Too Late to Lose Weight



  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am 54, and the best is yet to be. What you will gain on the journey to getting healthy and maintaining it is something we all experience differently at the right time for the right reason. You will find so many people who look past how you look to see the real you shining through as you conquer each ounce as gone.

    You posted - so I know you will come on this journey with us on MFP.
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Well what are you waiting for? You can start NOW and not wait for Jan 2. I don't know why people feel that they have to start on a Monday, or after the holidays or after a birthday. Start NOW. Why be fat and miserable or skinny and miserable? You don't know if you'll be skinny and miserable because you've never really given it a try. You already know you're fat and miserable. To me it sounds like you've hit rock bottom so the only way to go is up! Don't give up on yourself when you've never really given yourself a chance? :flowerforyou:
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Well what are you waiting for? You can start NOW and not wait for Jan 2. I don't know why people feel that they have to start on a Monday, or after the holidays or after a birthday. Start NOW. Why be fat and miserable or skinny and miserable? You don't know if you'll be skinny and miserable because you've never really given it a try. You already know you're fat and miserable. To me it sounds like you've hit rock bottom so the only way to go is up! Don't give up on yourself when you've never really given yourself a chance? :flowerforyou:

    Agree about starting now! You could change quite a bit by New Year!
  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    You CAN do it. You're not too old, or too fat. I'm 46 and have lost 70 lbs. I'm still obese, but in 10 lbs., I'll have an "overweight" BMI. I'm a work in progress.

    Other posters are right--this is a lifestyle change. You can't think of anything as a diet anymore, because the word "diet" comes with a beginning and ending mentality. There should be no end to eating and exercising for health. Try not to think of it as losing weight either--instead, think of it as "getting healthy."

    Successful weight loss and maintenance is less about what you eat and how you exercise than it is about what's going on in your head. So many overweight people have an unhealthy relationship with food. I'm one of them, and I'll be working on my emotional eating habits for the rest of my life. So far, I'm winning.

    Have you considered going to therapy? A good therapist is a wonderful gift you can give yourself. I used to think therapy was for people weaker than me. Like--it was fine for other people but if I broke down and went into therapy, it would be a sign of personal failure. Great for others, but I wasn't good enough for it, or bad enough for it, or something. That was broken thinking. I now realize that YES, I am STRONG enough for it and a better person for it. I'm definitely healthier for it.

    Something else to think about and maybe research is weight loss surgery. There are many on these boards who would shoot down that idea but there are many others who have had it and found success for the first time ever. It's not for everyone but if you think you've done everything else to no avail, maybe it could be for you.

    You CAN do this. It's not too late. Get started today with baby steps. Drink one more glass of water. One more serving of vegetables. More lean protein, fewer carbs. One more flight of stairs. One step at a time. Just get started. {{{hugs}}}
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I just turned 41 and can relate to the marriage and kids thing. I gave myself my 40th year to cry it all out. It's tough. But, that does not mean that a man won't love you or marry you because you are overweight. What counts is how you see yourself.

    If you want to friend me, feel free. :-)
  • Dawn7664
    Dawn7664 Posts: 30 Member
    I have lost some chunks of weight a few times in my life. The last time (88 pounds) I kept off for 12 years, decided to have a 3rd child in my 40's and gained it back + 40 more from stopping smoking. I lost 135 pound in my late 20's too. Before I followed "diets" to the letter, deprived myself and stuck to it. Now at 54 years old I am making a life style change, eating right, cooking great tasting, healthy, foods. I just joined the YMCA and in a welness coaching program and enjoying it. Ps: I hate exercise but this is fun.

    EVERY time I lost weight I loved my life 1000X's more. When I was overweight I was always unhappy! I am 1/2 way thru this journey and now it's a mission. Join weight watchers it is a wonderful supportive program. Make up your mind and be true to the mission and forge ahead! I promise you will be so happy as you move forward and when you reach your goal!

    I wan't happy or taking care of myself overweight. I would avoid parties and things my family or husband would want to do. I think most overweight people feel the same, never confident. But as you feel better about your weight loss you will start to build self esteem, gain confidence and improve your health! For me it's a snowball effect and now that it's beginning noticeable I am encouraged more. Weight Watcher meeting are very encouraging and it helps keep you accountable to your self.

    Good luck!

    ETA: friend me I would love to be your friend and help motivate as we go through this journey.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    try to lose fat on junk food. that helps to some people who ate it for many years. Just limit caloric intake

    don't eat "tons of wholesome, fresh, organic vegetables" (because its allegedly will make you less hungry.

    i ate 2.5kg of vegetables during dinner, I WAS STILL HUNGRY, and i had a heartburn.

    Buy yourself a protein powder. Drink like 6 cups throughout the day. The rest time eat mcdonalds, A&W.

    Obviously your diets didnt help you, so try that one above.

    And to you celery lovers, IT DOESNT HELP HIM, like he said. Fibre/vegetables dont make you full. Protein does. and not a lean chicken. A good tasty whey protein shake.

    omg..if this was true I would be in

    isn't that the truth!
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    just by changing my snacks I have lost 23 LBS in less then 3 months. Take it one day at a time you'll get there.
  • Brittany_lhs
    I'm not sure what your diet looks like or what you drink but I do know that the most simple of changes can really kickstart your weight loss. Begin drinking only water, if you hate the taste get some packets to add to it for a great tasting healthy drink. Crystal Light is awesome. They have different kinds that help with energy and metabolism. Instead of eating junk food find some fruits you love. Remove any temptations from your house and resist buying them when grocery shopping. The only one who can change you is you. Your not old and you have nothing to lose but unhappiness. Just by changing your eating habits and working out 3-5 times a week you will lose. Even just walking will help. You CAN do it, it is NEVER TOO LATE. It may take a while but stick with it. As for the skin, would you rather have a little saggy skin or fat? A guy who is worth it will not judge you by that anyway. As for wanting to be hot, everyone is beautiful. Everyone. You can either make a change and die happy or don't make a change and die sad. In the end it's up to you but I hope you find the motivation and determination you need to change yourself. Feel free to add me if you want. I'm always available to talk and help motivate. :)
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    I am 39, morbidly obese and single. I've tried every diet plan, do well for about 6 weeks and quit. I now feel, what's the point. Even if I lost all the weight I'm going to have extra skin and will never be what I aspire to be. I feel like I've missed out on all the things I wanted in life. By the time I lose the weight and possibly get married, I'll be too old for kids. I just want to be "hot" for once and feel I'm just too old. I know it's shallow but I've been fat forever and have never experienced life as I should.

    Of course I need to lose the weight to be healthy but what's the point if I'm going to be miserable? Sorry, I guess I'm having a pity party this morning and facing yet another holiday season fat and alone is hard to bear. I need some motivation to start changing my lifestyle now instead of waiting until Jan 2nd!

    It's never too late. My mother, who has been obese her whole married life, started losing weight at age 48. At 50, she'd lost over 100 pounds. She was over 260 pounds, and at 5 foot 4 inches, was very large. She is now at 155 pounds, and much healthier. She was facing diabetes in her later years (as my grandfather had it) and had sleep apnea.

    Don't ever say "never". And now is a perfect time to start!
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I'm 46, and was morbidly obese, feeling much like you describe here, when things finally "clicked" for me and MFP turned out to be the site and tools that I needed. I was ready to just give up! I'm married with kids, but I felt like you felt--too old, never could stick with a plan, why bother, since it wasn't going to work anyway? Oh, I was good at giving myself excuses! :-)

    I started out first of all by saying this is NOT A DIET, but IS a LIFESTYLE CHANGE! Change 1 thing at a time and let that sink in, becoming a habit, for a week, then change something else. Keep that up, use this site to honestly record everything you eat, and any activity you do. It's eye-opening at first. Sometimes shockingly so! Start out by getting in some exercise 3 days a week, for example. You can walk, ride a bike, swim...whatever you want to do that will increase your heart rate for the duration of the exercise. You may only feel you can do that for 10 minutes at t time. Okay, that's a good start! Try to increase that each time you exercise. When you can accomplish 30 minutes of it, try adding in a day of exercise to your week.

    While doing that, continue logging your food. Measure, weigh, and record it all. Food that is as whole as possible will be your friend when it comes to keeping you feeling full longer--beans, whole grains, vegetables not smothered in cheeses or sauces, fruits, lean meats and dairy items, provided you aren't allergic to any of those items, or choose not to include them in your diet.

    It's NEVER too late to lose the weight! Don't worry about having loose skin,, since you would likely rather look and feel thin than continue at your current weight. I've dropped over 50lbs and my skin is forming itself back to where it should be as time slowly moves onward. I don't expect that I'll ever look like I did before I had my 5 children and gained all this weight. BUT, I DO expect that one day I'll look great in a one piece bathing suit! YOU can, too!! I know you can do this!!
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I am 39, morbidly obese and single. I've tried every diet plan, do well for about 6 weeks and quit. I now feel, what's the point. Even if I lost all the weight I'm going to have extra skin and will never be what I aspire to be. I feel like I've missed out on all the things I wanted in life. By the time I lose the weight and possibly get married, I'll be too old for kids. I just want to be "hot" for once and feel I'm just too old. I know it's shallow but I've been fat forever and have never experienced life as I should.

    Of course I need to lose the weight to be healthy but what's the point if I'm going to be miserable? Sorry, I guess I'm having a pity party this morning and facing yet another holiday season fat and alone is hard to bear. I need some motivation to start changing my lifestyle now instead of waiting until Jan 2nd!

    I am 35, start weight of 323lbs. Off course I will have loose skin which no doubt I will dread but do i want to be miserable and fat for the rest of my life or thin and confident. I choose to be thin and confident. Every day for me is a new challenge and I try to push myself every day. Off course there are days which there are many a tear but I haven't given up as yet. Most of our problems in life are because of two reasons, we act without thinking or we keep thinking too much without doing something about it. Unfortunately you are not going to get the butt you want by sitting on it and think if you continue the way you are you will only be more miserable. Start now and by the start of 2014 you will be glad you did. If you want it badly enough you will do anything to achieve it.

    I follow these three simple rules a day.

    I WILL fight for it
    I will NOT give up
    I will reach my goal and absolutely NOTHING will stop me.

    If I can do it anyone can. I still have 150lbs to go but I will be one happy chica when I am finished xx
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    You're 39, not 99, of course it's not too late. Don't give up on you. No it's not easy to lose weight but people on here are doing it every day.

    If you want it; the weight loss, marriage, kids, do something about it - make it happen!
  • tidetevo
    tidetevo Posts: 45 Member
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    try to lose fat on junk food. that helps to some people who ate it for many years. Just limit caloric intake

    don't eat "tons of wholesome, fresh, organic vegetables" (because its allegedly will make you less hungry.

    i ate 2.5kg of vegetables during dinner, I WAS STILL HUNGRY, and i had a heartburn.

    Buy yourself a protein powder. Drink like 6 cups throughout the day. The rest time eat mcdonalds, A&W.

    Obviously your diets didnt help you, so try that one above.

    And to you celery lovers, IT DOESNT HELP HIM, like he said. Fibre/vegetables dont make you full. Protein does. and not a lean chicken. A good tasty whey protein shake.

    Um. This kind of scares me. And is kind of demotivational. When I ate fast foods/junk foods...I was hungry like an hour later. And the fiber/veggies not making you full part? NOT TRUE.

    Case in point: Thanksgiving. I ate two big bowls of mixed green salad with lots of veggies before I had small portions of turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes. I was stuffed! Because...I ate all the veggies first to fill my stomach prior. It's called "Volumetrics". Look it up.

    I tried it, and it made a lot of sense.
  • grnice
    grnice Posts: 96
    I know how you feel, I'm in a similar situation. Time is going to go by regardless of whether you are losing weight or not so a few years from now you can still be fat and miserable or you can be healthy and likely happy!