Newbie to MFP...

GiggleGoddess Posts: 5 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!
My name is Jessica, I'm 21 years old, and live in Idaho.

I found MFP by accident really when I was looking for some nutritional information on a Foster Farms product to add to another calorie counter journal that I have online but decided to start an account here because it has all the food information (I usually eat) in the database...the other one didn't. My boyfriend and I have started to eat healthier and trying to keep track of our calorie counts so we can lose weight.

I was away in Florida for about 7 months working at Walt Disney World where I lost about 15-20 lbs w/o any kind of dieting really. I was always on my feet 8 hours a day working backstage in costuming for parades and such and when I finally bought a scale down there and found out how much weight I was losing I was so ecstatic! I didn't really have to watch what I ate (although I did buy alot of healthy stuff, lol) because of all the physical activity I was getting at work.
I thought I would NEVER lose the weight b/c I've always been overweight. But since coming back home and being home for a few months the weight is creeping back up and I've made a decision to keep track of all these calories. I used to be 198 last spring and the lowest I've gotten to was 173, but now I'm up to 180 and it's motivated me to watch what I eat now that I don't have a job right now and don't get alot of exercise (although I've started working out on my Tony Little Gazelle Edge - so that helps!).

Just thought I'd introduce myself and say "HI!" :-D
Gotta run!



  • Jamie_Moy
    Jamie_Moy Posts: 40
    I found MFP the same way:) You will love it! It's great, and everyone is so supportive!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Welcome Jessica! You will love this site. There are so many helpful and friendly people.

    Working at Disney must have been fun! I find that it is easier to eat healthy when the supply of fresh and healthy foods is so readily available like in Florida and CA.

    Best of luck to you as you continue to do so well!

  • Hey Jessica!

    When I started with MFP I was up to 198, my highest weight in my life. I'm down to 185 now and want to lose another 45 because I'm only 5'5! Once upon I managed to get back to 167. Makes me think our struggles with weight are sort of similar! If you ever have questions let me know!

  • Songbird146
    Songbird146 Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome. This site really is amazing. It has so much helpful information and a ton of friendly people with great advise tips and encouraging words. I wish you all the best in your weight loss goals.
  • Hi Jessica!
    I lost that much when i was working for UPS and the Opera as a seamstress.. I wish I could go back to working for either because the constant activity is WONDERFUL for helping us to loose it! Good luck!

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