Is this routine good enough to burn fat



  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Why is everybody on this site so pro lifting and anti cardio? Yes, if you want to lose fat, running is a great idea! It always has been! Why do you think runners are lean? A thirty minute run will burn another 300 calories per day and get your results that much faster. Because it's a short run, you can tack it onto lifting. I think you're on the right track. If you feel fine running on an empty stomach, then go for it. I like to have some carbs first, but a lot of people are find just getting up and going, whatever works for you is fine.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    You need to seriously lower your carb intake, eat lean meat and veggies for two weeks and you'll see a difference
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Why is everybody on this site so pro lifting and anti cardio? Yes, if you want to lose fat, running is a great idea! It always has been! Why do you think runners are lean? A thirty minute run will burn another 300 calories per day and get your results that much faster. Because it's a short run, you can tack it onto lifting. I think you're on the right track. If you feel fine running on an empty stomach, then go for it. I like to have some carbs first, but a lot of people are find just getting up and going, whatever works for you is fine.

    I wouldn't say people are anti-cardio, they are anti-cardio only. There is good reason for this however, many people want a body that doesn't look like a marathon runner, they want a shapely one and to do that you'll need to incorporate fat loss with muscle gain/tone that you can only get through true weight training.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Why is everybody on this site so pro lifting and anti cardio? Yes, if you want to lose fat, running is a great idea! It always has been! Why do you think runners are lean? A thirty minute run will burn another 300 calories per day and get your results that much faster. Because it's a short run, you can tack it onto lifting. I think you're on the right track. If you feel fine running on an empty stomach, then go for it. I like to have some carbs first, but a lot of people are find just getting up and going, whatever works for you is fine.

    I wouldn't say people are anti-cardio, they are anti-cardio only. There is good reason for this however, many people want a body that doesn't look like a marathon runner, they want a shapely one and to do that you'll need to incorporate fat loss with muscle gain/tone that you can only get through true weight training.

    Running 30 minutes 3 times a week is not a marathon runner routine. It's a basic hearth health routine that everybody shold be doing. Alos, true lifting is not the ONLY was to get toned. Sports training will also encourage muscle growth, strength, and tone. I box, and I am buff as hell despite not doing true weight training.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    If you want to gain muscle and lose fat, then you need to focus on one or the other.

    Gaining new muscle tissue involves eating at a calorie surplus and lifting heavy weights.. not 3 to 5 pound girly dumbbells.

    Losing fat involves eating a deficit, while still lifting and doing some cardio.

    Pick which you want go for it.. but I can guarantee you that Jillian Michael's is not the answer.. Her DVD's are more cardio then strength based anyway.

    Disagree. While not "heavy lifting", if you suck it up and keep increasing your weights, it's some pretty reasonable quick strength training. If you continue using 2 pound weights for months on end, likely not to help much.

    OP, consider heavier weights. Also, did you take measurements? I didn't lose more than half a pound during 30DS and Ripped, but I lost 4 pants sizes over about 3 months.

    I do agree about lifting - if you can find someone that has some weights lying around, it would be awesome. However, I'm in the same boat - I can't justify the gym (financially and time wise), so I do other things. However, for my bike training I might have to pick up some weights to toss around.
  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    I didn't bother reading thru the whole thread, just the first few posts, so if this has been said, sorry!

    I love the 30day shred because its a great workout in a short amount of time but if you are not seeing results, you need to lift heavy. You'll see results faster. What's your protein intake like? Are you eating enough? You have to eat more, and eat more protein to build muscle. Also, you might have the type of body that is slow to build muscle...I know I do.

    Good luck!

    ETA...I checked out your diary. You need to eat less carbs and up your protein. You need to protein to build that muscle. you really need to burn more fat? You are already tiny, your focus your shift to building muscle...forget the fat burning, from your stats, you don't need it.
  • jade_131
    jade_131 Posts: 59 Member
    You need to seriously lower your carb intake, eat lean meat and veggies for two weeks and you'll see a difference

    ah, but it's not that easy when I'm asian... I don't think it's that. Most asians eat rice 3 times a day and still stay slim and fit. I can't leave me rice nooOOOOOoOoo :(
  • jade_131
    jade_131 Posts: 59 Member
    is it really THAT hard for a teenage girl to lose some extra fat?! :(

    Dude, you've only been doing it for 5 weeks. That's really not that long. You said at the end of your first post you're seeing small changes. That's better than no changes.

    lol sorry that wasn't directed at you, I just posted that so that everyone can see
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    You need to seriously lower your carb intake, eat lean meat and veggies for two weeks and you'll see a difference

    ah, but it's not that easy when I'm asian... I don't think it's that. Most asians eat rice 3 times a day and still stay slim and fit. I can't leave me rice nooOOOOOoOoo :(

    Eat your rice, OP. Carbs are part of an overall healthy diet.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    lol sorry that wasn't directed at you, I just posted that so that everyone can see

    That's cool. I do understand the frustration. I've been stuck at the same weight for about 11 months. Although I recently realized that despite the fact the weight hasn't budged, I went from a size 12 to a 10. So there was progress, just very slow progress.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I didn't bother reading thru the whole thread, just the first few posts, so if this has been said, sorry!

    I love the 30day shred because its a great workout in a short amount of time but if you are not seeing results, you need to lift heavy. You'll see results faster. What's your protein intake like? Are you eating enough? You have to eat more, and eat more protein to build muscle. Also, you might have the type of body that is slow to build muscle...I know I do.

    Good luck!

    ETA...I checked out your diary. You need to eat less carbs and up your protein. You need to protein to build that muscle. you really need to burn more fat? You are already tiny, your focus your shift to building muscle...forget the fat burning, from your stats, you don't need it.

    I agree that OP can increase her protein, but all she needs to do is actually eat more protein. Most days she is right at 65 grams and about 200 calories under her daily goal. Use those calories on a protein shake and problem solved.
  • jellebeandesigns
    jellebeandesigns Posts: 347 Member
    Why is everybody on this site so pro lifting and anti cardio? Yes, if you want to lose fat, running is a great idea! It always has been! Why do you think runners are lean? A thirty minute run will burn another 300 calories per day and get your results that much faster. Because it's a short run, you can tack it onto lifting. I think you're on the right track. If you feel fine running on an empty stomach, then go for it. I like to have some carbs first, but a lot of people are find just getting up and going, whatever works for you is fine.

    I run 22-25 miles a week. She wants muscle
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Why is everybody on this site so pro lifting and anti cardio? Yes, if you want to lose fat, running is a great idea! It always has been! Why do you think runners are lean? A thirty minute run will burn another 300 calories per day and get your results that much faster. Because it's a short run, you can tack it onto lifting. I think you're on the right track. If you feel fine running on an empty stomach, then go for it. I like to have some carbs first, but a lot of people are find just getting up and going, whatever works for you is fine.

    I run 22-25 miles a week. She wants muscle

    Her original post said she wanted muscle and to cut fat.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Why is everybody on this site so pro lifting and anti cardio? Yes, if you want to lose fat, running is a great idea! It always has been! Why do you think runners are lean? A thirty minute run will burn another 300 calories per day and get your results that much faster. Because it's a short run, you can tack it onto lifting. I think you're on the right track. If you feel fine running on an empty stomach, then go for it. I like to have some carbs first, but a lot of people are find just getting up and going, whatever works for you is fine.

    I run 22-25 miles a week. She wants muscle

    Her original post said she wanted muscle and to cut fat.

    Then it sounds like lifting is the way to go
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    If you can't afford a gym and want to gain some muscle you could do a body weight (calisthenic) routine like convict conditioning. These have built in progressions and use pretty minimal equipment.
  • jade_131
    jade_131 Posts: 59 Member
    If you can't afford a gym and want to gain some muscle you could do a body weight (calisthenic) routine like convict conditioning. These have built in progressions and use pretty minimal equipment.

    Well I want the fat off the most.. :/
  • jade_131
    jade_131 Posts: 59 Member
    Why is everybody on this site so pro lifting and anti cardio? Yes, if you want to lose fat, running is a great idea! It always has been! Why do you think runners are lean? A thirty minute run will burn another 300 calories per day and get your results that much faster. Because it's a short run, you can tack it onto lifting. I think you're on the right track. If you feel fine running on an empty stomach, then go for it. I like to have some carbs first, but a lot of people are find just getting up and going, whatever works for you is fine.

    I run 22-25 miles a week. She wants muscle

    Her original post said she wanted muscle and to cut fat.

    Then it sounds like lifting is the way to go

    I don't want to bulk up necessarily I want the fat off the most lol.
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    I doubt that you really have much fat to lose. At your height and weight, you're probably around (or possibly below) 20% body fat which is pretty low for women. Most likely, the best thing you can do to improve your appearance is to put on some muscle. A few pounds of muscle will make you look tighter and leaner and lifting weights will improve your overall health. Also, you'll probably drop a few pounds of fat when you first start lifting and keep it off. If you lose fat at your current weight you'll probably end up looking bony and waifish.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    Why is everybody on this site so pro lifting and anti cardio? Yes, if you want to lose fat, running is a great idea! It always has been! Why do you think runners are lean? A thirty minute run will burn another 300 calories per day and get your results that much faster. Because it's a short run, you can tack it onto lifting. I think you're on the right track. If you feel fine running on an empty stomach, then go for it. I like to have some carbs first, but a lot of people are find just getting up and going, whatever works for you is fine.

    I run 22-25 miles a week. She wants muscle

    Her original post said she wanted muscle and to cut fat.

    Then it sounds like lifting is the way to go

    I don't want to bulk up necessarily I want the fat off the most lol.

    If you are a female, it will be almost impossible for you to "bulk up". You lack testosterone. You do need to gain muscle, which will lead to more tone, and less noticeable fat. If you want to get rid of the "skinny fat", do as others have said, and eat more protein, and lift more weight. Body weight exercises are great if you don't have the money for real weights. Any resistance type exercises will help, but the more you challenge your muscles, the results will be better. You will have to give it time, though. building muscle is tougher than losing fat.
  • So lots of ppl are saying to do more weight training/ body weight bc it will increase your metabolism long term, cardio does it short term an example is say you run for an hour and lose 300 cals that's all you will lose for that hour and nothing after it but if you had some muscle you can lose more calories throughout the day bc they require more energy to maintain thus using up the calories you eat in the day even if you do nothing. Don't worry about getting muscular b/c its very hard for a women to be muscular as man simply bc woman have about 1/10 of the amount of testosterone than men do so let's say a guy gains 10 lbs of muscle in 1 year it would take you 10 years to do the same. Another thing from your diet take out starches bananas, rice, potatoes they are used more for staying big, Take out tofu/soy from your diet its full of estrogen, it messes up with your hormones it helps you store fat, it makes you have "wings" in your triceps lol. Hope that helps