Does anyone else get this way?

I know that what I'm doing is healthy for me and good for me, but at the same time I am losing weight because I want to look good, but I feel so down and out every time i see my tummy bare, after having 2 kids its jut so gross now and I have no idea if I can even come close to repairing it...So does anyone ever get down and almost feel like giving up because of cosmetic reasons u know u can't fix? :frown: todays that type of day for me...I can already tell because I'm almost sabotaging myself by reaching for unhealthy snacks....i only ate a few bites before putting it down and telling myself no and to just give my body and skin a chance to heal back to normal :grumble: just wish i could have a deffinate answer lol


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    My baby is 18 years old and I have a flap of abdominal skin still. The thinner I get the more apparent it is. When I was your age, it bothered me a great deal. Then I realized it doesn't bother my husband so why should it bother me? I'm blessed to be able to have my babies and this is just a small price to pay.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I have those days... but here's what I tell myself...

    I may never look like I did "back then" again - but I never have to look like I did on the day that I started my 'lifestyle change" either.

    I already know what I look like at my worst... but I have no idea what I'll look like at my best - I owe it to myself to find out.

    At least I can hide stretch marks and wrinkly skin - I can't hide a fat tummy.

    You have to remember that skin is a miraculous organ - I've done a lot of research and everything I've read is that if you increase your lean body mass and decrease your "fat" - your skin will mostly go back to where it belongs. Will you have stretchmarks? If you have them now - they won't go away - but they will be less prominent.

    Don't sabbotage yourself. Recognize it for what it is - and resolve to kick those thoughts out of your mind.
  • cnwofor
    cnwofor Posts: 9 Member
    I won't pretend I understand your situation as I am a dude but having worked with women that have had multiple children ( I am a personal trainer) I can tell you for sure it is feasable to work your way to a much sexier mid section. Just keep moving forward. I see you are halfway to your target goal so keep going. Achieving your goal with bring you a feeling seldom experienced. Remember to also incorporate some toning exercises to your cardio.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    yea sonjavon I've done alot of research on it, but by the looks of things right now its not looking good for its not even the stretch marks tho that bother me its the skin grrrr.....

    CN: I'm just hoping the more stomach muscle I have the more it fills my skin....and yup im doing cardio....I chose to do power 90 by tony horton because of the results the people have although I'd like to know if their skin tightening up is strictly from exercise or if any of them had tummy tucks for their after pics
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    yea sonjavon I've done alot of research on it, but by the looks of things right now its not looking good for its not even the stretch marks tho that bother me its the skin grrrr.....

    CN: I'm just hoping the more stomach muscle I have the more it fills my skin....and yup im doing cardio....I chose to do power 90 by tony horton because of the results the people have although I'd like to know if their skin tightening up is strictly from exercise or if any of them had tummy tucks for their after pics
  • onehealthymomma07
    like one person said skin is an amzing organ the trick for is to keep toning and up the core foundation and keep them working. the collegan is like elactisity it will go back to your shape with hard work and one key is to not lose too much at one time, not to exceed more then 2 lbs week being max. and just know no matter what you see on the outside isnt a total reflection of who you are made of on the inside, keep plugging, dont quit it is for you.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I should tell you that it will shrink. I haven't had so much skin that I considered surgery. I don't know how old your babies are but the dieting and toning should help. Just don't expect that it will go back completely to normal. The part that didn't completely go away for me is a part that nobody but my husband will see anyway.
  • onehealthymomma07
    anyway coco butter shea butter and maderma are sources for stretch marks, and just know you are worth it. more then you know we all are.
  • mylittlescreamer
    Probably not the best thing… what I do on those days is abuse myself up verbally and then tell my stomach it’s not going to win. Sure I might want to eat all day but I should be the one in control. I know better. Whenever I do that I feel like a foot ball coach (or something like that) yelling to his team for control during the game.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    hasian, I feel your pain. Sometimes it is so sad...5 babies and turning 46 this year. I am within 10 # of my goal and I look at my naked body and some days I want to cry! (Yes, I love my children and would do it all over again for them in a heartbeat, but....)

    My bikini days might be gone but not my sexy days. By day I am a mild mannered homeschooling mother, active in church and I try to dress cute but modest. When I am alone with my husband I have found some very nice pieces and I am as sexy as ever.

    For him, it is so much more about my attitude than what my skin looks like.

    I am stronger, fitter, more active and happier than I have ever been.

    At times I want to cry but truly I am embracing this body of mine a bit at a time. I can't believe how good I can look and I am really looking forward to those last 10#'s coming off.

    Don't quit!!! Keep going.

    D more time goes by I do think the skin is getting tighter, even at my age! So there is a lot of hope for you!
    YES YES YES OMG YES some days it is no no no and others i say i am good looking.... i would have my son all over again and streach marks and all
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    22 lbs ago I thought there would be no solution to toning my stomach after having two babies. Now, I'm 22 lbs lighter, I've lost 6% body fat and I have to say, my lose skin has tightened up quite a bit. I want to lose 7 more lbs to get to my goal of 120 lbs and I'd like to lose 4% more body fat to get down to 16%. When I get there, I'm confident that that my lose skin won't be noticeable in a bikini. My stomach is flat now. I do 150-200 reps of ab exercises a day, I run outside 2-4 times a week (about 10-12 miles), weight train 4-5 times a week and on the days I weight train I throw in 15-20 min on the elliptical. You'll get there. Don't get discouraged! You're half way to your goal! It will happen!
  • ashley_alm
    ashley_alm Posts: 32 Member
    i totally get that way. i had my oldest daughter natural but i had my twins through c-section. i'm trying my best and i just wont give up. my husband always tells me i'm beautiful and i believe him but still want to try and loose my tummy. i also think it is part of being a female and the tabloids thats make us feel like there is always something wrong cosmetically...
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Thank you all for your's nice knowing you're not alone....and please dont get me wrong I wouldn't change having my children....They are my World.....I think its just the fact that I'm single again and I probably wont feel comfortable in that type of situation for a long and mylittlescreamer i do the screaming love/hate relationship too :bigsmile:
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Strength training and cardio, I don't do crunches...ever! lol....and I have 6 kids! I had loose skin like crazy, but once I started lifting, free weights especially, there's no need for crunches, I use my abs all the time just lifting...I don't have any loose skin anymore and everything has tightened up quite nicely, the only thing I have left is a partial "outie" from a herniated belly button..but I piecered it and now no one can tell!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Strength training and cardio, I don't do crunches...ever! lol....and I have 6 kids! I had loose skin like crazy, but once I started lifting, free weights especially, there's no need for crunches, I use my abs all the time just lifting...I don't have any loose skin anymore and everything has tightened up quite nicely, the only thing I have left is a partial "outie" from a herniated belly button..but I piecered it and now no one can tell!
    oh my geezum!! you've had 6 kids?!?! YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!! ok you've just given me hope...thats what i started doing was weight training and cardio ....
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    i feel your pain, I'm in the same situation. My little girl is 3(tomorrow) and up till now I've done little to get my belly back to normal (flat) But I'm determined!!! I do lot's of cardio and I see a bit of results, but not as much as I would like. Definetly look better in jeans and t shirt than in a bikini, ha ha. Don't give up though, I'm not!!!