Brand new and need friends! :-)

Hi! I am brand new and need some friends! Today is the day...... alarm is set for 4:45am tomorrow to do my first workout and get set to log! Let's support each other! :-)


  • Ja7710
    Hey there :) Thank you for adding me! Congrats on taking the step to a better you! I look forward to supporting each other :)
  • rede2go
    rede2go Posts: 82 Member
    Welcome! You have come to the right place....there are tons of amazing supportive people here. They have so much knowledge to share. Not everything works for everyone, take what you can and impliment what works for you! Logging food and portion control really helped me. I use to do all cardio but realized for me that weights work....muscle burns fat. I am currently doing insanity and chalean. (starting week 8) I am seeing results and I love it. what work out are you gonna do at 445 am ( I call that getting up at the crack of stupid lol, that is commitment good for you) I am a married mother of three with a busy schedule.... we are all feel free to add me anything I can do to help let me know.

  • Meg83085

    I am brand new too! I actually have had an account with my fitness pal for months and have done nothing. I am determined to start losing weight. I hope all works out for you . Do you have any good suggestions on workouts for a stay at home mom? I was thinking CRUNCHES, CRUNCHES, CRUNCHES, and of course walking with the kids. Maybe lunges and squats. I hope this works!!!! Good Luck ;)
