
TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
Morning/Afternoon/Evening fitness pals!!

I have just treated myself to a hand blender so that i can make myself delicious and nutritious smoothies, so i need some good recipes.

Sweet, savoury, whatever you've got thats yummy!!

I have chocolate flavour protein powder which i am looking to incorporate as well!

Thanks in advance!!!


  • Danette73
    Never used a hand blender before ( I have a regular one) for my smoothies, but do you like green smoothies?? They ar eREALLY good and you can add ANYTHING... spinach, lettuce, greens, cucumbers, cherries, peaches, strawberries, mango, any kind of fruit or veggies you like you like.

    I have actually had this one before: Vanilla protein powder, dark cherries (frozen) and silk vanilla milk! YUMMYYYYY!!!!

    I would think that you would just have to make sure you mix well with the hand blender so as not to have chunks in it!
  • Morgan103084
    i just throw in some strawberries, half a banana, (sometimes pineapple too) some vanilla yogurt and ice cubes, blend:pour:enjoy! no measuring needed!
  • Sproffee
    My absolute favorite smoothie to make is (this recipe is for two serivings, the way I have it):

    1 Banana
    2 tbsp Peanut Butter
    6oz non-fat plain yogurt
    Light Vanilla soy milk to your desired texture (I make it pretty thick for me)

    Its roughly 470 calories if you drink the whole thing, good amount of protein, potassium.
    Its thick and rich and always hits the spot for me after a workout.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Never used a hand blender before ( I have a regular one) for my smoothies, but do you like green smoothies?? They ar eREALLY good and you can add ANYTHING... spinach, lettuce, greens, cucumbers, cherries, peaches, strawberries, mango, any kind of fruit or veggies you like you like.

    I have actually had this one before: Vanilla protein powder, dark cherries (frozen) and silk vanilla milk! YUMMYYYYY!!!!

    I would think that you would just have to make sure you mix well with the hand blender so as not to have chunks in it!

    the green smoothie idea scares me a bit!!! but we always end up with spinach left over if we get it to go in salad, so i might have to try it some time!
  • JBuehrer1
    JBuehrer1 Posts: 23 Member
    Never used a hand blender before ( I have a regular one) for my smoothies, but do you like green smoothies?? They ar eREALLY good and you can add ANYTHING... spinach, lettuce, greens, cucumbers, cherries, peaches, strawberries, mango, any kind of fruit or veggies you like you like.

    I have actually had this one before: Vanilla protein powder, dark cherries (frozen) and silk vanilla milk! YUMMYYYYY!!!!

    I would think that you would just have to make sure you mix well with the hand blender so as not to have chunks in it!

    I tried making a green smoothie once (in an electric blender), but it was kind of chunky and I couldn't drink it. What recipes do you use for making green smoothies?
  • Methinksabout
    I usually throw all the not-so-nice fruits I have left from the week (tooo ripe banana, softish oranges or apples) with left-over yogurt or quark! Frozen fruit is quite nice as it cools the smoothy while preparing it, so you don't need any ice-cubes!

    I also tried to blend frozen bananas once - really yummy ice-creamy texture, put some honey in (or nutella! soooo gooooood) and top up with some nuts makes a brill sundae.. Guess it would go well with PB (seeing as you are such a fan of it anyway)

    Must mostly I use my hand blender to make guacamole! There's nothing better! yummyumm
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    If your smoothie is chunky, you didn't blend it long enough!

    Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries (all frozen), some kind of fruit juice, coconut water, a huge handful of spinach, hemp seeds and psyllium fibre. Blend until SMOOOOOOTH and enjoy.
  • Danette73
    My quickie green smoothie recipe is just fresh spinach, about 8 ozs of water, a banana, and some frozen fruit of some sort, strawberries are my favorite. And I just mix it in my blender until it is smooth like ice cream. The first time i did it. it was chunky and I hated it but I didn't add any water or milk to it. Just keep mixing, I promise it gets smooth without the chunck and it taste GOOD!
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    I usually throw all the not-so-nice fruits I have left from the week (tooo ripe banana, softish oranges or apples) with left-over yogurt or quark! Frozen fruit is quite nice as it cools the smoothy while preparing it, so you don't need any ice-cubes!

    I also tried to blend frozen bananas once - really yummy ice-creamy texture, put some honey in (or nutella! soooo gooooood) and top up with some nuts makes a brill sundae.. Guess it would go well with PB (seeing as you are such a fan of it anyway)

    Must mostly I use my hand blender to make guacamole! There's nothing better! yummyumm

    All true!

    I love guacamole!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries (all frozen), some kind of fruit juice, coconut water, a huge handful of spinach, hemp seeds and psyllium fibre. Blend until SMOOOOOOTH and enjoy.

    that sounds good, thanks!
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    Addicted to my green smoothies, Spinach, triple berries, hump seed, frozen pineapples, banana! Yummy!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Must mostly I use my hand blender to make guacamole! There's nothing better! yummyumm

    oooooooooooh, good idea... how do you make guacamole!?
  • perficktangel
    perficktangel Posts: 26 Member
    I like this kind too. I also usually add some more frozen fruit like strawberries, peaches, etc. The peanut butter makes it taste so good! Almond butter would be good too.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    My quickie green smoothie recipe is just fresh spinach, about 8 ozs of water, a banana, and some frozen fruit of some sort, strawberries are my favorite. And I just mix it in my blender until it is smooth like ice cream. The first time i did it. it was chunky and I hated it but I didn't add any water or milk to it. Just keep mixing, I promise it gets smooth without the chunck and it taste GOOD!

    that sounds nice actually, i'll try it! thanks!!!
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    This the smoothie I make for breakfast every day (now just FYI I eat 1900+ calories a day because of my high level of exercise)

    1 cup water
    1 cup Ice
    1/4 cup of pureed Avocado (On average it comes out to half of a small avocado)
    2 scoops of chocolate Protein Powder
    1 cup milk
    1 medium banana
    4oz Zoi Plain Greek yogurt (I do not eat the "nonfat" because although it had less calories it has more carbs/sugars than just plain)

    I blend the ice, water, and avocado unti smooth. Then I add the milk, yogurt, and protein powder and blend until smooth, then finish off blending in the banana. It tastes like a choco/banana milkshake but keeps me full for hours.

    The calories in this (with muscle milk's chocolate protein powder) is 677. Like I said, this is higher calorie but this is what fits into my plan :)
  • samgray86
    samgray86 Posts: 15 Member
    8oz organic milk
    1 scoop protein powder (Jay Robb is excellent organic powder sweetened with stevia)
    1 TBS peanut butter
    1 TBS raw wheat germ
    3-4 cups spinach

    It is so good because the spinach fades away, you dont taste it all! Wonderful way to get your full serving of veggies and it tastes like a milk shake, you can even add a banana if you like them.
  • samgray86
    samgray86 Posts: 15 Member
    And its only between 300-400 calories depending on whether or not you add the banana

    8oz organic milk
    1 scoop protein powder (Jay Robb is excellent organic powder sweetened with stevia)
    1 TBS peanut butter
    1 TBS raw wheat germ
    3-4 cups spinach

    It is so good because the spinach fades away, you dont taste it all! Wonderful way to get your full serving of veggies and it tastes like a milk shake, you can even add a banana if you like them.
  • Methinksabout

    Must mostly I use my hand blender to make guacamole! There's nothing better! yummyumm

    oooooooooooh, good idea... how do you make guacamole!?

    You need very soft/ripe avocadoes, fresh garlic, chilli (fresh or dried), limes (roughly 1 lime to every 2 avocadoes is how I like it), some salt and pepper - add a bit olive oil if you fancy. Mix until smooth (or how ever you like your consistency.. sometimes I put a couple of cherry tomatoes in as well, helps with the calories ;-)
  • kmccracken123
    Here's one that my son fixed for me last week. It was very filling and taste much better than it sounded.

    1c. Vanilla Soy Milk 240 cal.
    handful of fresh baby spinach leaves 7 cal.
    1 carrot 52 cal.
    1c. fresh or frozen strawberries 25 cal.
    2 tsp. sugar-free vanilla syrup (Torani brand from Walmart) 0 cal.
    1c diet 7 Up 0 cal.
    ice cubes if you like it jucier

    mix in blender, add zero cal sweetener if you want 324 cal, 2 big servings, 162 cal/serv.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You need very soft/ripe avocadoes, fresh garlic, chilli (fresh or dried), limes (roughly 1 lime to every 2 avocadoes is how I like it), some salt and pepper - add a bit olive oil if you fancy. Mix until smooth (or how ever you like your consistency.. sometimes I put a couple of cherry tomatoes in as well, helps with the calories ;-)

    definitely be trying that at the weekend! thanks!