How can I avoid excess skin after weight loss

I am trying to lose 90 lbs. I have a very flabby stomache since I had my last child. My question is how can I lose all the extra weight and tone up those problem areas without having folds of skin on my abdomen. Is this a problem for anyone out there. I am very paranoid of looking worse than I do now.


  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    The best thing you can do is understand that it takes time and that it will never be as it was before the gain.

    Then, drink LOTS of water, keep the area suitable moisturized and if you so choose wear a retainer garment.
    Also, working on toning the muscles underneath the area will help as well :) good luck, we are in the same boat darling!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Of course, I'm old so I don't know if there is much help for me... :laugh: but keep your skin moisturized and keep toning up it will bounce back to where it should be - you're young and have elasticity in your skin... heck, even at my age my panni has minimized greatly with exercise. It takes time so you need to be patient it isn't going to happen over night.:flowerforyou:
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Also, not losing TOO quickly will give your skin more time to bounce back if you stay hydrated and moisturized...but like bebhinn said, it won't be the same as before. Think of your skin as a balloon; after you stretch it by blowing it up, it never quite returns to the shape it was in previously.

    ...but if you're REALLY worried you could always get a tummy tuck after you're finished losing.
  • jarelary4
    jarelary4 Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I was also wondering the same thing about the excess skin. I have not had kids so I am hoping that is an advantage but I did get to 230 at my highest weight which is more then some women weight when they are pregnant. Guess I just have to work extra hard and keep my fingers crossed!!

    Anyone have any exercises that worked for them to tighten the ab muscles? Any tip would be great
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    The way it works is that there is tissue between your skin and muscles that keeps them connected. When you gain weight, that's where excess fat nestles, and that connective tissue stretches out. Losing weight slowly will give it more time to adjust to your changing shape. You can help that tissue regain elasticity by wearing a supportive garment, such as a girdle, that holds up the area rather than putting the weight on your connective tissue all day. As others have said, keeping hydrated helps.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    every person is different when it comes to this topic

    if you have a lot of excess skin, the only way it will go away is with surgery

    weight lifting and gaining muscles are ways to help minimal excess skin
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I was also wondering the same thing about the excess skin. I have not had kids so I am hoping that is an advantage but I did get to 230 at my highest weight which is more then some women weight when they are pregnant. Guess I just have to work extra hard and keep my fingers crossed!!

    Anyone have any exercises that worked for them to tighten the ab muscles? Any tip would be great

    abs are the hardest muscle to be seen (if you want a 6pack etc) so you have to eat very very well. Core exercises will help.
  • tsherwin
    tsherwin Posts: 8
    core workouts are great but....what I find works the best is concentrating on keeping your core muscles tight or contracted throughout the day... this is like a major workout on your tummy area and it doesn't even feel like takes a while to get used to it....but the more you do it the more it becomes a natural thing and your stomach muscles will strengthen huge! it all the time!!! while you're sitting at your desk or watching tv. while you're walking or cooking dinner! it becomes a habit and really helps!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Lose slowly, drink lots of water, and moisturize. You may still have a little excess skin but it won't be so bad if you don't lose weight too fast.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Unfortunatly you could be in the same boat I'm in. I had my daughter 6 years ago...I've lost the weight but the excess skin won't go away without surgery. I'm not sure if the other girls that commented have children or not but I think it makes a huge difference. While I've never been overweight (I don't even weigh 100-I'm 5 feet tall) my stomach looks terrible. It's because of the rapid gain and loss during pregnancy (I went from 85 to 125 in 9 months then back down to 90 within minutes of giving birth)...this rapid weightloss pretty much sealed the deal with the excess skin for me. I know many ladies out there that have multiple kids and still have flat abs and no excess skin. It's also a genetic mother also has the pooch from childbirth. Sometimes we just can't get rid of it, sorry. Try your best....drink lots of water, lotion up, do cardio, core excersizes, and never stop trying.