Losing weigh to get pregnant!



  • foxgl0ve
    foxgl0ve Posts: 43 Member
    Any of you can add me as well. I'm trying to get my body as fit and healthy as possible, partly for myself, but also hopefully to help me conceive.

    I've found MFP to be such an amazing and supportive community. I'm happy to keep the good karma rolling and be your cheerleader.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Hey guys! Just looking for other people I can add as friends who are in the same boat as I'm in. I don't have any health related issues regarding my weight as far as I know I can get pregnant but I want to be a much healthier weight before I try to concieve. I mean I'm 26, been with my Husband for 5 years married for 2 and we are so ready! As heavy as I am though, it's just not an option. Anyone else out there on the same page as I am?! Would love the support and motivation! (=

    Huh. I think you just typed my life story :laugh: I'm also 26, have been with my husband 5 years (ok, about 5.5) and we've been married a little over 2 years. I'm a little over my healthy weight and we're not going to ttc (never heard that abbreviation until this thread, haha!) until after the winter - I want to snowboard! That gives me time to shed the last few pounds I have to go!

    Friend request sent :tongue: Anyone else, feel free to add me too!
  • I got pregnant twice (once with twins) when I was 25 pounds overweight and lost both pregnancies early on. So, I wasn't really thinking about the weight being a problem since I wasn't that overweight. I thought it had more to do with my age which was 35 the first time I conceived. But I was tired of the extra weight and got to working out and counting calories and lost the weight and conceived again. I was able to carry this one to term without any problems and now have a beautiful two year old son. Of course, now I am 41 and am 99% sure we will not be trying again since it was a little bit of a trial getting this one here. I do believe that losing the weight did help me have a healthy pregnancy. I wish you all the luck with your weight loss journey and with your future pregnancies. Feel free to friend me. :)
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Just a question: Why would someone take metformin (which is for diabetes) to loose weight and get pregnant?
    As a nurse, I really would doubt, that you do your body good, IF you do not have diabetes!
    Just my 2 cents!
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Wish I had! My darling daughter came along a little earlier than my husband and I anticipated and I was heavier than I would have liked to have been before getting pregnant.

    I was about 25 lbs overweight pre-pregnancy, gained an untold amount during (she came early so I didn't have a recent weight pre-delivery) and when I worked up the nerve to get back on the scale after about a month post-delivery I was an extra 25 pounds heavier -- that's now 50 lbs over goal weight! Took 4 months of struggling on my own to try to lose the weight an only dropping 2 lbs... then I finally found MFP. I'm 7 lbs down now, but my daughter is almost 6 months old! I would love to get the rest off before I go back to work. A healthy weight is difficult to achieve with shift work, but should be maintainable.

    I'm glad you're thinking about this now! I'm really looking forward to being a healthy weight again, though I am a little bit scared of what a second pregnancy might do to my weight-- when I think rationally, though, I know that I'll have the strength and wisdom to continue to eat well and exercise during my next pregnancy, and the confidence to work it off afterwards!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    smart idea btw.......
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I lost over 40 lbs before getting pregnant, and it was a great great thing not only for my baby but for me too.

    Take this time to relearn how to eat and live. Give yourself the gift of a good relationship with food and your body before you get pregnant. Those tools you learn along the way will be a godsend during pregnancy to manage your pregnancy gain and beyond for managing your post-pregnancy life as well. These are life skills you can pass on to your children as well, so take your time and do this right.

    My advice to you is to be patient. Do not let your excitement to become a mom make you make bad decisions and crash diet to drop your weight too fast. Slow and steady with an eye for fixing the real problems that brought you to your current weight and health is the way to go with this.

    Good luck to you!
  • KristiBell1
    KristiBell1 Posts: 61 Member
    Just a question: Why would someone take metformin (which is for diabetes) to loose weight and get pregnant?
    As a nurse, I really would doubt, that you do your body good, IF you do not have diabetes!
    Just my 2 cents!

    A lot of women with pcos are also insulin resistant. Metformin helps to regulate it. It is prescribe by most doctors to a lot of patients with pcos.
  • twentyquestions
    twentyquestions Posts: 5 Member
    I'm no longer trying to get pregnant (I'm now trying to not get pregnant) but I highly recommend Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. It teaches you how to use the fertility awareness method to know when (or if) you're ovulating and how to time things to increase your chances of getting pregnant (or not getting pregnant). If you're planning to wait a little longer to TTC anyway, you can start charting now so that you can learn more about how to do it and also get an idea of how YOUR body works. I used it to get pregnant both times. I had irregular cycles at the time so it really helped me. The web site at http://www.tcoyf.com/ also has a great community forum for support and information.
  • I am doing the same thing! You can add me if you want :-) I am doing turbofire for workouts and going to start chalean extreme afterwards. I am at 1260 a day which is hard for me so I love new ideas from diaries. I would love to support you!
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    Hey guys! Just looking for other people I can add as friends who are in the same boat as I'm in. I don't have any health related issues regarding my weight as far as I know I can get pregnant but I want to be a much healthier weight before I try to concieve. I mean I'm 26, been with my Husband for 5 years married for 2 and we are so ready! As heavy as I am though, it's just not an option. Anyone else out there on the same page as I am?! Would love the support and motivation! (=

    I am 24, got pregnant at 20, had him at 21..... We weren't trying, but we also weren't not trying. :) I think it took over a year for my husband and I to conceive and I was at like 217 lbs and 5'4. ..... We recently started trying for a second again, tried for only 6 months and then I decided that I don't want it to take over a year, and I also do not want to be as big as I was last time, so I am losing weight before we try again.. maybe it will work, maybe it won't. I hope it works for you
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Just a question: Why would someone take metformin (which is for diabetes) to loose weight and get pregnant?
    As a nurse, I really would doubt, that you do your body good, IF you do not have diabetes!
    Just my 2 cents!

    A lot of women with pcos are also insulin resistant. Metformin helps to regulate it. It is prescribe by most doctors to a lot of patients with pcos.
    Ah thanks now I get the picture. the way it was written before I understood, that it was to loose weight and I was thinking how that would work out, but now I get the picture clear thanks!
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    I am in the same boat been ttc for 8 monthes. everything appears to be normal and it is just the amount of weight. Im not regular because of it. Trying so hard to get things undercontrol so we can concieve. Would love to make new friends going through the same thing...anyone feel free to add me.
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    I am trying to get pregnant again and other than my weight I am healthy. My current BMI is 33 and my doc said it will be much easier to get pregnant once your BMI is 30 or under. As a matter of fact I have been told fertility doctors won't even see a woman whose BMI is over 30 cause they will determine that as the cause of not getting pregnant. Good luck and if you want to add me that is fine with me. :smile:
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Just a question: Why would someone take metformin (which is for diabetes) to loose weight and get pregnant?
    As a nurse, I really would doubt, that you do your body good, IF you do not have diabetes!
    Just my 2 cents!

    This is a medication also used to treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I don't know if I ovulate or not. Is that something my OBGYN can easily detect?!

    I buy the ovulation kit from walmart. I believe it costs about $35.00 There are like 30 sticks in it. You start 5 days after the start of your period and keep testing until you get a positive which means you are ovulating. I track everything down in my handy dandy calendar. Now I can predict a few days before I ovulate. (not exact, but I have an idea) This is the best time to try to conceive. A couple days before you ovulate, the day of, and probably a day or two after. Make sure to track everything down from the first day of your period and the day you ovulate. If you don't ovulate for a couple months, that is when I would go in to see an OB Doc. We've been trying for about a year and a half now (just recently got married though) I test positive for ovulating every month, but not sure what is going on. It can be a stressful time, try to keep your head up! And good for you losing weight before trying to conceive. :) Good luck with everything!
  • Steellotus
    Steellotus Posts: 25 Member
    I don't know if I ovulate or not. Is that something my OBGYN can easily detect?!

    I buy the ovulation kit from walmart. I believe it costs about $35.00 There are like 30 sticks in it. You start 5 days after the start of your period and keep testing until you get a positive which means you are ovulating. I track everything down in my handy dandy calendar. Now I can predict a few days before I ovulate. (not exact, but I have an idea) This is the best time to try to conceive. A couple days before you ovulate, the day of, and probably a day or two after. Make sure to track everything down from the first day of your period and the day you ovulate. If you don't ovulate for a couple months, that is when I would go in to see an OB Doc. We've been trying for about a year and a half now (just recently got married though) I test positive for ovulating every month, but not sure what is going on. It can be a stressful time, try to keep your head up! And good for you losing weight before trying to conceive. :) Good luck with everything!

    just to note- i have atypical symptoms of PCOS. no cysts, regular periods. i do NOT ovulate, but i get positives on ovulation kits.
  • Steellotus
    Steellotus Posts: 25 Member
    I don't know if I ovulate or not. Is that something my OBGYN can easily detect?!

    After trying for a while (usually a year or so) dr can refer you to a reproductive endocrinologist. they will give you a series of tests (ultra sounds, checking if your tubes are clear, looking for cysts an checking hormone levels at certain times throughout your cycle) if your tubes are clear and you're ovulating there's nothing to do, but they will test your hubby. If tubes are clear and you're not ovulating they will recommend something like clomid to induce ovulation (had this to get pregnant with my son) if your tubes are blocked then IVF would be the only route- no point in prescribing a med to make you ovulate if your tubes are blocked up.

    that being said, 9/10 if you're having a regular period, then you're probably ovulating.
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I lost over 40 lbs before getting pregnant, and it was a great great thing not only for my baby but for me too.

    Take this time to relearn how to eat and live. Give yourself the gift of a good relationship with food and your body before you get pregnant. Those tools you learn along the way will be a godsend during pregnancy to manage your pregnancy gain and beyond for managing your post-pregnancy life as well. These are life skills you can pass on to your children as well, so take your time and do this right.

    My advice to you is to be patient. Do not let your excitement to become a mom make you make bad decisions and crash diet to drop your weight too fast. Slow and steady with an eye for fixing the real problems that brought you to your current weight and health is the way to go with this.

    Good luck to you!

    I needed this. Thank you.
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I don't know if I ovulate or not. Is that something my OBGYN can easily detect?!

    I buy the ovulation kit from walmart. I believe it costs about $35.00 There are like 30 sticks in it. You start 5 days after the start of your period and keep testing until you get a positive which means you are ovulating. I track everything down in my handy dandy calendar. Now I can predict a few days before I ovulate. (not exact, but I have an idea) This is the best time to try to conceive. A couple days before you ovulate, the day of, and probably a day or two after. Make sure to track everything down from the first day of your period and the day you ovulate. If you don't ovulate for a couple months, that is when I would go in to see an OB Doc. We've been trying for about a year and a half now (just recently got married though) I test positive for ovulating every month, but not sure what is going on. It can be a stressful time, try to keep your head up! And good for you losing weight before trying to conceive. :) Good luck with everything!