Need some friends and support! Befriend me please?



  • keelymf
    Hi Kathryn! I'd love some support as well so feel free to add me as a friend. I'll add you as well.:happy:
  • shayat72
    shayat72 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm brand new to this but I really want to get serious about losing weight. Need all the support I can get. I work full time in an office job (sitting most of the day) and come home exhausted to a husband, 3 kids an elderly father in law. I have to make separate meals for the kids and the FIL and I'll eat just about anything. I tell myself every single day that today is the day I will get on my treadmill but it never happens. Hoping to stick on this thing as of today.
    Feel free to add me - looking to get and give support :-)
  • handsome1228
    Hi Martin,

    I'm also looking for a work out buddy that merely gives mr motivation to stay in track. I just joined MFP and I hope that thru this median I'm able to meet fantastic people that are able to give me the strength and courage that I need to this long journey ahead of me. Any little advice that you can give me will greatly be apreciated.
  • weeeeeeee
    weeeeeeee Posts: 6 Member
    :smile Good Morning... My name is Lisa I'm from Texas and currently live in the Washington DC area, I know how you fell about being on one day and off the next. Let's make today the day we make the change for ourselfs and make it happen.... I am here if you would like to be one anothers support system. Holding one another accountable no matter what...

    Your New Friend Lisa...
  • lostemt
    lostemt Posts: 152 Member
    feel free to add me
  • shellybob79
    shellybob79 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi there, i'm the same have spent most of my adult life losing weight and feeling great only to get lazy and put it back on again hoping that time time i can maintain my goal weight once i get there. Feel free to add me.
  • khager32
    I'm new to MFP & could use some motivating friends on here also. I'm 32, married, 3 kids (2 step-kids & now a 10 month old). I lost most of the baby weight, but need to lose the rest of it plus would like 30 more!
  • fat2fit83

    I have nobody at all on my friend list, please do feel free to add me :)

    I have lost 48lbs sice November last year, 23 of those by useing this fab app!
  • SkullMama73
    I'm 39, mother of two, and new to the message boards. If anyone wishes to friend me, please do so. We're all in this together!
  • MrsKato1021
    MrsKato1021 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello ALl..feel free to add me!! I love MFP..I am also a beachbody coach..been doing beacbody programs for the past 2yrs..I love them. I also have a fitbit..feel free to check out any of my websites...on facebook I have a fitness forum...Mrskatos Fitness forum. I also have a beachbody website..and today there is an awesome sale love fitness and beachbody!!! I love connecting with people and helping them on there fitness journey!!
    HLAMODEI Posts: 22 Member
    Feel free to befriend me! -Heather
  • karietate
    karietate Posts: 39 Member
    Hi there, I live in Indiana and am a mother of 3 teenagers and 1 grandbaby..I know EXACTLY how you feel...please feel free to add me...we can do this :)
  • javs_23
    Hi! I'm 23 from the UK, joined last week and finding it really great how positive and helpful everyone is! Please feel free to add me :)
  • allie491
    allie491 Posts: 91 Member
    Add me! I am a 35 year old mother of two boys with the same goals as you! To be fit and healthy, not perfect :)
  • bella24xo
    bella24xo Posts: 177 Member
    i need some new motivational friends as well! please add away !
  • india98101
    im 21, i was very fit when i was in middle school and even throughout HS, Always heavier but it suited me very well and i was active , so i didnt think too much about my weight. I would love it those close to my age that could really be the motivation i need to get back to where i use to be. Im open and happy to be a supporter to anyone :)
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    anyone feel free to ADD ME.