Newbie looking for motivation and friends!

Hey all! I'm new here and while I think I've gotten the hang of the tools available, I am still in need of friends and support. Any and all positive influences on my life are welcomed!

About me: I'm a wife, a mom of 4, and I suffer from chronic back pain caused by years of working as a surgical dental assistant with poor ergonomics. I've had 2 unsuccessful surgeries in 2012 on my back but I'm currently pursuing more "holistic" treatment options and having great results so far!

My progress so far: 3 weeks of body mechanics exercises, classes, and treatment. Daily stretching and posture exercises. 3 weeks of eating breakfast (I used to hate breakfast). Increased energy and feeling great!

Current stats: 5' 1" ~ Female ~ 142 -147lbs (depending on the day) ~ 35" waist ~ 41" hips
Goals: 125-130lbs (I have always fluctuated up and down by 5lbs) ~ smaller waist and hips (ha!)

In all seriousness, I'm just looking to get back to my old self again, the me I was before the back pain took my energy away.

So, who's with me?


  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    I am sending you an add! We are about the same height and you very close to my current weight and measurements. I am not always great at commenting on the daily posts that show "calories were eaten and below target" but I do "cheer" for success and try to offer encouragement when warranted!!! I feed off the energy of others as well.
  • nolongerfatgirl
    I am as well a newbie looking for fellow weightloss'ers .. I am 23 years old and have been combating weight loss for almost a year now, I have lost 25lbs but then fell off the wagon really hard and gained a few back .. Now, I am commited to getting into the new years dress I have always dreamed of, A size small!!
  • hsiders
    I am as well a newbee.......I am 32 a single mother of two very active kids in sports and so unhealthy eating on the go and a routine workout schedule is what my life has consisted of on more than 2 to 3 nights a week. Looking for people to keep me motivated. I have Addison's disease and take steroids everyday so my weight fluctuates so much however, this is the heaviest I have ever been......Good Luck to all!!!
  • busybee507
    You guys are awesome! Thank you all so much! I've accepted all friend requests I've gotten so far and will continue to add you as they come in. Thanks again! I'm looking forward to motivating each other!