
I started MFP in January this year on a different account. Everything was going great - I was logging faithfully, eating right, exercising frequently, and feeling great about myself. Then came June, and at that point I'd lost about 25 lbs. But in July I got pneumonia - and from there it was a downward spiral. I started eating fast food, eating junk at all hours of the day and night, and completely stopped working out. Well guess what? I packed 20 lbs back on like nothing. All that hard work, for nothing.

Well I'm back because I can't stand being this heavy anymore.
I'm about to be 25 years old, and I was hoping that by this birthday I would have been at my goal weight - and I might have been.
I know I need to do something about it because my weight is starting to affect my personal life. The other day my boyfriend flipped my full length mirror and told me I'm not allowed to look at myself in that mirror for a month. I guess he's sick of me calling myself fat too.

So I'm not really sure where I'm trying to go with this post. I guess I just want it out there that I'm trying again - and I really do need MFP and all of you guys' support. Thanks for listening :)


  • DoingItForME724
    DoingItForME724 Posts: 130 Member
    Stop worrying over being "fat" and worry about being "healthy"

    how much do you love yourself???

  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    As long as you've got the motivation, you'll succeed. I agree about focusing more on fitness goals and how you FEEL, rather than constant stress over how you look. I've definitely been there before.

    ETA: I just realized we live in the same area as well! :tongue: