I would like to do push ups but I can't even do one...crap



  • imstarr2
    I wasn't able to do a single push-up either just last January. Everyday I tried to do one, and now I can several. Your body will react when it is ready. You just have to be patience and keep working on it. My goal this year is to do a pull up without assisted weight. I was doing 130 help now at 70. It all just takes time and hard work. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    modified girly push up = get a Stability ball and pivot from the waist and over time move the ball further out
    one leg

    always aim for it to be HARD runiing out of steam on the 8-12th rep, if dothat rest assured further practice and three weeks you`ll be sorted

    things to note#
    1)keep you hands say 6-10 inches below that of your head so they form a triangle
    2) if your arms are wide it works the chest area
    3)if your arms are tucked in it works the triceps area
    4)work slow and controlled noting your form especially on your core area

    never be ashamed of 8 reps....
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    I recently started going to a kickboxing class with my friends. Most of us are chubby girls, and when we started, our trainer had us do 5 push-ups in between each set of whatever we were doing. With each class, he increases the set by one push-up. Tomorrow we'll be doing 13 push-ups between each set on our rotation. Two weeks ago, I did the math and discovered we did nearly 200 push-ups in a one-hour class. Seriously! :happy: Never in a million years did I think I could say I did that! They're hard, but your muscles get stronger so quickly, you'll be able to do regular push-ups before you know it! Just keep trying. That's all it takes!
  • CaitySins
    CaitySins Posts: 57 Member
    Do "women's" push-ups. When I was trying to lose weight when I was younger I came across them, and they still work your upper area and arms, but are easier to do than the standard push up.

    Stand arms length or so away from the wall. Lean into it and push yourself back. Repeat.
    Since you're standing, you won't struggle holding up as much of your weight as you would with regular push ups.
    (This is what I used to do and I noticed the muscle I developed doing it)

    There's also "box" push ups. Put your knees on the floor, same distance as your shoulders, lean down and push yourself up. Again cause you're on your knees and not your toes you won't struggle holding up your weight.
    (I though can't do box push ups, I tend to just pull myself up with my body, not push with my arms)

    Do these until you become stronger and you can try the regular push up.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Get some tension bands and start working with those, focusing on your triceps and chest.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I'n 5'8 and 120

    I also find it difficult to do push ups, I feel like my arms are really long and lanky and I'm very far from the floor and it's a long way down. I guess I'll just have to practice, haven't been able to do a SINGLE proper pushup (not even "lady" pushups) in my whole life.
  • Heather1899
    Heather1899 Posts: 179 Member
    I've tried several times to do standard push-ups-ones not on my knees
    While doing Chalean Extreme I realized I can do a few with good form!! Ok maybe only 6...but I am getting there!!
    The only difference I can think of is that I started roller skating. I think working your core really helps
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I couldn't do push-ups either a few months ago, and I started a weight training program that included push-ups and was so tempted to skip them. But, I decided to modify them and just do as many as I could. That first week I maybe did 3-4 at a time on my knees and it was so hard! I made myself do three reps. The next week I was amazed at how much easier they were. I still modified them but could do 6-10 with effort. Each week it got easier. Now I do some modified, some not modified. I just do the best I can and work until fatigue. I am getting stronger every week. Keep trying, you may surprise yourself.
  • Whimzeee
    Whimzeee Posts: 152 Member
    I agree with the stability ball suggestion. Much easier!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Start with wall push ups
    then do incline push ups
    then modified pushups
    then pushups
    then one arm pushups
    then handstand pushups

    ^^ This; start with wall pushups


    Then move to knee pushups


    Regular Pushups


    Incline Pushups


    Decline Pushups


    Spiderman Pushups
