Need Major Support and Motivation

I was on the MFP bandwagon and doing great! I had lost pounds and inches, and I gained a confidence that I had never seen before!
But then... but then I went on vacation. And then I found out I was moving and had to pack. And then I moved. And then I had to unpack and had no food in the house.
Now here I am, 3 months later and 20 pounds heavier. All the motivation I had to work out and eat healthy? Gone. The confidence, buried under this extra 20. And I am so uncomfortable and so miserable with what has happened.

What I need from you all is motivation and support that I can channel into getting back on the wagon. To log my food everyday and use it to make healthy choices. To get to the gym three times (or more) a week.

So, who can send some serious motivation my way?


  • thescottishone
    thescottishone Posts: 39 Member
    Hey! I have a similar story, I was doing really well and finally felt I was on top of it all for the first time in my life...and then my parents came to visit for 3 weeks and I gradually started getting to bad habits again and cutting down on the exercise and 4 weeks later I am 3kg heavier. I desperately want to get back into it for these next 4 weeks up to Christmas! SOOOOO, I will support you if you could help and support me too, please!! Thanks : )))
  • susiek80
    It's amazing how quickly it can happen! I am sending you a request and we can motivate each other!
  • BrookeBQ
    BrookeBQ Posts: 163 Member
    That is my ultimate fear, that after all of this hard work I will go back to normal and gain everything back. Added you so we can support each other and prevent it from happening again.
  • lbkingcu
    lbkingcu Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Feel free to add me so we can support each other.
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    You did it before and you can again. You have the tools and knowledge. Sitting around and feeling miserable won't get you to your goals. Forgive yourself for messing up and move forward one step at time.
  • StrawberryThief
    You can do it and you're going to feel amazing when you have! Everyone has those times when they feel just awful and have let themselves slip a little or a lot, but even posting here is a start and you know in a few weeks you'll be on track and feeling healthy! Keep us posted! :)
  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    I am there too. I fell off the wagon and hit hard. I could really use the motivation myself! I was doing really well, but then got out of my routine and I can't seem to get back on track. Could really use the help, so add me and we can help each other! Can always use more support!
  • susiek80
    Thank you everyone for your replies! It's true, I can't beat myself up for what has happened. Instead, I have to move forward and keep my goals in sight!
    I am determined to get back on track without being obsessive or getting crazy!
  • lesliep107
    lesliep107 Posts: 22 Member
    I hear you and am in the same boat!

    I truly believe we all can do this. Maybe our timeline will need to be altered. But we can do this.

    Add me.

    We all need support and motivation from people who get how hard this can be!
  • hjensen2263
    hjensen2263 Posts: 68 Member
    This just happened. Over the past 2 weeks, especially with thanksgiving, I completely wasted all progress I had made the four weeks prior. Ugh.
  • EPortJake
    EPortJake Posts: 54 Member
    But then... but then I went on vacation. And then I found out I was moving and had to pack. And then I moved. And then I had to unpack and had no food in the house.

    Relaxing on vacation is fine, I mean what else are vacations for? The other reasons are, sorry to be harsh, pathetic excuses.
    Also, how are you going to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you constantly need the motivation of others? If you really want something YOU need to be the driving force behind achieving it.
    Again, sorry to be harsh but I think you need it imo.
  • marie_25m
    marie_25m Posts: 64 Member
    Feel free to add me!:smile:
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    Yeah, after I lost my 40lbs I derailed and started eating whatever I felt like. Luckily not as bad as when I first started trying to loose weight and I didn't gain much back... but my motivation definitely left me. I've been trying to get it back this week by eating healthier again. It's really hard but I'm trying!
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    You have done it before and you can absolutely do it again!!!!! You are the only person who is standing in your way, we can't change your body... but YOU CAN!

    Two of my favorite quotes:

    "The more weight you want to permanently lose, the more of your lifestyle you have to permanently change!"

    "Good things DO NOT come to those who wait. Good things come to those who work their *kitten* off and never give up!!"

    You can do this!!!

    p.s. feel free to add me :)
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    Also: Forgive yourself, and move on from it. Dwelling on the past doesn't burn calories :)
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    It took me a long time to relalize that healthy eating and exercise is a life choice not an every now and then choice. Yes, we all have deters (thanksgiving) on our road to healthy, but enjoying ourselves and getting back on track is what's important. Jillian Michaels has said when your car gets a flat tire do you go out and slash the other 3? No, you fix the flat and get back on the road. That really made an impression on me.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    Traveling for work, back for 2 days then vacation yeah!!!!!!!!! But first it get's shortened by boyfriend's work, then he is hijacked with a family emergency and he is still not home. I started getting sick on Sunday.... stayed in bed until Wednesday finally feeling better. So Thanksgiving alone with all my married siblings and their now married children, still TOM. Another Thanksgiving on Saturday with my Dad and still no BF. All that equals +5lbs in 2 weeks. Now I'm back to work, did not get to spend one minute of my vaca with my BF, and all the stuff around the house we were going to do while on vaca UNDONE. I'm a little depressed. I can't even be mad at him because this was truely a family emergency and I know he would rather be with me but it's been a rough year I needed some down time with him. And food- after 25lbs I thought one family member from 2 family gatherings might have noticied. I am feeling very sorry for myself right now. I need to walk or play tennis or something to get me out of this funk.
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    I am there with you. I was doing so well. I felt good about myself and getting compliments. I was even getting rid of some of my "fat clothes" and then life got in the way. Sometimes it does seem hard to make the right choices when you are so stressed, but this is the change we are making. No one ever said "losing weight and keeping it off would be easy." It is a decision we get up and make every day. In fact, I remind my self of the decision several times a day. I am using a little notebook that I carry with me everywhere of inspirational quotes to keep me motivated until exercise and eating right become my habit again. I am getting back on track today and I hope you will too.
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    But then... but then I went on vacation. And then I found out I was moving and had to pack. And then I moved. And then I had to unpack and had no food in the house.

    Relaxing on vacation is fine, I mean what else are vacations for? The other reasons are, sorry to be harsh, pathetic excuses.
    Also, how are you going to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you constantly need the motivation of others? If you really want something YOU need to be the driving force behind achieving it.
    Again, sorry to be harsh but I think you need it imo.

    Wow, that's what I had to hear. In fact heard that same thing this morning from a friend. It's hard learning to put yourself first when you never could before.
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    Just Made a Topic about Intense Motivation haha!

    ADD ME

    I love to help people! And exchange what others have gotten out of certain workouts.
    I work intense and would love to make friends really wanting to chat about it daily.