Brand new here, want to see what you think.

Hey everyone , this is my first time on a fitness forum. My name is Josh I am 26 yrs old.
A little back story I use to lift weights heavily, for about 3 yrs. I got stressed out and quit working out but kept eating a lot.
Fast forward a year and I got to my heaviest at 260lbs @ 6ft. So I got on a diet and have lost all of the weight plus more.
Right now I weight around 187, which is lower than I weighed in high school. My plan is drop just a little more weight and then get back into weight training to put back on the muscle I have lost plus more.
What do you guys think of my progress, and how do I look ? I am a very shy person, and have had low self esteem for the past couple of years. I do not know how girls perceive me. But I would like to know.
Me now.

This was around 225lbs.

The before pic I was at 238lbs and after around 185lbs.

So what do you all think ?


  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    Hey everyone , this is my first time on a fitness forum. My name is Josh I am 26 yrs old.
    A little back story I use to lift weights heavily, for about 3 yrs. I got stressed out and quit working out but kept eating a lot.
    Fast forward a year and I got to my heaviest at 260lbs @ 6ft. So I got on a diet and have lost all of the weight plus more.
    Right now I weight around 187, which is lower than I weighed in high school. My plan is drop just a little more weight and then get back into weight training to put back on the muscle I have lost plus more.
    What do you guys think of my progress, and how do I look ? I am a very shy person, and have had low self esteem for the past couple of years. I do not know how girls perceive me. But I would like to know.
    Me now.

    This was around 225lbs.

    The before pic I was at 238lbs and after around 185lbs.

    So what do you all think ?
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    You look nice dude. Your progress is really good! I would work on getting some more definition, but you're in better shape than most of the men I hang out with and I'm around 20 year olds all day.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Great job! Kudos for losing the weight.

    I too suffered from low self esteem most of my life; the best thing I can tell you about that is be comfortable with who you are and love how you every weight.

    Write down a list of everything that is positive about yourself; what are you good at? What do you like about yourself? Be very specific....dig really deep. When you find all the great things that are will be more confident with sharing yourself with others. Girls will perceive you, how you project make sure to love yourself first.

    Good luck with the rest of your weight loss and fitness journey; I know you'll succeed at your goals!
  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    The leaner look is definitely an improvement, even before you bulk.

    I think ladies like a guy who can make a plan for where he wants to be and get there. If he can articulate his plan, that's even better. The rest depends on how you act and how you treat them.

    But then I'm an old fart, so what do I know? :ohwell:
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Hi Josh! I think you look awesome and did a great job losing the weight (fat).

    Now, hit the gym! :)

    I'm a huge fan of weight lifting for everyone. Here's why:

    Everyone needs resistance training to improve their health and bone density and this will especially improve your quality of life when you get older. I recently had my DXA scan done and at 51.5 years of age I have the bone density of a super athletic 30 year old. That is a direct result of lifting for over 30 years. Now if that is not scientific proof that lifting weights keeps you younger I don't know what is! Also I believe it is why most people think I look much younger than I really am. Because of this I don't have to worry about osteoporosis. If you wait until you are older and your bones start to deteriorate it's a bit too late, you can't get back what you lost, and you can only start a resistance routine that will prevent further damage.

    Cardio is good for you but it is optional. I love cardio, but you can't out exercise too many calories. Of course you burn calories, but not near what all the HRM's say. I learned the hard way, running marathon after marathon (yes even multiple runs during the day), as well as hitting the gym hard, martial arts, staying active all the time, not eating while watching TV, not binging, not mindlessly eating, not pigging out, not having emotional eating issues, yet I gained weight year after year, each decade putting on the pounds. I worked harder and harder, not able to figure out what was wrong. It didn't seem like I ate too much, but for my small size I did and didn't realize it until just a few years ago when I finally started losing weight by eating less.

    Anyway I didn't really change my shape until I lost the fat and put weight lifting first and cardio in 2nd place (although I still do a lot of running)

    Wishing you the best! -Bobbie
  • Josh_H
    Josh_H Posts: 1,151
    Yes ma'am that is exactly what I will be doing all winter. I just got some new equipment. I will be working out very very hard this winter.
  • Josh_H
    Josh_H Posts: 1,151
    Thank you, and how do you do this with the pics?
  • Carol_123
    Carol_123 Posts: 74 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. You look great - no need to have low self-esteem. As far as being attractive to other girls I would say it's not just the body but also the confidence too. Confidence, not cockiness. Confidence plus a little modesty will take you further than a six pack ever will on its own. Just be a kind decent person that values himself. If you don't know who you are or what you are worth, then the next girl you date won't either. I've seen hot guys that are totally unattractive once you get to know them and not so hot guys that are so attractive because they just have it all together. Good luck but you look great!
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    Great job Josh! Keep it up! :)
  • Josh_H
    Josh_H Posts: 1,151
    Thank you, I get more confident every day.
  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you, and how do you do this with the pics?

    If you push the quote button on the bottom of my reply that brought up your pics, you'll see how to use square brackets and the img tag around the address of your picture to make the image come through.
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    Looking good, Josh! :)
  • Josh_H
    Josh_H Posts: 1,151
    Wow Thanks everyone, I like how fast everyone replies.
  • Josh_H
    Josh_H Posts: 1,151
    anyone who wants feel free to add me as a friend.
  • JeffinRaleigh
    You look great Josh. Nice work!
  • etynda6116
    You look great no need for low self-esteem. Allow I have suffered from that as well. Great job on the weight loss. Most guys I hang around which are in there 20's, half of them don't look that good as far as weight goes. Stick to your plan and just be confident and girls will notice. Trust me.
  • Josh_H
    Josh_H Posts: 1,151
    Thanks everyone.
  • Excira
    Excira Posts: 21
    Way to go! You can do it!