Strength Training. 30 mins, 3x a week. Possible?



  • jenhelle
    jenhelle Posts: 14 Member
    New rules of Lifting for Women is a great beginning program. I would start there. Don't use the smith machin for squats. It is not the natural position fo your body. You will learn them wrong. Just my opinion.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    LOL, neither had I when I first looked at the worksheets - BUT, and for me its a huge thing - I get bored really easy, so having three different routines per week makes it fun and keep me going...

    And to the guy with the big arms - the whole idea of CX is that you use whatever weights are heavy for YOU.....
    As I said before, a squat with 100lbs is nothing for some, and huge for me.... And I don't think failing at the sixth rep is doing too many reps....(But then again, I don't know all that much - I just love doing it and getting the results....:flowerforyou:

    I love weights and what it does to my body - and I have done stronglifts (with dumbells :sad: ) and found it seriously repetitive and boring after three months..... It would be lovely if the traditional crowd would sometimes acknowledge or just accept that there is a world outside barbells and benchpresses.......And that they don't have to go play there if they dont want to....:noway:

    This interesting. I will concede that perhaps I don't know enough about Chalean Extreme to judge it fairly. What I've seen of it sure looks like cardio, but what you're describing does not. Either way, congrats on your progress. You deserve to be proud of your work.

    And like you, I find SL and SS to be boring, but they are solid foundations for a person new to lifting. Not as much to learn and a complete body workout in just 3 exercises are huge positives for SS/SL. Plus those exercise build infinitely more strength than the laundry list.
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    Also, Chalean Extreme is NOT a strength training routine, and neither is any DVD program save the pure lifting dvd portions of P90

    Have you done Chalean extreme? There is no grunting (well not much) but there is definitely lifting heavy to the point of failure - and in three months I saw serious muscle definition (without losing an ounce of weight on the scale, I have upped the weight on my squats from 2x 35lbs dumbells to 2x 50lbs, my deadlifts (straight leg and one legged) from 2x40 to 2x60...etc etc.... I know in the bro world thats nothing - but that's Ok for me.....:drinker:
    I don't give a flying fish if the grunting broscience guys don't see it as strength training - it is training with heavy weights (for me) which improves my strengh and somehow makes me look better in jeans....
    Standard Overhead Press
    Single-Leg Lunge
    Standing Reverse Fly
    Standing Arnold Press
    Single-Leg Dead Lifts
    Bent-Over Lat Raise
    Frontal Shoulder Press
    Single-Leg Tap Lunges
    Lateral Delt Raise

    Sumo Squat with Bicep Curl
    Lunge with One-Arm Tricep Extension
    Sumo Squat with Overhead Tricep Extension
    Dead Lift with Double Row
    Bowler’s Lunge with Single-Arm Row
    Bicep Curls with Abductor Balance
    Forward-Lean Lunge with Double Row
    Triple-Threat Push-Ups
    Doesn't quite look like ballet to me.......

    Those are some terrific exercises. I do some of them myself. The difference is that the resistance (read:weights) are too light and the reps are too high. I'm not talking for my "bro" world. I mean in the "sis" world too. And as Jess mentions, you could get the benefits of pretty much everything on that list with 3 simple exercises. Easy to learn, easy to do, quick to be done and get out of the gym. To each their own tho.

    I'm currently doing Chalean, and you must have really never done this program. I'm currently in the "push" phase and the whole point of the push phase is to LIFT HEAVY so that you fail at 6-8 reps. The other phases have you fail at 10-12 reps. The whole motto of the series is "lift heavy or go home". I have to use the select techs to get heavier resistance than the light dumbbells I previously owned. Chalean extreme IS strength training.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Thanks guys! I will look into all the suggestions!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I'm currently doing Chalean, and you must have really never done this program. I'm currently in the "push" phase and the whole point of the push phase is to LIFT HEAVY so that you fail at 6-8 reps. The other phases have you fail at 10-12 reps. The whole motto of the series is "lift heavy or go home". I have to use the select techs to get heavier resistance than the light dumbbells I previously owned. Chalean extreme IS strength training.

    I stand corrected. My bad
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    i would turn it into 45 minutes 4 times a week
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    5x5 is overkill IMO... a beginner benefits from that much volume vs. e.g. 3x5+1x5 deadlifts under two conditions:
    1) You have never lifted before in your life and are eating a large surplus (in which case you'll get some minor benefits for 6-8 weeks)
    2) You are on steroids

    If you are eating at a caloric deficit, you need even less volume than even 3x5 (which is great for beginners on a surplus). For a simple but very effective ~45 minute beginner routine, try:
    Simple reverse pyramid routine, 3x/week, ~45 mins per workout
    Warm-up (1-3 sets, barx5 reps, 50% working weightx5 reps, 75% working weightx2-3 reps), no need to rest between sets
    3 working sets
    set 1: max weight, 6-8 reps
    set 2: take 10-15% of the weight off, 8-10 reps
    set 3: take 10-15% of the weight off, 10-12 reps
    Day 1: Deadlift, Bench Press
    Day 2: Military Press, Chin-up
    Day 3: Squat, Dip
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Thanks guys! If the gym is fairly empty this morning I might attempt to do a bit of weights!