Getting Bulky; Trying to lose 10 lbs on Grapefruit Diet

Hi All! I've been doing crossfit for about two weeks now, and have put on a great deal of muscle. This is typical for me, as everyone in my family gains muscle pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I am also getting bigger because I have gained muscle but not lost the fat that is on top of it so I am starting to get that "bulky" look. I do an hour of extra cardio (running or elliptical) after my crossfit session (which is mainly weight training) and yoga to guard against the blockiness, but I know the only way to get the long, lean look I want is to burn off that top layer of fat that is covering my muscles! I am attempting to lose 10 pounds in the next 12 days by going on a modified grapefruit diet. Modified meaning I will include a small bowl of oatmeal in the morning so I have energy for my workouts. Otherwise it will be the standard 1/2 grapefruit with every meal, lots and lots of veggies, and a moderate amount protein. I'm wondering if anyone has had success on this diet? If so, I would love to hear about it! And if anyone has tried it and ran into any challenges, I'd love to hear those too!

A note for any personal trainers, nutritionists, or other types of know-it-alls who will predictably post their self-righteous opinions on the efficacy of the grapefruit diet : I AM ALREADY AWARE you think the diet is nonsense. However, I DON'T CARE about your opinion on my decision to embark on this eating plan, nor do I want to read about it. Do me and everyone else who asks for feedback on whether or not a diet has worked for other members a hhhuugggeee favor: Keep your unsolicited opinions to yourself!!!!! Sorry that I have to be so rude about it, but unfortunately, every. single. time. I come across a thread where someone asks if XYZ has worked for others, there's an overabundance of condescending "experts" who think they are imparting some sort of wisdom every time they regurgitate the old "slow and steady weight loss" matra. Enough already.


  • martintanz
    Fine, but if you don't want feedback or opinions, why did you start this thread?
  • Clare0116
    Clare0116 Posts: 37 Member
    Grapefruit is nice and a healthy option (unless on statins medication for high blood pressure). It contains a lot of fibre and vitamin C and will help you feel fuller. The other items you mention are also healthy weight loss foods. However the fashion craze you intend to do is not a balanced healthy diet, even in the short term for fast results and especially combined with a punishing exercise plan. How will you feel at the end of your challenge if you lose hardly any weight, feel awful from lack of nutrients, regret the efforts of the past few weeks and reward yourself with delicious calorific treats? If your efforts are successful and you lose an average of 1-2 lbs per week, you intend to return to whatever you thought was 'normal' eating and the weight will go back on.
    Healthy, long term weight loss depends on choosing a variety of low fat, low sugar, high fibre foods, portion control and a change in cooking methods. It isn't a diet, its a new way of life, to be rewarded with occasional smaller size undies and new clothes.
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member

    A note for any personal trainers, nutritionists, or other types of know-it-alls who will predictably post their self-righteous opinions on the efficacy of the grapefruit diet : I AM ALREADY AWARE you think the diet is nonsense. However, I DON'T CARE about your opinion on my decision to embark on this eating plan, nor do I want to read about it. Do me and everyone else who asks for feedback on whether or not a diet has worked for other members a hhhuugggeee favor: Keep your unsolicited opinions to yourself!!!!! Sorry that I have to be so rude about it, but unfortunately, every. single. time. I come across a thread where someone asks if XYZ has worked for others, there's an overabundance of condescending "experts" who think they are imparting some sort of wisdom every time they regurgitate the old "slow and steady weight loss" matra. Enough already.

  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    so you expect to see your abs in 12 days XD .... will keep my mouth shut .... but why start a post if you don't want feedback
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm confused. Why would you be doing such a restricted calorie diet accompanied by such a strenuous exercise program?
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I have found that doing a lot of stretching will lengthen out your muscles making them appear less bulky. I've never tried the diet plan you're proposing, but good luck to you! :wink:
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I know this isn't what you want to hear but...

    You are female, you cannot get bulky and you cannot gain large amounts of muscle in a short period of time. I believe the most one female can gain in a month is about 1-2lbs tops. It takes a very long time to gain any real amount of muscle. The female body isn't built for that. My guess is you think you are gaining muscle weight because of water weight gain or fat gain due to poor diet.

    The grapefruit diet won't help ... any weight lost will be gained right back once you stop. It also doesn't provide enough nutrients to fuel you.

    When you post in a public forum you need to expect and be willing to recieve comments that are for and against whatever it is you are asking about. WHat is the point of asking for advice if you only want to hear the positives of something?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Sorry, but this nonsense.

    Also, your muscle 'gains' are water retention and swelling.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    You didn't gain any muscle in 2 weeks.
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    Sorry, but this nonsense.

    Also, your muscle 'gains' are water retention and swelling.

    This. Oh dang, you didn't want opinions, sorry I forgot.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    There are 3,500 calories in a pound. If you want to lose 10 lbs in 12 days, you need to burn 2,916 calories a day in addition to any calories you decide to eat. Good luck with that.
  • psychomeep
    Hun, facts aren't opinions. You should listen to reason and not fad diets. Some people actually are experts, and while their advice may vary...none of them promote such silly, made up things like "eating grapefruit will make you lose more weight!". Look into reputable sources like the Mayo Clinic or even the UK's department of health before you go to diets in magazines and books trying to make money.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Hi All! I've been doing crossfit for about two weeks now, and have put on a great deal of muscle. This is typical for me, as everyone in my family gains muscle pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I am also getting bigger because I have gained muscle but not lost the fat that is on top of it so I am starting to get that "bulky" look. I do an hour of extra cardio (running or elliptical) after my crossfit session (which is mainly weight training) and yoga to guard against the blockiness, but I know the only way to get the long, lean look I want is to burn off that top layer of fat that is covering my muscles! I am attempting to lose 10 pounds in the next 12 days by going on a modified grapefruit diet. Modified meaning I will include a small bowl of oatmeal in the morning so I have energy for my workouts. Otherwise it will be the standard 1/2 grapefruit with every meal, lots and lots of veggies, and a moderate amount protein. I'm wondering if anyone has had success on this diet? If so, I would love to hear about it! And if anyone has tried it and ran into any challenges, I'd love to hear those too!

    A note for any personal trainers, nutritionists, or other types of know-it-alls who will predictably post their self-righteous opinions on the efficacy of the grapefruit diet : I AM ALREADY AWARE you think the diet is nonsense. However, I DON'T CARE about your opinion on my decision to embark on this eating plan, nor do I want to read about it. Do me and everyone else who asks for feedback on whether or not a diet has worked for other members a hhhuugggeee favor: Keep your unsolicited opinions to yourself!!!!! Sorry that I have to be so rude about it, but unfortunately, every. single. time. I come across a thread where someone asks if XYZ has worked for others, there's an overabundance of condescending "experts" who think they are imparting some sort of wisdom every time they regurgitate the old "slow and steady weight loss" matra. Enough already.

    Why ask for advice then? Go somewhere else if you want a bunch of Yes men/women.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I've been doing crossfit for about two weeks now, and have put on a great deal of muscle.

  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    Sorry, but this nonsense.

    Also, your muscle 'gains' are water retention and swelling.

    This. Oh dang, you didn't want opinions, sorry I forgot.

    Agreed. A woman can't gain that much mus-

    Sorry! Sorry! I know you didn't want opinions...
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    LOL at putting on a great deal of muscle in 2 weeks.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I did the grapefruit diet about 25 years ago because I love grapefruit and thought that it would be easy. I lost a lot of weight in a short time. I gained it all back in a short time.