out how to eat later in the morning.
  • Intermittent Fasting. I'm actually doing a Quazi fast,I'm not eating meat or sweets today. Is that what you mean by an intermittent fast. I just take certain things out of my diet for the day or week or month.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Intermittent Fasting. I'm actually doing a Quazi fast,I'm not eating meat or sweets today. Is that what you mean by an intermittent fast. I just take certain things out of my diet for the day or week or month.

    Nope, that's not IF.
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    I do 5:2, eat cleaner for 5 days and fast for 2. Not both fast days together tho. I take my last evening meal about 8pm and don't eat fully until 8pm the next day. I find it easy, I read that women should eat 500 cals during the fast which is what I do,eating protein mostly plus plenty of water and even black coffee and maybe a banana. I have more energy those days and it doesn't affect my weight training, in fact I feel great during workouts.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    intermittent fasting is having a smaller window of eating.

    lets say you finish dinner at about 8pm. now you fast for 16 hours. your first meal will be at noon.

    this will be a little challenging for people, so start small. start skipping breakfast a day or two a week, and not eating for at first 12 hours. little by little you make it 14 then 16. you start to increase the days that you do this.

    i haven't had breakfast in a while. it has not hindered my weight loss or energy level.

    honestly, it feels like cheating, because i still have all my days calories to eat over a span of 8 hours. i love my big lunches and dinners.
  • NVM87
    NVM87 Posts: 57 Member
    Thx for the responses so far.

    I've been entertaining the thought of starting IF for a while now but I wanted to continue with just eating healthier, having low carbs and keeping calorie intake low. Ive been trying to lose weight since end of August and although initially I lost 4 kg I then plateaued. I lowered my calorie intake to 1200 as mfp suggested about 3 weeks ago but nothing has changed and I actually feel heavier than when I was eating more. (Yes there has been the occasional day when I ate back my exercise cals)...

    I've started this today so hopefully this may get that weight loss going again...I have to say it feels like I'm doing something wrong by not eating breakfast...I'm normally one to agree with those that suggest you put on more weight fasting as body goes into 'starvation mode'.....
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i think that you are eating way too little at 1200 calories.

    go here to find out your tdee (total daily energy expenditure) and that'll help you find your BMR (basal metobolic rate). BMR is what you would need to consume, at MINIMUM, if your body were just laying in bed all day.

    you should be eating in between you TDEE and BMR. unfortunatly some people get confused and eat below their BMR, which causes their weight lose to suffer.

    eat more, work hard, feel awesome. when you start doing intermittent fasint, you're going to find the food part of your routine a little different. and you may find a sweet spot. a perfect amount of calories that allows you to lose weight while dropping body fat. but it only last for a short period of time.

    if you are still eating your daily calories, your body will function properly. intermittent fasting forces your body to tap into its stores.

    you will find it easier to stay under your calorie goals by skipping a meal. i usually do. not today though, but i ran today.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    It worked great for me. There are many methods, all with success stories. What is cool about it is that it opens your mind to much flexibility in your life and with calorie budgets. I liked the scientific evidence in Eat Stop Eat. I thought it was cool because it's something I've never done in my life before and didn't think I ever could. Honestly I thought I would wilt with exhaustion if I didn't eat every three hours. So glad I'm not under that false yoke anymore.

    Here are some good links on the subject.
  • NVM87
    NVM87 Posts: 57 Member
    i think that you are eating way too little at 1200 calories.

    go here to find out your tdee (total daily energy expenditure) and that'll help you find your BMR (basal metobolic rate). BMR is what you would need to consume, at MINIMUM, if your body were just laying in bed all day.

    you should be eating in between you TDEE and BMR. unfortunatly some people get confused and eat below their BMR, which causes their weight lose to suffer.

    eat more, work hard, feel awesome. when you start doing intermittent fasint, you're going to find the food part of your routine a little different. and you may find a sweet spot. a perfect amount of calories that allows you to lose weight while dropping body fat. but it only last for a short period of time.

    if you are still eating your daily calories, your body will function properly. intermittent fasting forces your body to tap into its stores.

    you will find it easier to stay under your calorie goals by skipping a meal. i usually do. not today though, but i ran today.

    Thx for the link... According to this my BMR is 1494 and my TDEE is 2054.. Obviously I've been eating way under..... For some reason I feel like that's way too much though? ????
  • NVM87
    NVM87 Posts: 57 Member
    It worked great for me. There are many methods, all with success stories. What is cool about it is that it opens your mind to much flexibility in your life and with calorie budgets. I liked the scientific evidence in Eat Stop Eat. I thought it was cool because it's something I've never done in my life before and didn't think I ever could. Honestly I thought I would wilt with exhaustion if I didn't eat every three hours. So glad I'm not under that false yoke anymore.

    Here are some good links on the subject.

    Thank you for links very helpful! And thank you for inspiring me lol
  • NVM87
    NVM87 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for links very helpful! And thanks for inspiring me lol!
  • SimonIsChanging
    SimonIsChanging Posts: 91 Member
    I've been living by the IF protocol for quite a few months now. Fat loss was pretty good to begin with if used with a deficit, cals in vs cals out is still the denominator even with IF. I never eat outside of my window, usually between 10am and 6PM. Gym around 9PM. It's been great for gaining lean body mass for me. Results as person to person but it's a decent protocol to live by even if it's just for the convenience.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I usually eat in a 10 hour window. Thats what Martin from Leangains recommends for women. I ONLY do this, because I prefer to eat majority of my calories in the evening.

    IF is no magic trick IMO, its still all about the deficit.

    Here is a helpful tool for calculating your IF schedule and macros..
  • CaitySins
    CaitySins Posts: 57 Member
    I've tried it before, but can't really say I had much success. I had to stop when I was getting dizzy in school and everyone kept hassling me. Even though you should fast, then eat, fast, then eat, I had a habit of thinking "just keep fasting since you're already doing it"
    Personally I couldn't see myself doing it again with success (regardless of weight loss I would probably cave and eat). I had to eat on school days cause it's embarassing to hear your stomach rumble in the middle of class, and there's so much free time in the weekends it's more likely due out of boredom. I admire anyone who can pull this off successfully and healthfully.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    » Shattering the Myth of Fasting for Women: A Review of Female-Specific Responses to Fasting in the Literature

    One of the more esoteric but much beloved tools in the paleo dieter’s tool-kit is intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is the practice of maintaining overall caloric intake while consuming those calories in fewer meals or in reduced time windows. Some examples include 10, 8, or 5 hour eating windows throughout the day, or perhaps eating just two meals each day: one in the morning, and one at night. The evolutionary premise is that humans evolved to optimize their health under less-than-optimal conditions. Fasting may have played a significant role in ancestral human physiology.

    The modern-day scientific correlate appears promising, too. Most people are aware that a calorie-restricted diet has the ability not just to decrease body weight but also to lengthen a human life. Emerging research is beginning to show, however, that intermittent fasting is just as effective as calorie restriction in ensuring these health benefits, and amazingly enough without any of the psychological crippling side effects practitioners of calorie-restriction often experience.
    Intermittent fasting also may benefit the fight against cancer, the ubiquity of diabetes, and individuals’ immune function. Here is another excellent, up-to-date review. It is wholly understandable that fasting is all the rage these days.
    Sort of.

    I have a specific interest in intermittent fasting because of what I have witnessed in women in the PfW community. Many women find that with intermittent fasting comes sleeplessness, anxiety, and irregular periods, among a myriad of other symptoms hormone dysregulations. I have also personally experienced metabolic distress as a result of fasting, which is evidenced by my interest in hypocretin neurons. Hypocretin neurons have the ability to incite energetic wakefulness, and to prevent a person from falling asleep, should his body detect a “starved” state. Hypocretin neurons are one way in which intermittent fasting may dysregulate a woman’s system.

    Because of all these experiences I was having myself and hearing about in others, I undertook investigating both a) the fasting literature that paleo fasting advocates refer to, and b) the literature that exists out in the metabolic and reproductive research worlds.
    What I found is that the research articles cited by Mark’s Daily Apple (and others), focus on health benefits such as cancer-fighting properties, insulin sensitivity, and immune function. These phenomena are not guaranteed in the literature– both mice and humans don’t always lose weight, and sometimes they even gain weight with IF regimes–but more often than not significant improvements are noted in body weight and with markers such as inflammtory cytokines, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, and fasting insulin levels. This is wonderful, and I am glad these issues are being brought to greater light.

    However. I was struck by what seemed like an egregious sex-based oversight in that MDA post I linked to above. MDA cites this article as a “great overview” of the health benefits of intermittent fasting. This startled me because the article MDA cited was for me one of the strongest proponents of sex-specific differences in response to fasting. This occurred in two striking areas: a) women in studies covered by the review did not experience increased insulin sensitivity with IF regimes and b) women actually experienced a decrease in glucose tolerance. These two phenomena mean that women’s metabolisms suffered from IF. The men’s metabolisms on the other hand improved with IF across the board. Recall that the review was reported by MDA as “a great overview of benefits [of IF].”
    Secondly, In another fasting post at MDA, of which there are many, the health benefits of fasting are listed and reviewed, but the sex-specific aspects of the hormonal response went unmentioned, and reproduction/fertility/menstrual health wasn’t mentioned at all. This is not to say that Mark is not attentive to who should and who should not be fasting. He knows very well and cautions people against the dangers of fasting while stressed. Still, the mere fact of being more sensitive to the strains of fasting simply by being a woman is, I would assert, pretty important for a woman who is contemplating or already practicing IF. This goes nearly unmentioned in the blogosphere.
    Beyond reporting biases in the blogosphere, there remains an even greater problem (perhaps even the cause of the blogosphere reporting bias) of a significant testing bias in the fasting literature. Searching “men” + “intermittent fasting” in a Harvard article database yields 71 peer-reviewed articles. Searching “women” yields 13, none of which are a) solely about women b) controlled studies or c) about more than body weight or cardiovascular benefits. The animal studies are more equitable, but also a bit less applicable to human studies.

    It is well-known in both the research and the nutritional communities that caloric restriction is horrible for female reproductive health. This is not news. But what of fasting regimes? Should women go long periods without eating, even if maintaining normal caloric input?

    The few studies that exist point towards no.

    It’s not definitive, since the literature is so sparse, and it necessarily differs for women who are overweight versus normal weight (and who have different genetic makeups regardless), but when it comes to hormones, women of reproductive age may do well to err on the side of caution with fasting.

    What follows first is a brief review of what can be gleaned in sex-specific responses to fasting in animal studies. Afterwards is what has been concluded by the few relevant human studies.
    Mice and Rats
    First up is a study that demonstrates the hippocampal changes of calorie restriction and intermittent fasting (alternate day fasting, with ad libitum eating on feeding days) for both male and female rats. The basic premise is this: in a “starvation” state certain brain changes parallel behavioral changes. The study found that they were different for male and female rats. For male rats the change in hippocampus size, hippocampal gene expression, and ambulatory behavior was the same no matter what kind of restricted diet they were on, but for female rats, the degree of change in brain chemistry and in behavior was directly proportional to degree of calorie intake, demonstrating the unique sensitivity of female rats to the starvation response.

    “ The organization of the females’ response to the energy restricted diets is suggestive of some underlying mechanism that may allow for an organized, pre-programmed, response to enhance survival in times of food scarcity. Comparatively, the males’ genetic response was less specific, suggesting that the males respond to a general stressor but they seem to lack the ability to discriminate between a high energy and low energy stressor.”

    Moreover, “IF down-regulated many gene pathways in males including those involved in protein degradation and apoptosis, but up-regulated many gene pathways in females including those involved in cellular energy metabolism (glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, pentose phosphate pathway, electron transport and PGC1-α), cell cycle regulation and protein deacetylation.” In this study, both male and female rats gained small amounts of weight on IF diets.
    For female rats, even in the most innocuous form of restriction–intermittent fasting–significant physiological changes take place. Male rats do not experience as dramatic hippocampal and general brain chemistry change as female rats do, and their behaviors, specifically their cognition and their dirunal and nocturnal activity, do not change. Female rats, on the other hand, “masculinize.” They stop ovulating and menstruating. They become hyper-alert, have better memories, and are more energetic during the periods in which they are supposed to be sleep. Theoretically, according to these researchers, this is an adaptive response to starvation. The more the female rats need calories– or at least the more their bodies detect a “starvation” state– the more they develop traits that will help them find food. They get smart, they get active, and they stop sleeping.
    In a follow-up study conducted by the same researchers who explored the masculinzation of female rats, the researchers analyzed the gonadal transcription of male and female rats subjected to IF regimes. They found that male reproductivity up-regulate in response to the metabolic stress, and that the female reproductivity down-regulated. In response to the female rats become infertile and masculinized, male rats become more fertile. In the researchers’ own words: “our data show that at the level of gonadal gene responses, the male rats on the IF regime adapt to their environment in a manner that is expected to increase the probability of eventual fertilization of females that the males predict are likely to be sub-fertile due to their perception of a food deficient environment.”
    In the final relevant IF rat study I could find, researchers subjected rats to the same diets– to 20 and 40 percent CR diets, as well as to alternate-day fasting diets, and monitored them over the long term for hormonal responses. The results were striking. Below is the abstract in full because it’s so powerful:

    Females and males typically play different roles in survival of the species and would be expected to respond differently to food scarcity or excess. To elucidate the physiological basis of sex differences in responses to energy intake, we maintained groups of male and female rats for 6 months on diets with usual, reduced [20% and 40% caloric restriction (CR), and intermittent fasting (IF)], or elevated (high-fat/high-glucose) energy levels and measured multiple physiological variables related to reproduction, energy metabolism, and behavior. In response to 40% CR, females became emaciated, ceased cycling, underwent endocrine masculinization, exhibited a heightened stress response, increased their spontaneous activity, improved their learning and memory, and maintained elevated levels of circulating brain-derived neurotrophic factor. In contrast, males on 40% CR maintained a higher body weight than the 40% CR females and did not change their activity levels as significantly as the 40% CR females. Additionally, there was no significant change in the cognitive ability of the males on the 40% CR diet. Males and females exhibited similar responses of circulating lipids (cholesterols/triglycerides) and energy-regulating hormones (insulin, leptin, adiponectin, ghrelin) to energy restriction, with the changes being quantitatively greater in males. The high-fat/high-glucose diet had no significant effects on most variables measured but adversely affected the reproductive cycle in females. Heightened cognition and motor activity, combined with reproductive shutdown, in females may maximize the probability of their survival during periods of energy scarcity and may be an evolutionary basis for the vulnerability of women to anorexia nervosa.

    They also found this:
    The weight of the adrenal gland was similar in rats on all diets; however, when normalized to body weight CR and IF diets caused a relative increase in adrenal size, the magnitude of which was greater in females, compared with males.

    And this:
    The testicular weight was unaffected by any of the diets. In contrast, both CR diets and the IF diet caused a decrease in the size of the ovaries.

    And this, bearing in mind that “daytime” for nocturnal rats is “nighttime” for humans:

    The daytime activity of females was doubled in response to IF, whereas the IF diet did not affect the activity level of males. Nighttime activity levels of males and females were unaffected by dietary energy restriction.

    And this:
    Uterine activity was monitored daily with vaginal smear tests; cyclicity was scored as regular, irregular, or absent. The mild energy-restriction diets (20% CR and IF) significantly increased the proportion of animals displaying irregular cycling patterns, whereas the 40% CR animals displayed an almost complete loss of estrous cyclicity.

    And this:
    In males, corticosterone levels were elevated only in response to the 40% CR diet, whereas in females corticosterone levels were significantly elevated in response to all three energy-restriction diets, suggesting a relative hyperactivation in females of the adrenal stress response to reduced energy availability.
    For lipids, all the rats did well: “Collectively, these data suggest that atherogenic profiles of both males and females are improved by dietary energy restriction.” Interestingly, too, as they pointed out in the abstract, human females also perform cognitively much “better” (memory and alertness) on CR and IF diets than on normal feeding schedules.
    Some caveats to this study: A) They are rats. B) They are somewhat “metabolically morbid” rats, which may make them more susceptible to disease. C) The rats were allowed to eat ad libitum on the IF days, but they simply did not meet their caloric requirements this way. So while it is a somewhat natural form of IF, it is still calorically reduced, such that that must be taken into account when gasping in horror at the hormonal responses of IF-ing female rats.
    The Few Human Studies

    I mentioned above that through the same review that MDA used as a “great overview” of IF benefits I found harmful metabolic effects for women subjected to alternate-day fasting regimes.
    This is the study:
    Heilbronn et al found that with IF insulin sensitivity improved in men (21 participants) but not in women (20 participants): after three weeks of alternate day fasting, insulin response to a test meal was reduced in men. Women experienced no significant change. “It is interesting that this effect on insulin sensitivity occurred only in male subjects,” they report.
    The IF regime, moreover, was not just neutral for women but was downright harmful, specifically with respect to glucose tolerance:
    “Another diabetes risk factor that has shown a sex-specific effect is glucose tolerance. After 3 weeks of ADF, women but not men had an increase in the area under the glucose curve. This unfavorable effect on glucose tolerance in women, accompanied by an apparent lack of an effect on insulin sensitivity, suggests that short-term ADF may be more beneficial in men than in women in reducing type 2 diabetes risk. ” The opening line of their discussion reads: “Alternate day fasting may adversely affect glucose tolerance in nonobese women but not in nonobese men.”

    In a follow up study, Heibron et. al studied the effects of alternate-day fasting on cardiovascular risk. When human subjects fasted on alternate days for another three week period, circulating concentrations of HDL cholesterol increased, whereas triacylglycerol concentrations decreased. This is a good thing. However, the shifts in lipid concentrations were shown to be sex specific: ie, only the women had an increase in HDL-cholesterol concentrations, and only the men had a decrease in triacylglycerol concentrations.

    The most recent review of IF agrees with my conclusion: sex-specific differences in metabolism exist and need to be studied further.

    This study of alternate day fasting included 12 women and 4 men. In eight weeks, body weight decreased by about 10 pounds, and body fat percentage decreased from 45 to 42. Blood pressure decreased, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and traicylglycerol decreased. These people were significantly obese, which limits the results of this study to an obese population. However, “perimenopausal women were excluded from the study, and postmenopausal women (absence of menses for >2 y) were required to maintain their current hormone replacement therapy regimen for the duration of the study.” (Their words, my emphasis)
    The one, big study of intermittent fasting conducted on men and women looked at differences between isocaloric feeding schedules: 3 meals/day feeding versus 1 meal/day.

    The study focused on body weight composition, blood pressure, and body temperature in subjects. Subjects were fed isocalorically either one meal each day or three meals each day. All subjects were between 40 and 50 years old (excluding women of reproductive age), and between BMIs of 18 and 25. They ate, so far as I can tell, a healthy diet with 35 percent fat, PUFA < MUFA < SFA.
    Only 15 of the original 69 completed the study. As for the results,
    “Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly lowered by ≈6% during the period when subjects were consuming 3 meals/d than when they were consuming 1 meal/d. No significant differences in heart rate and body temperature were observed between the 2 diet regimens. Hunger was enormously larger in the one meal/day than in the three meals/day group. ”The 1 meal/d diet was significantly higher for hunger (P = 0.003), desire to eat (P = 0.004), and prospective consumption (P = 0.006) than was the 3 meals/d diet. Feelings of fullness were significantly (P = 0.001) lower in the 1 meal/d than in the 3 meals/diet.” Body weight dropped only four pounds after several months. Cortisol dropped, but Total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol were 11.7%, 16.8%, and 8.4% higher, respectively, in subjects consuming 1 meal/d than in those consuming 3 meals/d.
    In sum: patients on the one meal/day regiment were unhappy, hungry, lost a little bit of weight, increased cholesterol. This was a small sample, included ~menopausal women, and all people of normal body weight.
    All that being said, that’s it. That’s all that exists. Women don’t have much to go on. First, a couple of rodent studies have looked at alternate-day fasting for male and female rats and found significant negative hormonal changes occurring in the females. Second, human studies on alternate day fasting have not been conducted on women of reproductive age at all, nor have any studies analyzed reproductive responses to fasting. Third, the few studies that have been conducted on non-obese women have demonstrated that their metabolic responses are not nearly as robust as those of men, and may in fact be antagonistic to their health.

    This post has focused on sex-specific responses to fasting. Another important distinction to make is between different body weights. Overweight and obese patients appear to experience significant improvements with IF regimes, but normal weight patients do not show the same across-the-board benefits. For women this may be a particularly sensitive issue. Overweight women may experience metabolic benefits, whereas normal weight women do not. I suspect that that may roughly be the case, but who knows. Honestly, no one.

    The solution, then, in moving forward, is to look at options, to be honest about priorities, and to listen to one’s body with awareness and love. Is fasting worth trying if a woman is overweight and trying to improve her metabolic markers, and so far hasn’t had much success? Perhaps. Should it be undertaken if a woman is of normal weight? What if she is a light sleeper? What if her periods begin to dysregulate? Or stop? What if she starts getting acne, getting a stronger appetite, or losing her appetite altogether? These things happen, and I see them in women who fast and contact me time and time again.
    We women (people!) should be honest with ourselves about our priorities, and act constantly with our mental and physical health foremost in our minds. All women are different. But the literature is so sparse in this area that we cannot make any real statements or predictions about the effects of fasting, other than that we just don’t know, and that we should continue to emphasize the centrality of awareness, caution, and loving nourishment in moving forward.

    most of the info is in the comments here and the comment to the above post -
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Tagging for the above - I have seen a few studies specifically re women and want to read them and the above when I get time.
  • mindyjo74
    mindyjo74 Posts: 68 Member
    I am very interested in trying intermittent fasting to try to shed some extra belly fat. My only hesitation is the fact that im hypoglycemic, but i do take meds to keep my sugar level up. I was just curious if any of you have tried it with this condition and how it affected you?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am very interested in trying intermittent fasting to try to shed some extra belly fat. My only hesitation is the fact that im hypoglycemic, but i do take meds to keep my sugar level up. I was just curious if any of you have tried it with this condition and how it affected you?

    There is no appreciable benefit from a weight loss perspective from doing IF and not doing it. If is fits your schedule, great. But otherwise, a basic non IF calorie deficit, preferably with some strength training, works just as well.
  • mindyjo74
    mindyjo74 Posts: 68 Member
    I am very interested in trying intermittent fasting to try to shed some extra belly fat. My only hesitation is the fact that im hypoglycemic, but i do take meds to keep my sugar level up. I was just curious if any of you have tried it with this condition and how it affected you?

    There is no appreciable benefit from a weight loss perspective from doing IF and not doing it. If is fits your schedule, great. But otherwise, a basic non IF calorie deficit, preferably with some strength training, works just as well.

    Everything i have read about it says it can help you shed more body fat. Have you tried it?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am very interested in trying intermittent fasting to try to shed some extra belly fat. My only hesitation is the fact that im hypoglycemic, but i do take meds to keep my sugar level up. I was just curious if any of you have tried it with this condition and how it affected you?

    There is no appreciable benefit from a weight loss perspective from doing IF and not doing it. If is fits your schedule, great. But otherwise, a basic non IF calorie deficit, preferably with some strength training, works just as well.

    Everything i have read about it says it can help you shed more body fat. Have you tried it?

    What have you read that shows this? I do an informal IF as I do not eat until after noon - but that has nothing to do with weight loss and everything to do with the fact that it fits into my eating patterns
  • stubbseyt
    stubbseyt Posts: 84 Member
    i am doing I.F. i have been doing it about 6 weeks now and it really has kick started my weight loss. My body had got into a strange pattern of weight loss and slowed down rather a lot, so i decided to change to introduce some new foods (i am doing low carb the rest of the time) and fast for 2 days a week, being a woman that is 500 calories on those days. the only other rule is the fasting days can not be together, you have to have one clear day in between but other than that you can do them whenever you want and eat what ever you want.

    i read up on JUDDD and 5/2 read the articles in the telegraph and what was written about the Horizon program, i decided 5/2 would be best for me, 5 days normal 2 days fasting. I was particularly interested not only in the weight loss side of it but the body repairing itself too. i had a lot of aches and pains, the fact that it increases life expectancy too, figured it would be better to live longer and fitter! since doing it, i have noticed that the majority of my aches and pains have gone, i enjoy the feeling of being empty on my down days, and i find it gives me a great sense of wellbeing.

    can't be bad!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I do alternate day fasting and have lost 93 of my 103 pounds doing it. I love it.