GM diet is working for me.

I've been on the General Motors (I know, a car company, seriously?) Diet for three days now and have lost nearly ten pounds. My first attempts at diet and exercise failed miserably and I ballooned up to nearly 190lbs. You can imagine how angry I was. Anyway, I tried this diet, and it seems to be working well. First off let me say, I detest dieting. I have never stuck to a diet longer than six hours before.

The GM diet is not like others, not for me at least. You can EAT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! You are encouraged to actually. There are restrictions, and I'll admit, after the first half of the day I was craving some serious munchies. (I don't like any fruit so an all fruit day was a challenge for me.) However, I stuck with it and I woke up feeling great! Seriously, I had more energy, my day was brighter and I had the motivation to actually do things.

If you're looking for something that might help I would try this. It's a one week thing, then you get three 'cheat days'. You can then go on it again and lose even more nasty fat. Rinse and repeat I hope.

Good luck with your weight loss. Here's a link to the only diet I have managed to stay on, and lose weight with.


  • Amanda82691
    Amanda82691 Posts: 298 Member
    I've seen this same diet and it wasn't called the GM diet. But I know two girls who did this and claim they lost around 10-15 pounds doing so.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    This is a ridiculous diet.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    This diet has been posted on MFP before with a variety of different names.
    Glad it's working for you, but why not just eat a healthy balanced "diet" that consists of all the food groups (unless you have some kind of food allergies) and focus on portion control, rather than try something restrictive and complicated?
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    ahhh the cabbage soup diet. While I do love this soup and have several container in the freezer, Just cause it love soup . I would rather keep on eating healthy and keep on the slow and steady loss that I have.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    PS If you ate 8 bananas in one day, you've eaten 800+ calories in bananas and you will likely be ill and never want to eat a banana
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    PS If you ate 8 bananas in one day, you've eaten 800+ calories in bananas and you will likely be ill and never want to eat a banana

    thats a lot of potassi YUM!
  • no puedo ver la pagina...
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    Sounds a little crazy to me, but with less than two weeks before I get to meet Rick Springfield, might be worth a try - once, lol!
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    I did the GM diet this past fall and it was awesome. hahaha I had a wedding to go to and that's why I did it. However, I only lost 2 pounds ALL WEEK. Which sucked. HOWEVER. It jumped started my healthy eating like you would not believe. I lost all of my cravings for sweets and junk food. I learned to STOP EATING when I was full and only eat when I was hungry. I didn't mindless snack (because who sits in front of a TV and eats too many one.)

    I'm glad it's going well. But use the cleanse for what it's worth... to get back on track... not for weight loss.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    also banana day was BY FAR the easiest day. I only ate 5 bananas and had 3 glasses of milk. no soup.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    I am glad you are enjoying that. It's definitely not for me.
  • I did this a couple times and it worked although I wouldn't say I recomend it. Also I only lost 8 pounds and gained back 4 when returning to just normal eating under my calories. I say if it works for you go for it!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I'm not even going to bother looking at the diet plan. It's not going to work long term. The only sustainable path towards achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and a strong body is to eat a balanced, nutritious diet and to exercise regularly. Forget diets and pills and all the nonsense that tell you to eat 20 bananas a day and exclude carbs between 10am and 2pm monday through friday eastern standard time. There is no easy way around the path you must take. Lean on your MFP and real life friends and family and keep your eyes on the prize. It is worth the wait.
  • This sounds disgusting, unhealthy, unreasonable, and frankly, kinda ridiculous. My hubby and I wouldn't even be able to do it because I don't eat red meat, and he is highly allergic to tomatoes... I will gladly stick with eating whatever I want, counting calories, and losing slowly but steadily :)
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    I mean the majority of the weight you lost was water. And its liable to come back once you start eating again. So its pretty much pointless. But whatever makes you feel good.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Sounds a little crazy to me, but with less than two weeks before I get to meet Rick Springfield, might be worth a try - once, lol!

    that guy still alive? where is Jessie's girl these days?
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    Sounds a little crazy to me, but with less than two weeks before I get to meet Rick Springfield, might be worth a try - once, lol!

    that guy still alive? where is Jessie's girl these days?

    LOL, yup. He's 61 years young, and is actually on tour right now (has a new album and everything.) He'll be in NYC on November 30th, so that's where I'm headed at the end of the month.

    And FWIW, I was just joking about trying this diet - I could never do it. Day 4 alone would kill me, as bananas just don't agree with me. :sick: :ohwell:
  • kandilynn03
    kandilynn03 Posts: 110 Member
    It lost me at eating six tomatoes. I can't even eat one (yuck!) I like what I'm doing now. GM can keep it's tomatoes.

    My sister was telling me about a woman she knows that went on a diet like this one, she lost down to a size 6 and she didn't like how she looked at that size, so she started eating again to get to a size 12.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    The bananas and milk day would kill me. My heart goes funny when I eat more than 1 banana and a teaspoon of milk would give me the runs. Not sure what eating several bananas and all the milk I could fit would do to me. Certainly, I would lose weight!
  • pwgirl724
    pwgirl724 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm trying this diet right now. For all them haters, its not meant to be sustainable it is supposed to be a way to detox your body to kickstart a healthy lifestyle. I have friends who have tried it and they raved about it so I thought i would give it a try!