New mom looking for friends/motivation!



  • Mom of 4 and work from home full time! I have a long way to go! Add me
  • Hello,Im a full time working mom,have a 13 year old and twin boys age 2 and a half that have just started life is finally going to be mine!(i wish).
  • Heya!

    This is my first time here, so I'm a bit of a newbie with all this haha! I am also a new mum, I had my first child 4 months ago and gained ALOT of weight, I have lost a little but now have 24lbs to go. Looking for buddies on here support each other and help with the motivation to not give up! x
  • Vickyhill2012
    Vickyhill2012 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi i'm a SAHM with 4 children. 3 teenagers and a 2yr old. Feel free to add me. And good luck x
  • Photomandy
    Photomandy Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I just had our 5th baby 4 weeks ago, and need to straighten up my habits again. I had great success on MFP before my pregnancy (when I let things go!).
  • This is my first day using MFP! I am 4 weeks pp with my 3rd child! I am looking for other Moms to connect with! I have 10 pounds to get back to my pre (this) baby weight, but I would like to lose about 30 pounds! Looking for support, motivation, and friends, also secrets to losing weight while being sleep deprived and busy! :smile:
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm a new mom too 16 pp and looking to get back into shape. Add me if you like.
  • L0tu586
    L0tu586 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, what worked for me best is the Jillians Michaels protein drinks. The key to weight loss is to only eat what your body will use, the protein drinks, though they take gettiing use to, works well for that. You get your whole meal in 200cals instead of 600 or so...
  • gcmar
    gcmar Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a mom of an 18-month old and still not back into PrePreg clothes! UGH!!! Hopefuly mfp will help me out! I'm looking to lose 40 lbs to get back to my pre-married weight (hahaha!). Feel free to add me too! Would love to get other moms' advice, stories, and motivation! And of course, feel free to vent too!
  • I'm a new mom of a 2 week old little boy. I'm really motivated to lose this weight. This is my first baby and its pretty stressful because I'm learning as I go along. I just finally begin eating again. I'm tired all the time. But I know if I get in shape I will have more energy. I'm looking for new friends that can give me some advice. Feel free to add me. I'm working on my profile and will add more information soon. :D
  • Hi! I had my second son, Rowan, November 26, 2012 and started working out 1/1/13. I would love to be buds to support and keep each other going!