41 and looking for buddies to help on this journey

Hi! I am a 41 yr old single mom of a 5 year old. I have a lot of weight to lose and am hoping to find friends in the same situation. I have at least 100 pounds to lose. Man, that sounds overwhelming. I had scheduled lap band surgery but the surgeon died and So I didn't have it done. That was over 2 years ago. I have lost 30 pounds since September and would like to lose at least another 15 - 20 before the end of the year. I hope there is someone out there who is going through the same thing?


  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    Im trying to lose as much body fat as possible . Feel free to add me and chat for motivation.
  • katara27
    Hey - i'm 39, single mom of 3... about 40 pounds to lose, and was looking for a buddy to check in with, not for pressure but just to have someone to tell what happened on my week of trying to make changes - what worked what didn't etc. Add me if you think this is what you're looking for too :)
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    Im 40 and have about 40 more to lose.
    anyone can add me.
  • JeffinRaleigh
    New here and looking for connections as I work off 10 pounds thru the holidays. Please feel free to add me OP (or anyone else).

    OP: I lost 50 pounds a few years ago - you can do this! Good luck on your journey. You are not alone. :smile:
  • Greg3705
    Greg3705 Posts: 122 Member
    Same age. My wife and I are in the same boat as you in terms of how much we have to lose and where our current progress is. We can get it done. Feel free to add me. I enjoy inspiring people and and inspired by others to
  • atasha82
    atasha82 Posts: 21 Member
    I dont really have a limit to how much I want to lose but I've been at this a while and I know it wont come over night bc I didnt get here overnight. Anybody can feel free to add me, im always ready to support others and it helps to recieve some too! Good luck everybody.
  • Debdaigle27
    Hi, I'm 46, a mother of a 16 year old and have an office job, so ecercise i something I'm finding difficult to add into my routine. Like you I have a lot of unwanted weight to get rid of, over 100 lbs (ideally). This website is new to me, so still getting the hang of what it has to offer. If you are looking for an online companion or sounding board on your journey, please add me, I too could you the help andknowing we're not alone in this would help.
  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    Welcome!!! I've lost 30 lbs so far and working on another 30. Single mom of 3 kids only one at home now. Feel free to add me. Am on everyday and love to give motivation as well as receive it. Good luck!!
  • fitpam90x
    fitpam90x Posts: 197 Member
    Welcome aboard!
    Anyone is free to add me, would love some motivation for the last 15 pounds I have to go and always here to motivate my friends.

    Cheers! :drinker: