Can 4 days do this much damage?



  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    I went "up" 1 lb from Thanksgiving, but I actually lost that plus another lb by my weigh in. so it must just be water retention. drink lots of h2o!
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    This is just my opinion. But if you went up a few pounds from the holidays, don't get so unmotivated. You spent your holidays with loved ones, you enjoyed your time with them, you didn't pick at food and make others feel like you were ungrateful of what they made. You gained several pounds out of however many you lost, which means it can be lost again. You can always lose weight you put on, but you can never get back worthwhile memories. However, you can't make a "worthwhile memory" every day of the week and use that as your excuse to gorge, just remember that diets don't work, lifestyles do, and last I checked holidays tend to come with pie.

    **Edit** I'm just saying this because I hate when people are so hard on their selves for being human during holidays. I understand the frustration. Just don't be so down on yourself and enjoy life. :) There are not that many major holidays in a year, and the rest of it can be filled with healthy amazing eating!
  • I gained on T day but since Wednesday I am back down .4 of a pound. I watched my hostess cook. Everything was tasty but everything had SALT. Drink that water!!
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Since I knew the scale was going to be up this week. I didn't step on it. I don't want it to hurt my "feelings".... So i'll step on it in a few weeks when everything is back to normal. So if it "fake" weight it will go away and I'll see the real number.
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member
    It takes an excess of 3500 calories ABOVE your maintenance level to gain 1 pound. Did you exceed your allotment by 14,000 calories?

    If not, you may be looking at a lot of water weight.

    Women lie. Men lie. Numbers dont lie.

    yooo gottttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LMAO
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member
    ps - as selfish as this is... im happy im not the only one. i gained 8, and continued into a mindless binge because of it. back on track today.
  • tinytasha7
    tinytasha7 Posts: 86 Member
    Salt salt salt.

    Drink tons of water this week and clean a good portion of that "weight" out. Watch the salt.

    I have been known to gain up to 35 lbs in a week all due to an increased sodium level. I have an imbalance however, but it shows you how extreme sodium intake can be. Not only did you likely increase calories, but very likely, if your celebration was like most of my family's, your sodium intake was through the roof.

    I agree with the above statement as far as strategy goes.

    Even if you did gain weight from calories, so what? Just keep moving on from here. Thanksgiving is a special celebration. It happens once a year, not every week. Just move on from there and know that you enjoyed your day.
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    I weighed myself on Thursday morning just so I could look at the damage objectively when I weighed in on my normal day (Saturday) Up 5 lbs and then 2 more the next day. I don't think so. I could feel it in my rings on Friday night that my fingers were swelling, so taking it as a water gain and back on the wagon with LOTS of water to flush out my system.
  • katanasnk
    katanasnk Posts: 52 Member
    My official weigh-in is tonight, because I'll be at the gym on the more accurate physician's style scale (I know my home bathroom thing is +3). I'm in "Thanksgiving Shock" with the rest of you; my numbers indicated up 3 lbs and at a new high for the year! I nearly cried.
    I've maintained my 1200 cal/day and exercise though, so that can't last long!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    That's why I do a salt free day every monday - it helps to lose the water. And with salt free I mean totaly salt free. I'm eating plain rice or with some fried veggies with no salt at all. Doesn't tast good, but it works.

    FRIED veggies??? Doesn't sound very healthy.
  • mikeperm12
    mikeperm12 Posts: 1 Member
    And I thought I was the only one. I put on about 6! It's encouraging to me to realize that a lot of people are in the same boat.
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    Salt salt salt.

    Drink tons of water this week and clean a good portion of that "weight" out. Watch the salt.

    Yes, I would agree with this one, however some of that will be food maybe 2 pounds... especially if i just let loose and didn't care.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Same thing happened to me. I am up about 5 pounds just in the past week. I am praying it is mostly water weight, I ate a ton of stuffing, and then had Chinese food one day over the weekend.
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    I was actually up 4 pounds, as well. Did I eat the extra 14,000 calories? You betcha--over a few days. :) Do I regret it? Not one bit. I had a fantastic time. Was it sodium? Nope.. I did most of the cooking. :) I'm just amazed at how quickly those calories add up. This experience will prepare me for Christmas break.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    This is from Wiki. Not the greatest source in the world, but it supports my point.
    Electrolytes play a vital role in maintaining homeostasis within the body. They help to regulate myocardial and neurological function, fluid balance, oxygen delivery, acid-base balance and much more. Electrolyte imbalances can develop by the following mechanisms: excessive ingestion; diminished elimination of an electrolyte; diminished ingestion or excessive elimination of an electrolyte. The most common cause of electrolyte disturbances is renal failure.

    Drinking lots of water is not the correct choice for balancing out electrolytes. If you want to counter excessive amounts of sodium, then consume high amounts of potassium. Drinking lots of water actually causes the body to expel all electrolytes at an equivalent rate so while you are flushing out sodium, you are also flushing out potassium at an equal rate. That does nothing to restore the balance and your body will continue to hold water.
  • I stepped on the scale today after a run, and no food at noon. Weighted 296.8. That night at the very end, after dinner and any late night snacks, I weighed 301.4. I only ate 1300 calories. I have seen my weight fluctuate up 7 then down 11 in a week. Normal stuff.

    Weight of food =/= the same as calories...
    You do know that you always weigh more at the end of the day, right? You should weigh first thing in the morning.
  • lovinlandl
    lovinlandl Posts: 99 Member
    As of this morning -- still waiting for some reduction. NOT upset because I know I didn't eat the 14,000 extra calories....just shocked it is hanging on so long.

    What is amazing is all of the post regarding increasing calorie amounts......I can't imagine what I would look like at the end of a month of testing an increased number of calories daily. ENVY those that contine to eat and lose!!
  • lovinlandl
    lovinlandl Posts: 99 Member
    well, 10 days after Thanksgiving and still up by 3. Had the other side of the family Thanksgiving today -- UGH, more food :ohwell:

    Tried to manage all of the food and drank LOTS of water.

    Hoping to get down more this week but, not letting this set me back.