am i doing it wrong?



  • MsMeeLaFi
    MsMeeLaFi Posts: 6 Member
    Ok, so what do you eat?
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Sounds like your biggest barrier may be your own excuses. You know what needs to be done and skipping lunch and eating an unbalanced diet is not it. I'm all for encouraging but do the work or don't. Just don't expect the same results when you don't do the work.
  • michellek1992
    michellek1992 Posts: 37 Member
    I have started MFP in August i lost the 2 pounds in 2 weeks

    Why did you quit and what makes you think that 2 pounds in 2 weeks is not acceptable?

    You seem to lack patience.

    I quit because I didnt have the motivation and yes I can be lazy at times but i do try give 100%
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Im an extremely bad eater I dont eat any fruit or veg, and i no people will come on here and say "you have to eat them" I physically cant!
    I eat a breakfast every morning usually it would be cereal with skimmed milk or wholemeal bread toasted.
    I normally do not get time to fit in a lunch and sometimes eat a small dinner could I not be eating enough, MFP allows me to eat 1660cals which i find is alot.

    You don't HAVE to eat them. I don't. Though I would recommend eating some when possible.

    You just have to eat less than burn and have reasonable fat/carb/protein ratios. After that, it's just about consistency and patience.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Well you're gonna have to suck it up and eat them anyway.

  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I have started MFP in August i lost the 2 pounds in 2 weeks

    Why did you quit and what makes you think that 2 pounds in 2 weeks is not acceptable?

    You seem to lack patience.

    I quit because I didnt have the motivation and yes I can be lazy at times but i do try give 100%

    Then I think you have your answer.
  • Yes you are doing it wrong. If you want to change your body then first you need to change your mind. If you can't eat healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, then you can not obtain a healthy body. If you simply want a slender body, then eat fewer calories than your body burns each day, that will probably require you to increase your current level of exercise. If you can not increase your level of exercise, and you can not change your eating habits, then simply buy bigger clothing because you are going to need it.
  • niki87lewis
    niki87lewis Posts: 147 Member
    Yes you are doing it wrong. If you want to change your body then first you need to change your mind. If you can't eat healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, then you can not obtain a healthy body. If you simply want a slender body, then eat fewer calories than your body burns each day, that will probably require you to increase your current level of exercise. If you can not increase your level of exercise, and you can not change your eating habits, then simply buy bigger clothing because you are going to need it.

  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    Well you're gonna have to suck it up and eat them anyway.


    Hmm I don't know, but it might have something to do with good nutrition.
  • When I was not losing any weight for a period of time I looked back through my log. I found that I was very high in sodium and started to pay more attention to the labels.
  • michellek1992
    michellek1992 Posts: 37 Member
    I appreciate this, I like that you understand. I no I need to have consistency and patience. And i do. People assume I am not giving it my best but I am. My motivation was **** at the start because everybody around me just did not care what they ate and I would fall off track and think well I cant try again, but now i no I CAN!!!
  • I don't know what your issues are with vegetables, if it's taste there has to be one or two that you can tolerate. I don't like many vegetables but the three or four that I do I eat all the time every day just so I can get my veggies in. So if you don't eat veggies than that means all your sides are starches which are full of carbs which turns to sugar. you may be trying and giving it 100% but if you are eating all starches for your side dishes you are fighting a losing battle. There is no way you will lose weight with starches as your side dishes every day. Please give some type or vegetable another try.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    ok well i dont live in the US, I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving. I have started MFP in August i lost the 2 pounds in 2 weeks, I dont drink any sodas, all I drink is water all day everyday. I weigh 188lb Im 5'3.
    Im an extremely bad eater I dont eat any fruit or veg, and i no people will come on here and say "you have to eat them" I physically cant!
    I eat a breakfast every morning usually it would be cereal with skimmed milk or wholemeal bread toasted.
    I normally do not get time to fit in a lunch and sometimes eat a small dinner could I not be eating enough, MFP allows me to eat 1660cals which i find is alot.

    Your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is in the 1600 calorie range. This is the amount they would feed you if you were in a coma, just to fuel your basic bodily functions like breathing, brain function, organ functions, etc. You need to eat that much PLUS more to fuel your daily activities and workouts. So on MFP, the minimum you should eat is 1660 calories, this is on a day you do not work out. When you log your exercise, MFP gives you more to eat.

    Make yourself some fruit smoothies in a blender with yogurt and almond milk to get some nutrition.
  • michellek1992
    michellek1992 Posts: 37 Member
    When I was not losing any weight for a period of time I looked back through my log. I found that I was very high in sodium and started to pay more attention to the labels.

    I am doing this now thank you, I am finding out new things which is helping, I am only new to this and its like people expect me to no everything about dieting or eating right, but I am only learning and I will soon hope to get it right!
  • michellek1992
    michellek1992 Posts: 37 Member
    ok well i dont live in the US, I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving. I have started MFP in August i lost the 2 pounds in 2 weeks, I dont drink any sodas, all I drink is water all day everyday. I weigh 188lb Im 5'3.
    Im an extremely bad eater I dont eat any fruit or veg, and i no people will come on here and say "you have to eat them" I physically cant!
    I eat a breakfast every morning usually it would be cereal with skimmed milk or wholemeal bread toasted.
    I normally do not get time to fit in a lunch and sometimes eat a small dinner could I not be eating enough, MFP allows me to eat 1660cals which i find is alot.

    Your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is in the 1600 calorie range. This is the amount they would feed you if you were in a coma, just to fuel your basic bodily functions like breathing, brain function, organ functions, etc. You need to eat that much PLUS more to fuel your daily activities and workouts. So on MFP, the minimum you should eat is 1660 calories, this is on a day you do not work out. When you log your exercise, MFP gives you more to eat.

    Make yourself some fruit smoothies in a blender with yogurt and almond milk to get some nutrition.

    thank you, this is the advice Im am looking for and i appreciate it!
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    We've all struggled with weight loss, and the desire to lose weight, before creating our own successes. You truly do get back what you put into any situation. Now, there could always be medical reasons for weight loss stalling. It's probably best, before making a commitment, to have a full physical work-up, just so that you know you are medically clear to get results. Also, you can speak with your doctor about an expectation with how much to lose, how quickly, and how many calories best fit into your needs. I have thought so many times that I've wanted to lose weight. I've started this and started that, only to realize that the commitment to succeed wasn't really there. I finally had my "a-ha! moment" where something just clicked and everything seemed to fall into place, including consistent loss...rewards for the work, commitment, patience, and disappointments. It's not something that you just wish for and it falls in your lap. My husband has been my partner on this. So if you can find a buddy system, someone to help hold you accountable, that helps too. We've both lost about the same percentage of weight, even though he's lost fewer pounds, but had fewer pounds to have to lose. We feed off each other whether it's using each other to push harder on the workouts, or to eat better. He eats very few fruits/veggies. I mean, seriously, VERY few. He might have an apple rarely, grapes, and green beans are the only sort of veggie he will push down. But not only has he still lost weight, but his blood pressure, that's been very high in the 16 years I've known him, is actually at a normal rate now! I'm betting his cholesterol is too. I find you don't always "have" to make perfect choices, but you do need to make "good" and "better" food choices than you made that increased your weight. I'm not a doctor, scientist, or other expert, I just know what's been working for us. I, on the other hand, love fruits and veggies and make the produce section my primary food choices, because you can eat more food within your calorie budget that way.

    You just have to decide that you're willing to commit, sacrifice, accept the roller coaster ride of emotions involved with the process, and jump aboard! It's worth it if you do! Remember to be reasonable with your timelines/goals. You can't decide you want to lose 30 pounds by Christmas. I would say, have your mindset for your target weight a year from now. If it gets here sooner, great! If not, then you have a year to learn your body, what works and what doesn't, and develop better habits for a lifetime.

    Good luck!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Lots of good advice here. Keep trying, good luck.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Look for some healthy things to bump up your calories if you find it hard to eat 1600+. Peanut butter, cottage cheese, greek yogurt. Regarding veggies, do you eat them in things like spaghetti sauce if they are chopped so small you barely know they are there? Will you eat them if they are mixed in a cold pasta salad? You will start feeling better and having more energy if you are getting proper nutrients. A chopper or blender is a good way to try to incorporate them into things you will eat.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    This is my second time on MFP and I'm not losing anything.
    This is so disappointing, Im eating my calories allowed and exercising everyday e.g. Zumba, walking, stationary bike?
    I lost only 2 pounds my first time on this.
    what am I doing wrong, can anyone help me?

    Sounds like what you're doing wrong was quitting. Lost 2 pounds, gave up. Had you not given up the first time you'd probably have lost a lot more.
  • michellek1992
    michellek1992 Posts: 37 Member
    We've all struggled with weight loss, and the desire to lose weight, before creating our own successes. You truly do get back what you put into any situation. Now, there could always be medical reasons for weight loss stalling. It's probably best, before making a commitment, to have a full physical work-up, just so that you know you are medically clear to get results. Also, you can speak with your doctor about an expectation with how much to lose, how quickly, and how many calories best fit into your needs. I have thought so many times that I've wanted to lose weight. I've started this and started that, only to realize that the commitment to succeed wasn't really there. I finally had my "a-ha! moment" where something just clicked and everything seemed to fall into place, including consistent loss...rewards for the work, commitment, patience, and disappointments. It's not something that you just wish for and it falls in your lap. My husband has been my partner on this. So if you can find a buddy system, someone to help hold you accountable, that helps too. We've both lost about the same percentage of weight, even though he's lost fewer pounds, but had fewer pounds to have to lose. We feed off each other whether it's using each other to push harder on the workouts, or to eat better. He eats very few fruits/veggies. I mean, seriously, VERY few. He might have an apple rarely, grapes, and green beans are the only sort of veggie he will push down. But not only has he still lost weight, but his blood pressure, that's been very high in the 16 years I've known him, is actually at a normal rate now! I'm betting his cholesterol is too. I find you don't always "have" to make perfect choices, but you do need to make "good" and "better" food choices than you made that increased your weight. I'm not a doctor, scientist, or other expert, I just know what's been working for us. I, on the other hand, love fruits and veggies and make the produce section my primary food choices, because you can eat more food within your calorie budget that way.

    You just have to decide that you're willing to commit, sacrifice, accept the roller coaster ride of emotions involved with the process, and jump aboard! It's worth it if you do! Remember to be reasonable with your timelines/goals. You can't decide you want to lose 30 pounds by Christmas. I would say, have your mindset for your target weight a year from now. If it gets here sooner, great! If not, then you have a year to learn your body, what works and what doesn't, and develop better habits for a lifetime.

    Good luck!

    I do no that I wont see results straight away and thats not what I expect, I am taking things one step at a time for example i used to drink sodas, but i have stopped that and now i only drink water. I admire your story and its great you have your husband to be your support buddy, And i also hope to change other bad habits as time goes on. thanks!